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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
Operation Tango 395230520 876355
SHENZHEN I/O 4736615 953396
Deadlink 3510226525 912748
Jack Move 2342610620 79654
Gunpoint 264342810 9710021
SPRAWL 26503115 871293
EXAPUNKS 53251620 961265
Beyond a Steel Sky 2494321535 881142
TIS-100 4424107 973149
System Crash 3423351015 84240
Duskers 20351620 902164
Internet Cafe Simulator 2 19522320 7411403
Pony Island 49182055 9513750
Mainlining 2418613 79268
Bots Are Stupid 17403213 84110
Analogue: A Hate Story 31161410 941674
Conglomerate 451 341660520 63141
Mainframe Defenders 27151456 87612
Light 142213613 58340
Silicon Zeroes 13231315 88240
LIBERATED 135618620 77626
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength 14012191010 771357
Sorry, James 64121057 79708
Replica 3810863 852879
SIMULACRA 2 7310278 881273
Observer: System Redux 91112330 861960
RUNOUT 913134 9112
Midnight Protocol 89918515 88211
Archimedes 81352 79179
Access Denied: Escape 834145 94158
Antecrypt 83196 9020
Deva|Second-Person Horror 9718...
Hack RUN 127523 84208
Roombo: First Blood - JUSTICE SUCKS 7431655 87254
ReHack 67472 7642
Danger Scavenger 6964155 70321
Else Heart.Break() 53625 79315
Cyber Ops 62030515 4299
Algotica Iterations 617757 51137
Hack Run ZERO 610723 9033
Streamer Life Simulator 3751520 796556
FireTry 115153...
Hacker.exe 55129 1618
Operation: Tango - Demo 95 852046
hack_me 2 1951056 72475
BitVault 5291912 10045
Hacker Series 1651 4316
RE:Solver 49...
Republique 6342610 77818
Server is Down 8467 3312
Security Hole 42888610 8555
Cybernetic Fault 423620 78166
JUSTICE SUCKS 4773720 94156
The Black Watchmen 43548510 89621
Song of Farca 47828620 81921
H0ST 4871 8116
Tech Support: Error Unknown 35418710 74530
Deadnaut 31923610 67123
Digital Siege 732015 933
Proxy - Ultimate Hacker 3123478 9112
Untrusted 37335 86939
Sig.Null 2331688 70119
VICCP 3231555 69160
Hacker Man 31853...
Call of Duty: Ghosts 3794060 6311690
City Eye 3171010 3368
Hacker Evolution - 2019 HD remaster 1333...
Access Denied 333753 79261
CuberPunk 2090 34913...
I'm looking for 3024 people 2175 3946
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 282100910 846006
Cyber Attack 213965 73161
Glitchpunk 26510720 51159
HA/CK 28910 8015
NITE Team 4 26625820 90970
Orwell 174227610 908354
The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother 217115 81222
Retool 219868...
Codename: Terranova 2106924 6520
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance 21215430 494708
Cyber Protocol 2102410 9522
Hacker Evolution 30251 70396
Midnight Heist 2412210 92257
Thief Simulator 2 213552520 904609
Uplink 22210 901694
Malware 225163 88978
Cyberia 22410 9436
Zly.ii: The Hacked Station 2485...
PINEAPPLE 265 8817
Counter Terrorist Agency 21223720 44466
4th Generation Warfare 2181530 60123
Crypto Against All Odds 213237 8567
Recompile 2592520 67134
Beat Stickman: Beyond 2143110 7315
UNSAFE EXPRESS 2191612 61219
CYPEST Underground 1684...
Galactic Glitch: Prologue 1637 97169
hack_me 231576 681470
Leak Elite 1482...
Cyber Manhunt 1104621010 9313546
Beast Agenda 2030 1153815...
AGENT 00111 1136 5812
베일드 엣지(Veiled Edge) 16815 10018
The Pest 17112...
Invisible Apartment Zero 194 5010
Smilemo 1141410 75999
Battle Jacked 1105510...
Anonymous Hacker Simulator 19254620 86505
Grey Block 192810...
Chained 110295...
Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer 142...
RGB Rush 1271456 95148
Freebot : Battle for FreeWeb 171002 6118
Computer Repair Shop 1262310 66470
Sapper - Defuse The Bomb Simulator 1161910 3469
Cyber Manhunt 2: New World - The Hacking Simulator 15329813 923629
Hassle 1977 1713...
Quantum Odyssey 181718 9520
Brigand: Oaxaca 15374129 95412
Wirewalk()↳ 113213 9679
Hack Grid 113165 10023
Watch&Run 11086...
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Multiplayer 18511160 6311684
Crash Override 17465...
Hacker Simulator 16125 761001
Spreadstorm 1162410 9214
ABI-DOS 16208 96239
Beneath a Steel Sky (1994) 11 90482
Debugger 3.16: Hack'n'Run 1218123 7625
Internet Cafe Simulator 5611510 758284
Rogue Bit 131912 91113
Watch_Dogs 18749620 7741790
Sketchbots 171610...
Jack In Town 112 8318
Hack Time 163...
Darknet 11515 8669
ClusterDisaster 118205...
Dogs and Pigs 16152...
STRIDE: Fates 1223130 59127
Keyword: A Spider's Thread 154817 79230
The Alpha 001 | TAZZO 16133...
Hacktag 16642910 68311
Monogon: Echoes 141110 5354
Logic Escape 113117 9418
HeistGeist 1284320 9665
Kate Don't Wait 154...
The Signal State 18315520 87519
The Lonely Hacker 1610 10011
Cyborg Earthworm 155...
Hacknet 179111510 9315911
The Yellow Ladder 172...
Hacker Evolution - Untold 26151 65175
Hard Chip 114815 9522
HACK the FBI 06...
OveRRooT 063010 10013
Bankster 04...
World Wide Hack 01217 6966
Lonely Space 013...
System Zero 08...
Street Artist Simulator 03...
The Heist 015...
Virtual Circuit Board 05315 94251
Viravius Shooter 002...
HACK_IT 01950514 24129
Loot List 02...
Null State 00...
Crime Pays 045...
Beyond the Fringe 0210...
Macro Data Refinement Simulator 00185...
PI.EXE 0210 8958
VR Invaders 01618 8031
Save Data 04...
hackmud 04119 79724
Ichth.ys 0610...
Decker 076...
ASTRA-256 Assembler 0612 7617
Agent 64: Spies Never Die 095...
AI Learns To Drive 0214 10055
Prisnhax 004...
Sylvarcon 2049: A Cybersecurity Aventure 0191030...
ULTRATORO 2 Playtest 01 10021
DataJack 00 9254
Hacker's Restart 01555 4719
Pan Panda 03 83202
Bug Hunters 00...
The Dark: Survival RPG 01569 6322
Hacker Evolution Source Code 44010 8111
Spy Robot: Gateways To Humanity 0510...
MAYBE I CAN 051510...
SPIN Protocol 01244...
Logic - Keypad 012155 8827
Chaos Chain 01637515 9343
Speed 043...
Bonding Ambivalence Playtest 00 93816
Alpha and Iota Playtest 0019...
GUN BLADE 0510...
Netspectre 07...
LYMBUS 041810...