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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
Cassette Beasts 12012312320 957155
The Bookwalker 1148937715 921419
Against the Storm 87247501130 9527221
Curse of the Dead Gods 827730520 857105
Two Point Campus 7373401530 894157
Disco Elysium 7094401440 9397904
Jagged Alliance 3 68197501045 899287
Sands of Aura 7066125 79531
The Ascent 9764661130 7517613
Phoenix Point 6863471025 724517
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales 627639520 9014306
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 5969931020 918569
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition 58711291020 9213818
Midnight Fight Express 103544020 911596
Gamedec - Definitive Edition 6154531130 79979
Partisans 1941 7353301030 826876
Raji: An Ancient Epic 8652211025 861887
War Mongrels 51745945 721550
RUINER 5088331020 899393
Pillars of Eternity 495448830 8715505
Battle Chasers: Nightwar 4969481430 875364
Phantom Doctrine 644947940 743611
Children of Morta 487645522 8915999
Pathologic 2 994750935 928224
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - Aiko's Choice 1124644620 933562
Unpacking 4612825820 9328996
Timelie 456422518 951688
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition 894550820 944102
Disciples: Liberation 1054550840 742394
Hidden Folks 44448815 977315
Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition 17143741220 7726312
Eldest Souls 14043501320 772523
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases 43724620 77913
Wasteland 3 42112861040 8415968
Mages of Mystralia 554030520 86823
Surviving the Aftermath 40546830 722909
There Is No Light 185403920 74522
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows 3942271520 88337
Bad North 39511115 939985
A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build 3939515 96574
Darksiders Genesis 3910730730 839128
Warhammer: Chaosbane 7139431530 592942
Seven: Enhanced Edition 385135730 761306
The Bard's Tale 374151820 77901
Desperados III 3711136940 969838
STASIS 63362778 791536
Hexarchy 178365920 83794
Avernum 3: Ruined World 543535520 87207
ATOM RPG Trudograd 713532511 863495
Garden Story 359121620 901159
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut 403450645 761810
Encased 1683447530 773907
Magicka 2 344847915 828928
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders 89331030 88126
Killsquad 8533156830 712853
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector 24632301040 894028
Rise of Industry 11532271030 743035
Figment 2: Creed Valley 1543218525 94702
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut 314139715 895125
Nebuchadnezzar 933148620 801319
Solstice Chronicles: MIA 314621515 70238
Darksburg 83316915 641626
The Battle of Polytopia 69301215 943879
Stirring Abyss 96303225 88303
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis 9930411225 791245
Fae Tactics 104301020 861010
Gauntlet™ 293646620 816314
Batora: Lost Haven 297030525 75177
Monsters' Den: Godfall 342969515 84450
The Sexy Brutale 602918920 912520
Lara Croft GO 422917610 932904
Slaycation Paradise 50291915 82110
Ember 283922910 75883
SYNTHETIK 2861271220 949717
RUNNING WITH RIFLES 286545615 8813971
Stronghold Legends 283460515 861969
Tyranny 275770930 879244
Geometric Sniper 28273562 84261
Tooth and Tail 1932738920 822825
Bastion 572724515 9527417
Hell Let Loose 2610415850 8487897
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition 10626501020 902781
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark 9826531530 894597
Nitro Kid 26524620 89345
Xenonauts 26441325 873628
Little Big Workshop 962649820 842340
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun 1022644840 9629491
Victor Vran 342690820 853645
RAD 1132637620 76616
Leap of Fate 592550616 88324
Hard West 6125351020 753910
The Age of Decadence 2449109915 813244
Immortal Planet 3824915 82171
Livelock 242850810 80557
Torchlight II 6124119620 9231912
Tyrant's Blessing 24505420 72239
Search Party 2427165 9296
Hatred 24467456 8317787
There Came an Echo 242516515 71243
Alchemist Adventure 245032515 7579
Dead Estate 23106981215 954748
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard 1102339630 592752
Twinsen's Little Big Adventure Classic 23282010 89362
Weaving Tides 23474125 8446
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain 492354820 77334
Rebel Cops 1022333510 771379
Zenith 3123128 72393
Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2 Classic 39232010 98753
Eximius: Seize the Frontline 222817810 74477
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of The Nine Realms 22392550 8223
Sugar Shack 22481920 68202
Fights in Tight Spaces 221464025 922661
Dreadlands 22293525 58133
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition 60226020 863395
Siralim 3 214611721515 94872
EDGE 2121477 921748
Next Up Hero 2421261020 6069
The Magister 21271015 9086
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 392095615 837450
Necronator: Dead Wrong 24204520 68342
Stronghold HD 202356 958012
Harmony's Odyssey 672036915 93249
World to the West 2060361415 79182
Warman 342020 8257
Tower of Time 1311977925 831981
The Little Acre 1001927513 86500
Vectronom 19432010 96244
Kill to Collect 331957610 68166
It came from space and ate our brains 192957610 79166
Alien Shooter TD 192421710 84630
Fear Effect Sedna 194324620 44139
FIVE: Guardians of David 1919211510 72108
Attack of the Earthlings 52193715 86290
SimCity 4 Deluxe 511820 807657
Unrailed! 186948520 9312692
Dungeons 3 1991860530 9312334
Cardboard Town 189011720 821490
Tokyo 42 18311920 71377
Blitzkrieg Anthology 19185 901258
The Serpent Rogue 12118411020 66123
PAC-MAN 256 110181055 941174
Tainted Grail 1813240620 906727
Broken Lines 18567925 76577
Conduct DELUXE! 18249810 83174
Alien Shooter 17201765 953359
Tunguska: The Visitation - Enhanced Edition 17761820 881135
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II 251763615 701871
A Long Way Down 45179618 57113
Murder Mystery Machine 17611920 53109
Ikenfell 180162720 92646
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1 2816267 91950
Deflector 1669920 87277
Two Point Hospital 1610461830 9224773
She Remembered Caterpillars 821613512 96159
Eschalon: Book 2 19166 8693
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 80163015 59240
Megapolis 19162255 7598
Stories: The Path of Destinies 671637615 871886
Shattered Planet 281670815 68381
Felix the Reaper 891626510 80199
Seven Kingdoms 2 HD 171610 83308
Dungeon Rats 1620158 78556
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack 163010 884548
Undungeon 16532420 67232
UFO: Aftermath 32154 78242
Breach & Clear 153064610 821994
Bombshell 1552391035 59189
Townopolis 17152255 7371
Deathtrap 154447520 841763
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe 37156 946651
Invisible, Inc. 1599231020 914881
Stronghold Crusader HD 1538610 9715879
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 30151210 923296
Company of Crime 28152020 52138
Rogue Wizards 15281815 79123
圣女战旗 Banner of the Maid 156924817 876043
Alien Shooter 2 Conscription 2315510 80274
Trident's Wake 22152615 4580
Westboro 17151754 68275
Eon Altar 30154165 86566
Recipe for Disaster 155115 70560
Romopolis 14182255 7894
One Hundred Ways 1418108 4717
Royal Heroes 34142581 77254
Instant Farmer 1423852 92144
Ancient Planet 34144775 84785
Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! 401452810 64114
2Dark 561415625 82465
Convoluted Incident: Pinch me 14289 9011
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2 1427267 89599
Alien Hallway 2 1714225 67123
Jotun: Valhalla Edition 631436615 782109
Eschalon: Book 3 141810 7873
Outbreak 141939810 6698
Sanitarium 13532013 931042
Brigador: Up-Armored Edition 136065625 944198
Shadows: Awakening 1831345630 751482
Slayaway Camp 135550109 95634