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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
Jusant 1111182125 942851
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 1081852340 9810966
Sunset Overdrive 6192801520 9010378
Super Fancy Pants Adventure 47471610 921752
Severed Steel 4780521025 955198
Friends vs Friends 218463010 849198
Seven: Enhanced Edition 466135730 761298
Sonic Lost World 438210030 653426
Overgrowth 6742620 855416
Lara Croft GO 413917610 932898
Ultimate Chicken Horse 399631715 9635025
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition 37595920 9358402
Only Up: SKIBIDI TOGETHER 3637255 78282
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition 8233501530 7813766
Styx: Shards of Darkness 1063338720 844003
N++ 323433915 952442
Outlast 2 289024730 9145116
Deadlight Director’s Cut 58283212 72736
Human Fall Flat 6727111720 94160842
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition 112265820 865203
SpeedRunners 922529515 9422359
Super Cloudbuilt 442538820 87283
Youropa 104231515 93263
Thief 235337820 7516495
Streamline 242349820 6071
Shadow Warrior 2 237364730 8723069
My Friend Pedro 221253020 9623385
Tomb Raider: Anniversary 22319 815798
Deadlight 522231515 799236
Tokyo 42 21361920 71377
Castle on the Coast 21254115 9798
Outlast 352114520 9690449
Hover 95201020 821494
Tomb Raider: Underworld 20279 765340
They Always Run 208911510 79644
Sumoman 361920515 79519
You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition 319192520 89373
Extinction 28192730 39123
Clustertruck 74191915 9313013
Rise of the Tomb Raider 1880143630 94107362
Tomb Raider: Legend 18297 874576
Ninja Pizza Girl 18312857 8599
WarriOrb 17236813 77119
The King's Bird 117161320 74332
Deadbeat Heroes 5516141515 7814
Dustforce 57161810 931162
KUNAI 16482217 77400
Hello Neighbor 2 161111440 762479
Dying Light: Bad Blood 1615520 693718
Velocity Noodle 15521413 9226
Dishonored 2 158950830 8939068
AFTERGRINDER 24152163 6819
DEATHLOOP 1512858860 7718765
Remember Me 1510950630 8310205
Journey For Elysium 37141410 8153
STRIDE 145651820 801997
Amberial Dreams 14449109 10050
Die Young 1473481010 791453
Doodle Derby 4214206 7142
Frick, Inc. 631454...
Verlet Swing 112132815 91310
City Climber 42132352 77347
Just Cause 3 133866620 8497802
Sprint Vector 19134930 83566
Impulsion 83132713 89137
Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™ 131093030 868740
Grow Home 12622658 933773
Styx: Master of Shadows 1591233620 838414
Aerial_Knights Never Yield 12312812 8279
Mirror's Edge 1286720 8728882
Mahluk:Dark demon 1215654 6788
Get To The Orange Door 1264520 882953
Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ 251274820 9257654
PROTOTYPE 2 121034340 749214
Flippin Misfits 2811475 5856
Crumble 511132815 90612
Instant Death 20117530 7439
Death Fungeon 24113 7363
Sleeping Dogs™ 1146598 9310046
Pro Gymnast 10221315 9291
Parkour Game 1310121 5616
Frog Climbers 103257 83189
Escape from Naraka 10512215 8176
Lone Land 101114 8060
The Free Ones 10671853 78776
TRON RUN/r 96920820 79330
Catch Me! 992010 9521
Bjorn 13913 5922
BANG! BANG! Totally Accurate Redneck Simulator 2291 94229
No More Rainbows 83420 9398
Vector Velocity 26810 5411
Marble Parkour 88382 6636
Shadow Ninja: Apocalypse 88102 57144
City Zoomer 81275 95139
DeadCore 8532910 851566
Parkour Simulator 8111318 3033
Quake Live 853581110 873865
Jumping Cat 11893 6936
Session: Skate Sim 81464825 8411818
The Botanist 178203...
BalloonBoyBob 137701 9226
Superflight 760243 9610612
Joshua's Legs 71514 9434
Blade Symphony 1572691 654699
Synthrun 147101...
Assassin's Creed Origins 7162671060 8598782
Valley 78030515 916153
Parking Cop Simulator 77122 8010
Refunct 7591053 9615850
Downward: Enhanced Edition 712830510 70480
Only Up! 710918 7314991
Rising Islands 72215510 5347
Doggo Dig Down 107124...
Planet Surfer 1276 10015
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell 155730915 951988
Dying Light 710778820 95326161
Crazy Derby Racing 975 10011
Fallen from the sky 7810 4010
Mr. Parkour 3 9754...
Everlasting Guilt 615715...
Glyph 6421910 9590
RYAN BLACK 6171561 3426
Noob Adventure: Parkour 3D 216510 9213
Submerged 69410520 754185
Redactem 5262451 63157
Mr.President! 63921510 834294
Splash Jump 861...
Cyber Hook 16262215 952699
Pseudoregalia 61786 9711950
CUBE-e 6910...
FOTONICA 63220515 88625
Boiling Steel 63815 81337
Infinity Runner 63257147 6986
Risk of Pain 6610 9213
Thomas Scott 216171 8318
Bug Dolls: Soviet Project 6114410 6229
Turbo Golf Racing 3046210 88578
Robo Go 5510...
JUST DASH 573 6816
Feathered Run: Worlds 51010 8111
TUMBLE 1053...
Neon Parkour 851002 10014
Oracle Trials 1051 9010
Bunny Hop League 5285756 73565
Crappy Climber 6535 8826
Sphere Game Epic 85182...
DrugRunner 651...
Joy Climb 11553 8122
Grapple Tournament 51615 91342
ERSATZ 511172 9213
Vehicle VR 23572...
Almost There: The Platformer 123524510 78114
Mummy, mummy, mummy! 8510 10011
Cave Runner 1151012...
Sphere Game Legendary 205232...
HATCH 1053 9365
georifters 5165415...
VThree 510198 3674
Cube Shifter 55251...
The Line 581...
忍者快递 1252...
Kings and Pigs Prequel 75910 7613
Cargo Truck Racer 75132...
HotFloor 2745 7323
KILLRUN 423225 72148
Area 86 4161610 7722
Lemma 45413515 81120
VRIKING 49118...
Furgal's Jetpack 641 9112
Conundrum 4410...
Climbtime 849 5848
Grapple Hoops 4121612 7865
Pogo Girlfriend 541001 10014
Freon 4510...
BeatNClean 742...
Just Old 4654...
Vision Runner 411810...
Vylan 54118...
Car Parkour 74100 6523
Dare Course 412812 7319
Boson X 4311855 931303
Capsule Rush 4531...
Cloudbuilt 49637720 85778
NORR part I: Ace Shot 46166...
BeachRun 417525 10010
Last Warrior 94561 6822
Marble Parkour 2: Roll and roll 48142 7613
Trails of the Black Sun 4101710 4511
Mainly at Rest 244235 5221
Zombie Runner 475...
Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube 32417610 87589
Splash Fly Fire 1141...
Rhythm Rush! 41278121 67148
Bike of the Wild 485 5219
Run'N'Get 184810 5217
Only Trump: Up To Presidents! 445189 8419
Smart Cube 413581 6439
Spring Dash 3178 9053
Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered 34427860 9674438
Donuts Runner 635...