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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
Road 96 18418712720 9114794
Disco Elysium 152199401440 9385219
Not For Broadcast 24810963525 948579
Yes, Your Grace 10912235920 868273
Victoria 3 10113045850 6729008
Rebel Inc: Escalation 2449699815 835287
Interrogation: You will be deceived 6375301513 80271
Rogue State Revolution 5979281415 77413
Not Tonight 1935815920 861824
Mind Scanners 19956141517 81737
Suzerain 212568620 936404
Crusader Kings III 5525897850 9170197
This Is the Police 5211510515 838283
The Ship: Remasted 555122510 58460
Talk to Strangers 535018135 94297
Spec Ops: The Line 122485030 9353503
Europa Universalis IV 47100345540 8685543
Twilight Struggle 49443110 872256
Police Stories 354423920 866358
Imperator: Rome 426372840 6318485
American Arcadia 403102920 931667
For the People 37733317 76613
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength 27836191010 771290
Beholder 2 2303652618 885451
Revival: Recolonization 361363230 78300
Replica 6435863 862835
Black The Fall 2023414615 78653
Help Will Come Tomorrow 326826920 80672
Through The Darkest of Times 213295615 86657
The Invisible Hand 305273113 82430
Karma City Police 87272412 8578
Organs Please 2614215814 86178
Realpolitiks 762546515 61852
ICBM 24952020 921440
Patron 2417985920 742424
Sigma Theory 226233818 77853
Anarcute 226725715 92452
RIOT - Civil Unrest 102221017 691419
Hentai Police 2921100151 821923
Rogue State 212422125 74191
Alt-Frequencies 2143238 87171
Suits: A Business RPG 20223571 89846
BioShock 1929 9423274
Hue Defense 21195875...
Crisis in the Kremlin 16234265 841260
Forgotton Anne 16275331520 911367
Grand Ages: Medieval 164350820 471537
Ancient Russian Life Simulator 15261001 95189
Socialism Simulator 2215324 95213
Codex of Victory 1401430515 70252
Shadow Council: The Puppeteers 18132515 4551
Supreme Ruler 2020: Gold 132010 80202
The Political Machine 2016 82132410 75711
Ministry of Broadcast 131062815 82302
CHANGE: A Homeless Survival Experience 121373019 912123
Navalny 20!8 : The Rise of Evil 1221374 92621
Save Daddy Trump 1212241 7967
The President 1611138...
Ambition: A Minuet in Power 1111320821 84258
Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse 1152251040 94172
Freedom March: Rebel Leader 111594 2711
Supraland Six Inches Under 112885320 972640
Mr.President! 114721510 813501
P0 131057...
NOT A HERO 1012517920 861595
Make America Great Again 10103 5026
Beholder 2721060614 9118751
Secret Government 10721020 57238
Pegasus: Broken Wings 912237...
Dune: Imperium 92021923 951618
Fall of Porcupine 918219720 75334
Intelligence Trader 1092010 3258
VODKA 349171 95266
Border Force 3193410 5630
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes 84085650 781742
Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall 82311176 93615
Reptilians Must Die! 42852 73148
Divinity: Dragon Commander 8110100640 721734
Orwell 357827610 918045
Tropico 6 816840640 8717024
Beholder 3 819837618 681517
Counter Terrorist Agency 72523720 44449
Watchlist 713122...
Europa Universalis III 927515 851330
Symploké: La Leyenda de Gustavo Bueno (Capítulo 2) 7952 10011
The Political Machine 2020 7532015 83749
I'm a King 77143...
Pandemia: Virus Outbreak 157134...
Reagan Gorbachev 73811610 8817
OMON Simulator 247100151 742559
SuperPower 2 Steam Edition 6411410 792334
Furgal's Jetpack 761 9112
Neocolonialism 3163 6819
The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything 641207 9692
Social Justice Warriors 6192388 5097
Urban Empire 66674930 341895
The Race for the White House 61615 5431
Postmortem: one must die (Extended Cut) 9063 4684
Bunker - The Underground Game 62333154 5328
Battle Arena: Euro Wars 510312...
PUTIN 20!8 215232 86112
Sim Junta 5102 2958
Papers, Please 527013810 9762191
Star Dynasties 412827831 71341
Kapital: Sparks of Revolution 4894620 63171
The Quiet Sleep 425105 6627
Shape of America: Episode One 1245 8036
SameShadow: Fernando's Journey 41710010...
Orbi Universo 4318020 77162
Legal Dungeon 452667 77455
JudgeSim 4387...
Paper Shakespeare: Stick Julius Caesar (with a dagger) 254143...
Countryballs: Modern Ballfare 425305 95191
NEBULOUS: Fleet Command 31421930 912401
Goldmine 316341 24367
Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency 3401753 861604
Arms Race - TCWE 3311710 6861
Imperium BCE 3925...
Day of the Trumplings 3145 4010
Death Trader: Cold War 3142015 4174
Border Officer 3321210 571151
Evil Democracy: 1932 37797512 76427
Dare To Spread 382...
Megacity Builder 372078 4429
Vampire: The Masquerade — Sins of the Sires 3581512 39118
Long Gone Days 32391625 90373
Silicon City 3342620 6838
The Last Hope: Atomic Bomb - Crypto War 243100 6654
1979 Revolution: Black Friday 314039910 761004
Realpolitiks II 3605125 46486
Road 96: Mile 0 32161513 671055
Taxer Inc 3228 4256
Duck Dynasty 3393320 7051
Bit The Apple, So What? 275...
Putin Run Away From Trump 29111 6336
Corrupt 31225 6363
Shadow of Azrael 2165 7617
Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~ 2502169 91120
Act of War: Direct Action 2323 90482
4th Generation Warfare 2301530 60119
Bloodless 210815...
The Political Machine 240214 68291
Avium 228315 8116
SYRAK: the War in the Middle-East 297...
ZELENSKY vs POROSHENKO: The Destiny of Ukraine 1721001 92860
Kamikaze Veggies 2381910 8834
The Talos Principle 2 26785930 958645
Rainbow Cult 2247820...
Not Tonight 2 22133120 84291
Guerra Civil 284...
Bleeding Moons 2271910 9315
7 Days To Save The World 28163...
Last Day of Rome 27058512 50163
Floor 13: Deep State 27537520 2425
Freedom Defender 5724810 64145
SharpShooter3D 254106 95827
Political Punchers: 2024 Arena 1106...
Clockwork Dawn 1520...
Stellar Monarch 1696615 78202
Norman's Great Illusion 1261254 6434
Metal Wolf Chaos XD 129047525 83626
COVID Kawaii! 1121915...
Throne of Lies®: Medieval Politics 2501102 762729
Human or Not 1322810 8116
Oniria Crimes 1323310 8432
Super vs. World 1910 10010
SuperPower 3 1613530 10947
Eternal Spring VR 12...
Mr. Prepper: Prologue 1117 832486
The Night Fisherman 17 83779
International Affairs 11313...
Divided Reigns 1414110 89112
OFF GRID : Stealth Hacking 162...
Agarta 129303 73384
Democracy 3 18342625 746212
No Place for the Dissident 1104 5721
Phineas and Ferb: New Inventions 13720 4511
idle Party Leader 19614...
Alder Forge 1684515 9214
Bootleg Steamer 1402515 7814
Firmament Wars 113363 6439
The American Dream 15933715 65104
Asset Flip 18...
Bad Credit 13161 9631
Capital Fire 1726...
Matriarchy Attack 1721...
AI UNDER TEST 114123...
First Strike 19253812 791533
World Nations Game 12416 73156
Editor's Hell 1128 8919
Slette Mette 152...
Death From Above 1441010 93323
Asagos 18108...
The Last Hope Trump vs Mafia 6112155 57258
State Your Business 1310...
Need to Know 159101015 73158
星际王八传奇 171...
Monotonia: First Contact 1318 9160
Viktor, a Steampunk Adventure 15916510 8834