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200 items matched these filters.

Title🏆cards$% positive reviews
SHENZHEN I/O 6139615 953367
Baba Is You 361191815 9718076
Duskers 35411620 902151
Human Resource Machine 356516515 942959
Opus Magnum 3157520 974700
TIS-100 4931107 973133
EXAPUNKS 77281620 961250
Contraption Maker 412622613 92870
Bots Are Stupid 25443213 85106
while True: learn() 2511831513 916567
MOLEK-SYNTEZ 5223610 92473
RPG Maker VX Ace 2034570 943040
SpaceChem 203520610 952512
Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor 1321734720 801680
Mainlining 3017613 79268
7 Billion Humans 1612519615 931659
Juno: New Origins 150169520 902645
Midnight Protocol 1271418515 88208
Autonauts vs Piratebots 2691229520 81308
Homebrew - Patent Unknown 461115 71828
Mad Games Tycoon 11293915 913684
Learning Factory 118661615 84295
Levelhead 18110441520 96768
Silicon Zeroes 10241315 88239
Else Heart.Break() 591025 79312
Generic Space Shooter 9103 7334
Open Sorcery 9165784 98291
Autonauts 195926520 903414
Discord Rich Me! 10832 65129
Startup Panic 8265015 55183
Code Rivals 810246 7512
Great Permutator 7121667 8868
Laser Bounce 1972...
Infinifactory 780221025 951728
Algo Bot 73119610 82133
HEDE Game Engine 674200...
Algotica Iterations 516757 51137
Calendar Notess 1052...
Hentai energy: Halloween 1151001 8879
Marvellous Inc. 5111812 8919
Terminal ESC 58383...
OS:Path 4654 9032
SEN: Seven Eight Nine 64910...
Uplink 28410 901692
Hack 'n' Slash 83413 58521
Automachef 191411915 75475
3D PrintMaster Simulator 41110 4249
Hacknet 211311510 9315822
Robo Do It 22361 7128
SMIB: Mission Cure 103252 9021
Code Romantic 3201410 9743
Arctic Eggs 312010610 972731
Sequence - Robot programming simulator 351...
AnyCircuit 3315...
Robo-orders 24351...
[the Sequence] 32775 89147
Main Assembly 22832120 86956
Open Sorcery: Sea++ 3115215 9250
Level Up: The Gamer Girls 27121 8020
Decoherence 28131010 9522
AppGameKit Classic 20250 82651
Outerverse 2381020 5897
Lila's Synthetic Shadows 243...
ASTRA 10210...
The Magic Circle 210214520 911046
ABI-DOS 210208 95149
hack_me 242576 681470
The Penguin IQ Test 212992 10019
Quadrilateral Cowboy 21171020 92805
Santa Gamepaper 224...
Beat Stickman: Beyond 2163110 7315
Nimbatus - Drone Creator 23 90260
Open Hexagon 216485 97407
Hacker Man 21853...
Rogue Bit 13198 91111
Ooglians 1242 65227
Gnomes & Co 18145...
Star Stuff 1482815 99123
Reprogram 1710...
Starbase 15735 596031
Yami RPG Editor 112180 9040
Stormworks: Build and Rescue 110725 9046306
Out of Bounds 124325 9522
Modern Game Tycoon 151711 2010
Desynced 110630 831201
Gravity 1364...
RGByte 1610...
KOORING VR Coding Adventure 11410...
The Signal State 18915520 86515
编程工厂 1662...
Programming Simulator 318...
Hacker Simulator 16625 76989
Anonymous Hacker Simulator 111054620 86484
Freed Software 17710...
Vault 1466...
Block Motion 171315...
Coding Learn 142 5223
Craftica 1116...
Informatyka - zrozum i zaprogramuj komputer 142...
Robot Programmer 161110...
Signal Maze 1211115 10022
Triple Take 115187 9040
Comet 64 1401315 74168
Sketchbots 171610...
Programmer Dungeon 114388 8015
Cyborg Earthworm 165...
Selfless Heroes 116156 7735
Underground Keeper 2 146310...
SirKwitz 18 9030
Linkito 1573715 87123
The Ghost Train | 幽霊列車 03453 79543
In Good Faith 00...
Game Developer Simulator 054 2010
Choose for ME 05...
Wijita: City of Makers 01...
ChipWits 04...
Unprompted 06235 10015
Discord Bot - Controls 071 53194
Mythic Archive 0320 6822
Chained 08295...
Manhattan 2 Beta 02 9124
The Bugger! 0988...
The Endless Mission 015115...
Circuit Artist 02910...
Re:Connect 02...
A=B 038185 95747
Mystery Boxes 02...
dev_hell 014...
BQM - BlockQuest Maker Remastered 0102725...
Turbo Play 00...
MainFrames 030...
Project: IT Service 00...
Prometheus OS 010...
Stone Story RPG 0884730 90812
Konkan Coast Pirate Solutions Playtest 02 9632
Video Realms 01 6311
Higgs Boson: Particle Puzzle 00...
万族竞技场 Wanzu Arena 00...
GLBasic SDK 0850 9417
ZIRQUITZ Playtest 00...
Time to Morp 07221520 8291
Breadbox 01115 10022
Learn Game Development, Unity Code Monkey 03 84120
CtrlC 04...
Pixelpart 0616 10016
FREM Sprite32! 033...
qrth-phyl 016145 9522
ProxOS 01 10011
Phantom Proxy 09...
Arcane Assembly 03348 77109
Freelancer Life Simulator: Prologue 01 1827
The Caregiver | 終焉介護 03465 81377
Grace Hopper: Bug Rescue 03...
AI Kill Alice 00...
BrickWorks 03...
MacroWin Playtest 02 5834
Ctrl Alt Ego 01254420 94640
发条 041...
RGB Rush 0231456 95147
Cell Hacker 03...
FOONDA Playtest 04 93116
nanos world™ 08...
VZX Creative 0812...
Casual Game Engine 02 6311
PromptCrafter 02177...
Pixel FX Designer 02110 79113
Replicube Playtest 00...
NebuLeet 02...
MemoryDimension 00...
Zero Page 03...
TARTARUS 0628520 50183
1000000000 Spells 05...
May's Journey 008 10017
Xenopurge 08...
Edd-E 0210...
Roody:2d 0615 9736
Human Factory 0610...
OCTOPTICOM 0181110 9454
Kernel Quest 04...
Kanji Industry 077 9522
GTGD S1 More Than A Gamer 01325 7986
Bitburner 01298 956405
Doodle Deities 02...
Bananas Academy's Psyber 0730...
The December Effect 09...
浮云游戏公司 00108...
GrindFest Playtest 00 6322
WASDead: Complete Edition 017735...
Senalux 026428 10022
Hacker's Life 02...
Beat Stickman: Beyond Playtest 04 7315
The Developer 09393 7218
Super Dango 0533...
Lightmatter Anniversary 00...
Echoes of the Architects 05...
启蜇 Playtest 05 9213
Rogue Voltage 0775716 93329
UNFAIR 0124010 10021