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3 games for a 75% discount, 6 games for a 80% discount, or 10 games for a 85% discount.
Could not choose a quantity different than 3, 6 or 10.

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Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Pick & Mix
Airline Tycoon 2 Gold PackAirline Tycoon 2 Gold Pack 019.99
Airline Tycoon 2 Airline Tycoon 2 00373 20*110
Airline Tycoon 2: Falcon Airlines Airline Tycoon 2: Falcon Airlines 00...06
Airline Tycoon 2: Honey Airlines DLC Airline Tycoon 2: Honey Airlines DLC 00...06
Alien Spidy Alien Spidy 
25041 5149.99
Anna - Extended Edition Anna - Extended Edition 
356947 63*39.99
Crookz - The Big Heist Crookz - The Big Heist 
308209 8549.99
Dungeons 2 Dungeons 2 2582218 78*1219.99
Dungeons Gold EditionDungeons Gold Edition 019.99
Dungeons Dungeons 00648 44*510
Dungeons - The Dark Lord Dungeons - The Dark Lord 270206 40*510
Dungeons - Map Pack Dungeons - Map Pack 00...*33
Dungeons - Into the Dark Dungeons - Into the Dark 00...*34
Grand Ages: Medieval Grand Ages: Medieval 
5081541 47219.99
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action Jagged Alliance - Back in Action 
605988 71*519.99
Omerta - City of Gangsters - GOLD EDITIONOmerta - City of Gangsters - GOLD EDITION 324.99
Omerta - City of Gangsters Omerta - City of Gangsters 6091533 66*815
Omerta - City of Gangsters: The Bulgarian Colossus Omerta - City of Gangsters: The Bulgarian Colossus 0020 80025
Omerta - Damsel in Distress Omerta - Damsel in Distress 00...05
Omerta - The Con Artist Omerta - The Con Artist 0011 9005
Omerta - City of Gangsters - The Arms Industry DLC Omerta - City of Gangsters - The Arms Industry DLC 00...05
Omerta - The Japanese Incentive Omerta - The Japanese Incentive 0021 9005
Patrician IV GoldPatrician IV Gold 319.99
Patrician IV: Steam Special Edition Patrician IV: Steam Special Edition 00517 57*915
Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty 00429 67*610
Pole Position 2012 Pole Position 2012 
0086 1015.99
Racing Manager 2014 Racing Manager 2014 
00241 1707.99
Tropico 4 Collector's BundleTropico 4 Collector's Bundle 924.99
Tropico 4 Tropico 4  $07087935 91*1915
Tropico 4: Modern Times Tropico 4: Modern Times 10073 86*107
Tropico 4 DLC Quick-Dry-Cement Tropico 4 DLC Quick-Dry-Cement 0026 88*103
Tropico 4 Plantador DLC Tropico 4 Plantador DLC 0024 91*103
Tropico 4: Megalopolis Tropico 4: Megalopolis 0026 76*103
Tropico 4 DLC Junta Tropico 4 DLC Junta 0027 81*103
Tropico 4: Pirate Heaven Tropico 4: Pirate Heaven 0019 89*103
Tropico 4: Vigilante Tropico 4: Vigilante 0022 81*103
Tropico 4: The Academy Tropico 4: The Academy 0023 60*103
Tropico 4: Voodoo Tropico 4: Voodoo 0019 73*103
Tropico 4: Propaganda Tropico 4: Propaganda 0022 77*103
Tropico 4: Apocalypse Tropico 4: Apocalypse 0032 62*103
Tropico 5 Tropico 5 
7079578 78*1719.99
14 items 8 with cards59$233.86

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
30972 games and items in 6819 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see