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American Truck Simulator Gold Star Deal

■ Ended ... Started

Fanatical icon Special page, ℹ Announcement, Steamgifts icon, Reddit icon /r/GameDeals

after 2 days the Star Deal status ended,the game still continued being on sale, however with a $0.02 price increase: £6.70/$9.01/€9.01/CA$10.71/AU$12.29/RUB569.7

  • Special
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
single tier: £6.69/$8.99/€8.99/CA$10.75/AU$12.29/RUB715
American Truck Simulator - Special Developer EditionAmerican Truck Simulator - Special Developer Edition aka Enchanted Edition 
American Truck Simulator American Truck Simulator 878139676 97320
American Truck Simulator - Arizona American Truck Simulator - Arizona 001185 9500
American Truck Simulator - Kenworth T680 American Truck Simulator - Kenworth T680 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Kenworth W900 American Truck Simulator - Kenworth W900 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Nevada American Truck Simulator - Nevada 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Peterbilt 389 American Truck Simulator - Peterbilt 389 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Peterbilt 579 American Truck Simulator - Peterbilt 579 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Volvo VNL American Truck Simulator - Volvo VNL 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Mack Anthem® American Truck Simulator - Mack Anthem® 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Western Star® 49X American Truck Simulator - Western Star® 49X 00278 910...
American Truck Simulator - Freightliner Cascadia® (3r/4th Generation) American Truck Simulator - Freightliner Cascadia® (3r/4th Generation) 00275 920...
American Truck Simulator - International LT® American Truck Simulator - International LT® 00181 900...
American Truck Simulator - International 9900i American Truck Simulator - International 9900i 00189 920...
American Truck Simulator - International LoneStar American Truck Simulator - International LoneStar 00...0...
American Truck Simulator - Western Star® 57X American Truck Simulator - Western Star® 57X 00142 920...
American Truck Simulator - Western Star® 5700XE American Truck Simulator - Western Star® 5700XE 00159 910...
American Truck Simulator - Volvo VNL American Truck Simulator - Volvo VNL 00168 960...
American Truck Simulator - Kenworth T680 2022 American Truck Simulator - Kenworth T680 2022 00528 900...
American Truck Simulator - Mack Pinnacle American Truck Simulator - Mack Pinnacle 0082 950...
American Truck Simulator - Wheel Tuning Pack American Truck Simulator - Wheel Tuning Pack 00399 9203
American Truck Simulator - Steering Creations Pack American Truck Simulator - Steering Creations Pack 00303 8803
American Truck Simulator - New Mexico American Truck Simulator - New Mexico 00947 93012
American Truck Simulator - Heavy Cargo Pack American Truck Simulator - Heavy Cargo Pack 00777 9105
American Truck Simulator Dedicated Server American Truck Simulator Dedicated Server 00...0...
SCS Workshop Uploader SCS Workshop Uploader 0038 890...
1 item 1 with cards8

Updates for this Bundle

Not sure this is the correct SubID but it is the only one that includes "New Mexico DLC" & Heavy Cargo Pack etc along with the basegame, is not press version, and is not region restricted. Will be fixed if turns out to be wrong ID, and this notice is kept until enough reliably verified.
theemu updated 6 years ago

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