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Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
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A.I.M. Racing A.I.M. Racing 0069 6652.99
Action Alien Action Alien aka The Alien Wasteland 196171 6780.99
Bacteria Bacteria 615109 58100.99
BitMaster BitMaster 
18580 6092.99
Black Sand Drift Black Sand Drift 0565 6360.99
Citalis Citalis 0594 5751.99
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator Corporate Lifestyle Simulator 
00651 82164.99
Crab Dub Crab Dub 18555 8162.99
Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel Cyber City 2157: The Visual Novel 
01227 5594.99
Dead6hot Dead6hot 05322 48*111.99
Death by Game Show Death by Game Show 
17625 6839.99
Elven Legacy Elven Legacy 00125 75*154.99
Energy Cycle Energy Cycle 9572 75*102.99
Farnham Fables Farnham Fables Episode 1: The King's Medicine 05163 71140.99
Frontline Tactics Complete Pack RetailFrontline Tactics Complete Pack Retail basegame+all DLCs 6...
Frontline Tactics Frontline Tactics 2301086 6100
Frontline Tactics - Ninja Camouflage Frontline Tactics - Ninja Camouflage 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Close Quater Combat Soldier Frontline Tactics - Close Quater Combat Soldier 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Desert Camouflage Frontline Tactics - Desert Camouflage 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Golden Guns Frontline Tactics - Golden Guns 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Medic Soldier Pack Frontline Tactics - Medic Soldier Pack 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Sniper Frontline Tactics - Sniper 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Snow Camouflage Frontline Tactics - Snow Camouflage 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Tiger Camouflage Frontline Tactics - Tiger Camouflage 00...0...
Frontline Tactics - Woodland Camouflage Frontline Tactics - Woodland Camouflage 00...0...
Global Soccer Manager Global Soccer Manager 
50811 6327.99
Gone In November Gone In November 05185 5570.99
Hidden Mysteries: Titanic Hidden Mysteries: Titanic 0046 7654.99
Hoven the Sages Spinel Hoven the Sages Spinel 0011 10041.99
Huntsman - The Orphanage Halloween Edition Huntsman - The Orphanage Halloween Edition 0049 36148.99
It's Spring Again It's Spring Again 
45429 93*110.99
Just Hero Just Hero 75103 6060.99
Kraven Manor Kraven Manor 110703 7675.99
Kult: Heretic Kingdoms Kult: Heretic Kingdoms 00144 7314.99
Lifeless Lifeless 
Liveza: Death of the Earth Liveza: Death of the Earth 
0528 67102.99
Machine Made: Rebirth Machine Made: Rebirth 321319 7354.99
Madrobot X Madrobot X 
0536 8642.99
NeverEnd NeverEnd 21524 7561.99
Normality Normality 0577 8982.99
NORTH NORTH aka NORTH - Collector's Edition 
05162 6481.99
OCEAN CITY RACING: Redux OCEAN CITY RACING: Redux 00454 33101.99
Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition 
456585 70169.99
PulseCharge PulseCharge 0594 50*120.99
Purgatory Purgatory 
05189 62*91.99
Rabiez: Epidemic Rabiez: Epidemic 105149 46*121.99
Reset 1-1 Reset 1-1 126138 68*81.99
Rock 'N' Roll Defense Rock 'N' Roll Defense 24052369 8740.99
Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan aka Dead Ivan @groupees 17553 5890.99
Spellweaver Chronicles - The Holy Child Spellweaver Chronicles - The Holy Child 
Super Bomb Rush! Super Bomb Rush! 270...00.99
Super Hardcore Super Hardcore 21013 6160.99
Super Kitty Boing Boing Super Kitty Boing Boing 05...35.99
The Last Hope The Last Hope 105246 44144.99
The Pasture The Pasture 
5578 5560.99
Three Dead Zed Three Dead Zed 14727 62115.99
Urizen Shadows of the Cold Deluxe Frosty Edition Urizen Shadows of the Cold Deluxe Frosty Edition 
Vindictive Drive Vindictive Drive 0523 7862.99
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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31143 games and items in 6865 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see