Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
■ Ended ... Started
1 - $1.49 | €1.60 | £1.39 | CA$2.05 | AU$2.50 | RUB125
5 - $5.99 | €6.35 | £5.55 | CA$8.25 | AU$10.10 | RUB510
10 - $10.99 | €11.60 | £10.15 | CA$15.10 | AU$18.50 | RUB930
25 - $24.99 | €26.40 | £23.09 | CA$34.29 | AU$41.99 | RUB2120
☷ Updates for this Bundle
- + added AR Game Development – Space Shooter to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Intro to Game Development with Unity to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added C++ Programming for Beginners to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Create a Road Crossing Game with Phaser 3 to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Beginning SQL – Store and Query Your Data to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Bite-Sized HTML to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Intro to Augmented Reality to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Bite-Sized CSS to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Build a First-Person Shooter with Godot to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added The Complete Python Data Visualization Course to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Bite-Sized Python to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Discover Developer Tools for JavaScript Apps to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Learn C++ by Making a Text-Based RPG to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Build a Tower Defense Game with Phaser 3 to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Machine Learning for Beginners with TensorFlow to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Web Scraping with Python and BeautifulSoup to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Godot Game Development for Beginners to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Develop a Top-Down Action RPG with Phaser 3 to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added The Complete Beginner’s JavaScript Course to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added VR Projects – First-Person Shooter to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Build a Micro-VR Game to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Create a City Building Game with Unity to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Build a Micro-Strategy Game to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added Unity 2D Projects – Super Plumbers to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
- + added CSS Flexbox for Beginners to Coding and Game Development with ZENVA
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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
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Steam Trading Cards
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US$ Retail Price
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