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Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Pick & Mix: Pick any 4 for $1 / €1
A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director's Cut A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director's Cut 496224 8260.99
A.I.M. Racing A.I.M. Racing 0069 6642.99
ADR1FT ADR1FT 2201103 57919.99
Aerial Destruction Aerial Destruction 155135 6880.99
Arkshot Arkshot 
0549 7544.99
Bacteria Bacteria 615104 5990.99
BalanCity BalanCity 
286629 8487.99
Beat Cop Beat Cop 3254219 821614.99
Beyond Eyes Beyond Eyes 
1071570 671214.99
Big Buck Hunter Arcade Big Buck Hunter Arcade 48067 7649.99
Black Sand Drift Black Sand Drift 0563 6150.99
Canyon Capers Canyon Capers 30661 57166.99
Centauri Sector Centauri Sector 22613 5364.99
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 Tides of Fate Complete Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 Tides of Fate Complete 
46594 64140.99
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode II War of The Abyss Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode II War of The Abyss 
541053 62121.99
Cobi Treasure Deluxe Cobi Treasure Deluxe 0065 76142.99
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator Corporate Lifestyle Simulator 
00650 82154.99
Dead Age Dead Age 
7794277 832014.99
Dwarflings Dwarflings 
9529 6862.99
Energy Cycle Energy Cycle 9567 73*92.99
Face Noir Face Noir 0890 66149.99
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered 
1754605 81189.99
Fergus The Fly Fergus The Fly 
0554 6680.99
Gun Monkeys Gun Monkeys 
86109 5655.99
Gunslugs 2 Gunslugs 2 
16611 4588.99
Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar 
12814 57129.99
Huntsman - The Orphanage Halloween Edition Huntsman - The Orphanage Halloween Edition 0050 36138.99
Incandescent Incandescent 156114 7690.99
InnerSpace InnerSpace 
145132 62919.99
Liveza: Death of the Earth Liveza: Death of the Earth 
0528 6792.99
Lost Civilization Lost Civilization 0024 45134.99
Magicka Magicka 88818347 86*249.99
Next Up Hero Next Up Hero 
261069 60919.99
Numba Deluxe Numba Deluxe 0051 80182.99
Paperbound Paperbound 111121 8049.99
PulseCharge PulseCharge 0590 50*110.99
Purgatory Purgatory 
05187 63*81.99
Puzzle Chronicles Puzzle Chronicles 12024 5069.99
Quarantine Quarantine 220322 59109.99
Rocket Knight Rocket Knight 160117 73614.99
Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan aka Dead Ivan @groupees 17553 5880.99
Sleeping Valley Sleeping Valley 0592 41149.99
Space Ribbon Space Ribbon 
0871 6033.99
Spellweaver - Vampire Overlord Deck Spellweaver - Vampire Overlord Deck 
Stable Orbit Stable Orbit 
00274 52819.99
Super Cloudbuilt Super Cloudbuilt 
388284 871119.99
Super Hardcore Super Hardcore 21013 6150.99
Teleglitch: Die More Edition Teleglitch: Die More Edition 395974 88*1912.99
The Black Death The Black Death 
102221 52719.99
The Little Acre The Little Acre 
275497 851312.99
The Pasture The Pasture 
5576 5550.99
Three Dead Zed Three Dead Zed 14725 64105.99
Tower 57 Tower 57 296499 641111.99
Toybox Turbos Toybox Turbos 168722 86*1514.99
Urizen Shadows of the Cold Deluxe Frosty Edition Urizen Shadows of the Cold Deluxe Frosty Edition 
Victim of Xen Victim of Xen 7550 56109.99
War Tech Fighters War Tech Fighters 459224 74919.99
Zoo Park Zoo Park 00175 58104.99
No longer included
A Land Fit For Heroes A Land Fit For Heroes 
0033 48109.99
After The End: The Harvest After The End: The Harvest 40550 7454.99
Annie Amber Annie Amber 8862 61*42.99
Anomaly 1729 Anomaly 1729 0010 7029.99
Aporia: Beyond The Valley Aporia: Beyond The Valley 417382 84516.99
ARK BOX Unlimited ARK BOX Unlimited aka Ark Defense aka ArkOut 
Bard's Gold Bard's Gold 
24594 8137.99
Biozone Biozone 0017 1759.99
Bomber Crew Bomber Crew 3089371 89*1619.99
Colin McRae Rally Colin McRae Rally 
1682333 4316.99
Crusader Kings II Crusader Kings II 
161872215 90*230.00
Divine Ascent Divine Ascent base game without Map Pack DLC 207...*14.99
Edge of Twilight – Return To Glory Edge of Twilight – Return To Glory 111030 36614.99
Evil Genius Evil Genius 002926 94119.99
Frozen Synapse Frozen Synapse 
1681078 89*724.99
Heroes of Loot Heroes of Loot 
15631 6784.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition 5079269 861319.99
Metro Exodus - The Two Colonels Metro Exodus - The Two Colonels 
002847 8706.99
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock 165255 91119.99
Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword 21510683 87139.99
Narborion Saga Narborion Saga 0528 6764.99
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Operation Flashpoint: Red River 
00822 55*109.99
Overlord Overlord 004540 94*124.99
Peregrin Peregrin 
278214 7799.99
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate 
5211575 86*119.99
Pizza Express Pizza Express 1608176 8736.99
Rabiez: Epidemic Rabiez: Epidemic 105148 47*111.99
Serial Cleaner Serial Cleaner 2861168 871514.99
ShockRods ShockRods 46013 6114.99
StratoBash StratoBash 
The Flame in the Flood The Flame in the Flood 3652588 751814.99
The Last Door - Collector's Edition The Last Door - Collector's Edition 
1661692 95209.99
The Last Hope The Last Hope 105240 45134.99
The Sun and Moon The Sun and Moon 
13085 8746.99
Tick's Tales Tick's Tales 
13517 9487.99
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 108513246 82*1929.99
58 items 42 with cards275$465.42

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BalanCity dupe
Tecfan updated 2 years ago

About Bundles on

A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
30830 games and items in 6766 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see