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Train Simulator Classic Bundle

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The item labeled "Train Simulator: Woodhead Electric Railway in Blue Route Add-On - DLC" from T1 is actually Train Simulator: Woodhead Route Add-On {sub/13361} and not Train Simulator: Woodhead Electric Railway in Blue Route Add-On as advertised (confirmed). On 2023-08-06, the bundle page was updated to show Train Simulator: Woodhead Route Add-On instead of Train Simulator: Woodhead Electric Railway in Blue Route Add-On.

πŸ”‘ Full list of subs

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: 1 USD | 1 EUR | 1 GBP | 1.35 CAD | 1.65 AUD | 110 RUB | 155 JPY
Train Simulator Classic 2023 Store & Fanatical packageTrain Simulator Classic 2023 Store & Fanatical package activates as Train Simulator Classic 024.99
Train Simulator Classic 2024 Train Simulator Classic 2024 1364918259 72030
Academy - UK, US and German Training Zones Academy - UK, US and German Training Zones 00...0...
Train Simulator: Long Island Rail Road: New York – Hicksville Route Add-On Train Simulator: Long Island Rail Road: New York – Hicksville Route Add-On 0035 60*125
Train Simulator: Huddersfield Line: Manchester - Leeds Route Add-On Train Simulator: Huddersfield Line: Manchester - Leeds Route Add-On 0050 56025
Train Simulator: Pegnitztalbahn: NΓΌrnberg - Bayreuth Route Add-On Train Simulator: Pegnitztalbahn: NΓΌrnberg - Bayreuth Route Add-On 0026 65025
Train Simulator: Regional Railways BR Class 142 ‘Pacer’ DMU Add-On Train Simulator: Regional Railways BR Class 142 ‘Pacer’ DMU Add-On 0017 41020
Train Simulator: Isle of Wight Route Add-On Train Simulator: Isle of Wight Route Add-On 
Steamdb icon
0077 84*112.99
Train Simulator: London to Brighton Route Add-On Train Simulator: London to Brighton Route Add-On 
Steamdb icon
0083 85*219.99
Train Simulator: North Somerset Railway Route Add-On Train Simulator: North Somerset Railway Route Add-On 
Steamdb icon
0036 88012.99
Train Simulator: Union Pacific Heritage SD70Aces Train Simulator: Union Pacific Heritage SD70Aces 
Steamdb icon
0019 84019.99
Train Simulator: Woodhead Route Add-On Train Simulator: Woodhead Route Add-On 
Steamdb icon
0036 88012.99
tier 2: 6.99 USD | 6.99 EUR | 6.99 GBP | 9.25 CAD | 11.45 AUD | 750 RUB | 1085 JPY
Train Simulator: DB BR 204 Loco Add-On Train Simulator: DB BR 204 Loco Add-On 0013 92119.99
Train Simulator: Liverpool Manchester Route Add-On Train Simulator: Liverpool Manchester Route Add-On 0036 88019.99
Train Simulator: Midland Mainline London-Bedford Route Add-On Train Simulator: Midland Mainline London-Bedford Route Add-On 0053 77024.99
Train Simulator: Norddeutsche-Bahn: Kiel - Lübeck Route Add-On Train Simulator: Norddeutsche-Bahn: Kiel - Lübeck Route Add-On 0083 48*124.99
Train Simulator: Soldier Summit Route Add-On Train Simulator: Soldier Summit Route Add-On 0043 90024.99
Train Simulator: South Wales Coastal: Bristol - Swansea Route Add-on Train Simulator: South Wales Coastal: Bristol - Swansea Route Add-on 0026 84039.99
tier 3: 11.99 USD | 11.99 EUR | 11.99 GBP | 15.85 CAD | 19.59 AUD | 1285 RUB | 1860 JPY
Train Simulator: Bahnstrecke Riesa - Dresden Route Add-On Train Simulator: Bahnstrecke Riesa - Dresden Route Add-On 0053 79*234.99
Train Simulator: BR Class 73 'Gatwick Express' Loco Add-On Train Simulator: BR Class 73 'Gatwick Express' Loco Add-On 0018 88019.99
Train Simulator: LGV: Marseille - Avignon Route Add-On Train Simulator: LGV: Marseille - Avignon Route Add-On 00144 74*124.99
Train Simulator: Nuremberg & Regensburg Bahn Train Simulator: Nuremberg & Regensburg Bahn 0035 57*124.99
Train Simulator: Salt Lake City Route Extension Add-On Train Simulator: Salt Lake City Route Extension Add-On 0040 52015.99
Train Simulator: South London Network Route Add-On Train Simulator: South London Network Route Add-On 0014 100124.99
18 items 1 with cards9$404.82

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see