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Build Your Own Play On The Go Bundle - Summer Edition

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Redout: Enhanced Edition + DLC Pack = Redout: Enhanced Edition, Redout - Back to Earth Pack DLC, Redout - Mars Pack DLC, Redout - Neptune Pack DLC, Redout - Space Exploration Pack DLC, Redout - V.E.R.T.E.X. Pack DLC

3 for 4.99 USD | 4.99 EUR | 4.99 GBP | 6.65 CAD | 8.39 AUD | 565 RUB | 782 JPY
5 for 6.99 USD | 6.99 EUR | 6.99 GBP | 9.35 CAD | 11.69 AUD | 790 RUB | 1095 JPY
8 for 9.99 USD | 9.99 EUR | 9.99 GBP | 13.35 CAD | 16.79 AUD | 1130 RUB | 1565 JPY

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Pick & Mix
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure 449833 79119.99
Caveblazers Caveblazers 21113252 8679.99
City of Beats City of Beats 18058 94219.99
Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition 
3555423 76319.99
Dishonored Dishonored 80061837 97*69.99
Eldest Souls Eldest Souls 50132558 77619.99
Grand Mountain Adventure Grand Mountain Adventure 720234 91219.99
Gunlocked Gunlocked 557417 8824.99
Lamentum Lamentum 
1910552 86315.99
Metal Unit Metal Unit 2651953 82114.99
Metro 2033 Redux Metro 2033 Redux 
49980771 90519.99
Metro: Last Light Redux Metro: Last Light Redux 
49959478 90519.99
Redout - Back to Earth Pack Redout - Back to Earth Pack 0021 9534.99
Redout - Mars Pack Redout - Mars Pack 0026 8433.99
Redout - Neptune Pack Redout - Neptune Pack 0040 8033.99
Redout - Space Exploration Pack Redout - Space Exploration Pack 0023 9534.99
Redout - V.E.R.T.E.X. Pack Redout - V.E.R.T.E.X. Pack 0029 8233.99
Redout: Enhanced Edition Redout: Enhanced Edition 34103338 85819.99
Sword of the Necromancer Sword of the Necromancer 
2611252 70414.99
The Darkside Detective The Darkside Detective 3083345 94614.99
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark 
3051366 96414.99
21 items 13 with cards112$282.79

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31132 games and items in 6861 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

Percent of positive reviews from players that bought the game on Steam. If you purchased a key from a bundle or another store, your review would be excluded from this score. Games that do not have at least 10 reviews will not have a score. Click the review score to view the full listing of reviews.

cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
Learn about trading cards. Card data (cached daily) provided by

✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see