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2 for 24.99 USD | 24.99 EUR | 24.99 GBP | 31.59 CAD | 39.35 AUD | 2555 RUB | 3910 JPY
3 for 35.99 USD | 35.99 EUR | 35.99 GBP | 49.45 CAD | 61.65 AUD | 3999 RUB | 6115 JPY
5 for 54.99 USD | 54.99 EUR | 54.99 GBP | 75.55 CAD | 94.15 AUD | 6109 RUB | 9345 JPY

Streets of Rage 4 Deluxe Edition = Streets of Rage 4, Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare

Holdfast: Nations At War Special Edition = Holdfast: Nations At War, Holdfast: Nations At War - Loyalist Upgrade, Holdfast: Nations At War - Regiments of the Line, Holdfast: Nations At War - High Command, Holdfast: Nations At War - Regiments of the Guard, Holdfast: Nations At War - Grenadier Regiments

Nova Lands - Deluxe Edition = Nova Lands, Nova Lands - Supporter Pack

Session: Skate Sim - Abandoned Mall & Brandalised Edition = Session: Skate Sim, Session: Skate Sim - Abandoned Mall, Session : Skate Sim – Brandalised pack

  • Special
Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
Pick & Mix
Above Snakes Above Snakes 3101341 75124.99
Astral Ascent Astral Ascent 8754270 94124.99
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles 8072776 92224.99
DEATHLOOP - Deluxe EditionDEATHLOOP - Deluxe Edition 079.99
DEATHLOOP - Deluxe DEATHLOOP - Deluxe 00...0...
DEATHLOOP Original Game Soundtrack Selections DEATHLOOP Original Game Soundtrack Selections 0010 90080
Disciples: Liberation - Deluxe EditionDisciples: Liberation - Deluxe Edition 049.99
Disciples: Liberation Disciples: Liberation 5082406 74240
Disciples: Liberation Soundtrack Disciples: Liberation Soundtrack 00...08
DOOM Eternal Deluxe EditionDOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition 069.99
DOOM Eternal DOOM Eternal 508171697 91140
DOOM Eternal (Campaign) DOOM Eternal (Campaign) 00...0...
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two 004281 62020
Doom Eternal - The Ancient Gods - Part One Cosmic DLC Doom Eternal - The Ancient Gods - Part One Cosmic DLC 004915 69020
DOOM Eternal Year One Pass DOOM Eternal Year One Pass 00213 85030
DOOM Eternal - Deluxe Edition Content DOOM Eternal - Deluxe Edition Content 00...0...
Evil West Evil West 3097616 74049.99
Gloomhaven Gloomhaven 
61612538 83134.99
Hardspace: Shipbreaker Hardspace: Shipbreaker 27517612 89134.99
High On Life High On Life 32015473 89339.99
Holdfast: Nations At War Holdfast: Nations At War 551122300 90019.99
Holdfast: Nations At War - Grenadier Regiments Holdfast: Nations At War - Grenadier Regiments 0012 9104.99
Holdfast: Nations At War - High Command Holdfast: Nations At War - High Command 0022 9504.99
Holdfast: Nations At War - Loyalist Edition Upgrade Holdfast: Nations At War - Loyalist Edition Upgrade 0053 9404.99
Holdfast: Nations At War - Regiments of the Guard Holdfast: Nations At War - Regiments of the Guard 0034 9404.99
Holdfast: Nations At War - Regiments of the Line Holdfast: Nations At War - Regiments of the Line 0037 9404.99
Hotel Renovator Hotel Renovator 2751900 77024.99
Nova Lands Nova Lands 2482151 91019.99
Nova Lands - Supporter Pack Nova Lands - Supporter Pack 00...09.99
Paleo Pines Paleo Pines 
46101576 87029.99
Prehistoric Kingdom Prehistoric Kingdom 2402818 86229.99
Redfall Redfall 6652317 39039.99
Session: Skate Sim Session: Skate Sim 48011976 84124.99
Session: Skate Sim Abandoned Mall Session: Skate Sim Abandoned Mall 0044 7007.99
Session: Skate Sim Brandalised® Pack Session: Skate Sim Brandalised® Pack 0030 3004.99
Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 3002273 80024.99
Showgunners Showgunners 4691258 94029.99
Streets of Rage 4 Streets of Rage 4 
45015724 92024.99
Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare Streets Of Rage 4 - Mr. X Nightmare 
00639 8907.99
The Universim The Universim 
3887934 80229.99
Train Sim World® 4: Deluxe EditionTrain Sim World® 4: Deluxe Edition 049.99
Train Sim World® 4 Train Sim World® 4 22903113 79040
Train Sim World® 4: Antelope Valley Line: Los Angeles - Lancaster Route Add-On Train Sim World® 4: Antelope Valley Line: Los Angeles - Lancaster Route Add-On 0036 55040
Train Sim World® 4: East Coast Main Line: Peterborough - Doncaster Route Add-On Train Sim World® 4: East Coast Main Line: Peterborough - Doncaster Route Add-On 0034 52040
Train Sim World® 4: S-Bahn Vorarlberg: Lindau - Bludenz Route Add-On Train Sim World® 4: S-Bahn Vorarlberg: Lindau - Bludenz Route Add-On 0049 61040
Train Sim World®: Nahverkehr Dresden -Riesa Route Add-On - TSW2 & TSW3 compatible Train Sim World®: Nahverkehr Dresden -Riesa Route Add-On - TSW2 & TSW3 compatible 0018 55130
Train Sim World® 4: Nahverkehr Dresden - Riesa Route Add-On Train Sim World® 4: Nahverkehr Dresden - Riesa Route Add-On 0032 53040
Train Sim World® 2: Rush Hour – Nahverkehr Dresden Route Add-On Train Sim World® 2: Rush Hour – Nahverkehr Dresden Route Add-On 00121 64030
Train Sim World® 4: LNER Class A3 60103 Flying Scotsman Steam Loco Add-On Train Sim World® 4: LNER Class A3 60103 Flying Scotsman Steam Loco Add-On 0021 52017
Train Sim World® 4: Railpool BR 193 Vectron Loco Add-On Train Sim World® 4: Railpool BR 193 Vectron Loco Add-On 0044 86017
Tropico 6 Tropico 6 
40617892 87*439.99
32 items 16 with cards118$880.68

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A list of nearly every Steam key game bundle published since Humble Indie Bundle #1 in 2010.
31178 games and items in 6874 bundles from 78 stores. Comprehensiveness is the goal, therefore the inclusions of bundles or stores are not endorsements. For recommendations, visit /r/GameDeals.

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

Total number of Steam trading cards in the set. You'll receive half that number of cards from playing for several hours, e.g. if the set has 5 cards, you will receive 3 cards as you play.
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✽ Bundle Count

Number of times the game has been in a bundle. Some bundles listed on Barter are not included in this count due to price or other aspect of the bundle. Not counted list.

US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see