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Bundle Stars icon Bundle Stars changed its name to Fanatical on November 1, 2017

New Reality Bundle

■ Ended ... Started

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♻ Rebundled: May 2016, August 2016, October 2016

Titles📖🏆cards% positive reviews$
tier 1: $2.49
AI: Rampage AI: Rampage 95317 41*131.99
Atonement: Scourge of Time Atonement: Scourge of Time 369172 73*235.99
City of Chains City of Chains 527154 77*158.99
Data Hacker: Corruption Data Hacker: Corruption 69556 55*181.99
Data Hacker: Initiation Data Hacker: Initiation 525122 70*201.99
Data Hacker: Reboot Data Hacker: Reboot 406119 62*121.99
Dead6hot Dead6hot 05320 48*101.99
Elements: Soul of Fire Elements: Soul of Fire 
52871 45*187.99
Incitement 3 Incitement 3 29960 71*195.99
Invasion: Brain Craving Invasion: Brain Craving 155222 44*111.99
Love is Blind: Mutants Love is Blind: Mutants 
05119 33*7...
PulseCharge PulseCharge 0590 50*110.99
Rabiez: Epidemic Rabiez: Epidemic 105148 47*111.99
tier 2: $5.99
New Reality Studio PackNew Reality Studio Pack 2...
Data Hacker: Initiation Data Hacker: Initiation  $0525122 70*202
City of Chains City of Chains  $0527154 77*159
Atonement: Scourge of Time Atonement: Scourge of Time  $0369172 73*236
State of Anarchy State of Anarchy 06840 85*92
Elements: Soul of Fire Elements: Soul of Fire  $052871 45*188
Data Hacker: Corruption Data Hacker: Corruption  $069556 55*182
Broken Dreams Broken Dreams  $005211 70*102
Data Hacker: Reboot Data Hacker: Reboot  $0406119 62*122
Incitement 3 Incitement 3 29960 71*196
AI: Rampage AI: Rampage  $095317 41*132
Project Starship Project Starship  $0176294 82*103
Invasion: Brain Craving Invasion: Brain Craving 155222 44*112
Guardians of Victoria Guardians of Victoria  $0012111 30*82
Dead6hot Dead6hot  $005320 48*102
Rabiez: Epidemic Rabiez: Epidemic  $0105148 47*112
Dungeon of Zolthan Dungeon of Zolthan  $0185379 79*102
Outrage Outrage 41685 60*94
Elements II: Hearts of Light Elements II: Hearts of Light  $052666 59*95
Purgatory Purgatory 05187 63*82
PulseCharge PulseCharge 0590 50*111
Insincere Insincere 06138 47*84
Hero Quest: Tower Conflict Hero Quest: Tower Conflict  $005145 32*72
Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair 47565 80*126
CLASH CLASH  $035247 3800
Reset 1-1 Reset 1-1 126139 69*72
The Dreamlord The Dreamlord 05127 53*92
Fall of Civilization Fall of Civilization 66140 38*97
State of Anarchy Complete: Master of Mayhem State of Anarchy Complete: Master of Mayhem 2610371 85*73
So Many Cubes So Many Cubes 8556 42*102
Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles 9588 65*92
POLYWAR POLYWAR 05416 72*102
Radical Spectrum: Volume 1 Radical Spectrum: Volume 1 01051 47*72
Love is Blind: Mutants Love is Blind: Mutants  $005119 33*7...
Shadows 2: Perfidia Shadows 2: Perfidia 75209 77*1010
Mercury: Cascade into Madness Mercury: Cascade into Madness 58034 94*89
Red Death Red Death 15566 78*121
Gun-Running War Dogs Gun-Running War Dogs 26049 63*62
Formless Adventure Formless Adventure 15013 3002
Radical Spectrum: Volume 2 Radical Spectrum: Volume 2 0017 52*62
Warfront Defenders Warfront Defenders 0522 45*65
Purgatory II Purgatory II 0529 4402
Renegade Grounds: Episode 1 Renegade Grounds: Episode 1 29012 58*75
Drift (Over) Drive Drift (Over) Drive 0541 4602
Snares of Ruin Snares of Ruin 29038 94*66
Deadly Animal Duel Deadly Animal Duel 0934 3202
CLASH - Legacy Pack CLASH - Legacy Pack 00...*62
Zorbit's Orbits Zorbit's Orbits 7023 4702
Hydroactive Hydroactive 00...02
Gift To Humanity Gift To Humanity 0011 4503
Corruption Soundtrack Corruption Soundtrack 00...02
Data Hacker: Reboot Soundtrack Data Hacker: Reboot Soundtrack 00...01
Elements Soundtrack Elements Soundtrack 00...02
Reboot Game Guides and Art Book Reboot Game Guides and Art Book 00...01
Armored Evolution Armored Evolution 72052 84010
Initiation Soundtrack Initiation Soundtrack 00...01
Project Starship OST Project Starship OST 0010 10002
SOA: Master of Mayhem - Original Soundtrack SOA: Master of Mayhem - Original Soundtrack 00...01
14 items 52 with cards316$43.88

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% positive reviews User Reviews

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cards Steam Trading Cards

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✽ Bundle Count

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US$ Retail Price

The non-discounted US Steam store price from the appdetail API. For global prices, see