
avatarellipsism 🗩 1
What is a failed offer?
A failed offer occurs when you or your trading partner cannot complete an accepted offer. For every 100 completed offers, there are 6-7 failed offers on

There are several types of failed offers and correctly identifying the reason for the failure will help warn others of potential problems and improve trading on the site and the larger community.

Reason for failure
There are 3 categories: agreement, caution, dispute.

If you have not sent or received any games or items, then you should come to an agreement to cancel. Despite not being able to complete the offer, communicating early and often with your trading partner can avoid many potential problems.
I requested to cancel
If you initiated the request and take responsibility for the cancellation.
I agreed to cancel
If the other side requested to cancel and you agreed to do so.

If you were unable to reach an agreement with the other side or you had a bad experience attempting to do so, but you did not lose any items in exchange, you should fail with a caution.
other party abandoned offer
This can cover a variety of situations including a lack of communication or reneging.
what was offered or what I received was not as described
If someone offers the wrong game or version and seems to do so intentionally or recklessly. You can also use this if you completed an exchange, but don't believe it is a dispute.

If you attempted an exchange and then lost a game or item.
I sent item, but received an invalid key
If you received a key or a link that produced errors such as "Invalid Product Code" on Steam, or "Unknown Key" on Humble Bundle. Before selecting this reason, verify that the key is invalid. Most Steam keys are 15 characters, and Humble gift links have 16 characters.
I sent item, but received an already used key
If you received a key that produced a "Duplicate Product Code" error on Steam, or "Already Redeemed" on Humble Bundle.
I sent item, but received a region locked key
If you are unable to activate the game due to your location. Some bundle don't warn about region locks, therefore accurately tag your tradables so others can help detect potential problems. If someone hasn't tagged their tradable, inquire before the exchange.
I sent item, but received nothing
If you have not received anything and the offer is nearing expiration. You can fail the offer sooner if the other side has removed you from the friends list.
I sent item, but did not receive everything we agreed to exchange
If you sent 3 games and expected 3 in exchange, and then received 2. This is the dispute version of "what was offered or what I received was not as described."
avatarellipsism 🗩
Dispute Process
Disputes involving lost games are relativately rare (<1% of all offer). If you are involved in a dispute, following these steps could increase the chances of a successful resolution.

Is it a dispute?

Did this trade begin as an accepted offer on Barter?
No: this is not a dispute that this site will mediate.

Did you exchange games or items?
No: If you did not exchange anything, than it is an abandoned offers, not a dispute for the purposes of this site.

Did you lose a game or item in the exchange?
Yes: This is a dispute.

What are the reasons for a dispute?
I sent item, but received an invalid key
I sent item, but received an already used key (duplicate product code error)
I sent item, but received a region locked key
I sent item, but received nothing
I sent item, but did not receive everything we agreed to exchange

In additon, a mediator can initiate a dispute for these reasons,
Key revoked
Sham trade

Document the exchange

Save and/or screenshot your messages with your trading counterparty. Save any keys you sent or received, but do not post the keys or links in public.

Explain the dispute on the offer and to the mediator

Share the public information in the messages and add the mediator (if assigned) on Steam to share private information. Avoid descriptions such as "liar" or "scammer" and detail what happened and which games or items you lost. Provide options to resolve the dispute.

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