The Ascent - Cyber Heist

Steam 1802470 | Store | Windows DLC
The Ascent - Cyber Heist cover art
thumb up icon58%User Reviews285 reviews
✽3Bundle Count0 active, 3 as packages excludes specials
$9.99Retail Price4.99 SteamDB, ITAD
πŸ“…2022-08-18Release Date2 years ago
DeveloperNeon Giant
PublisherCurve Games tracks your digital game libraries, wishlists and tradables from different stores. You can find users with the games you want and if they've wishlisted your tradable games.

Sign in through Steam to view the users' collections and trades.

⇄ Tradable 0

β˜… Wishlist 28 (3%)

πŸ“š Library 44 (5%)

✽ Bundles

β–Άicon Build Your Own Fusion Bundle β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/896848
14 Steam games + 5 DLC
β– icon Twin Stick 'Em Up β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/896848
7 Steam games
3 of 32024-10-04
⏸︎icon Build Your Own RPG Bundle (Bundle Bash Edition) β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/896848
No longer included18 Steam games

✽ Specials

β– icon Build Your Own Fanatical Favorites Bundle β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/896848
Special Pick & Mix19 Steam games + 1 DLC
β– icon Birthday Favorites - Build Your Own Bundle (2024) β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/896848
Special Pick & Mix21 Steam games
β– icon Platinum Collection - Build Your Own Bundle (June 2024) β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/896848
Special Pick & Mix22 Steam games
β– icon Mystery Star Bundle β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/8968482024-08-21
β– icon Summer Mystery Bundle β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/8968482024-06-19
β– icon Action Mystery Bundle β†—οΈŽ Steamgifts iconsub/8968482024-05-13

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