Within the blade

Steam 622870 | Store | Windows
Within the blade cover art
Trading card icon5Trading Cardsbadge (foil), market (foil), items
thumb up icon87%User Reviews297 reviews
5Bundle Count0 active excludes specials
$10.99Retail PriceSteamDB, ITAD
🏆78AchievementsAStats iconSteam Hunters iconCompletionist.me icon
📅2019-08-17Release Date5 years ago
DeveloperAmetist studio
PublisherAmetist studio

activates as Pixel Shinobi: Nine demons of Mamoru updated 21 months ago by πŸ’ Lilly (πŸŒΈβ— β€Ώβ— )

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Tradable 20 (2%)

Wishlist 42 (4%)

📚 Library 171 (17%)

✽ Bundles

icon DIG Bundle 1316 - POSITIVE ↗︎
7 Steam games
icon DIG Bundle 1198 - POSITIVE ↗︎
2 Steam games
icon Shinobi Empire Bundle ↗︎ Steamgifts icon
6 Steam games
icon DIG Bundle 1114 - POSITIVE ↗︎
9 Steam games
⏸︎icon DIG Bundle 1365 - POSITIVE ↗︎
No longer included4 Steam games

✽ Specials

icon Build Your Own Anime Bundle 3 ↗︎ Steamgifts icon
Special Pick & Mix22 Steam games

🏷 Tags 25

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