Serious Sam HD: Double Pack

Serious Sam HD: Double Pack cover art
1Bundle Count0 active
$49.97Retail PriceSteamDB, ITAD

This item represents the ROW (non-US) version of the game: {sub/4507}.
The key received via the Alienware giveaway corresponds to a US-version {sub/6192/} (same apps as the ROW item but missing the 2 non-US depots).
Please be aware that it is possible to activate the ROW version on top of the US-version because of it containing the 2 extra depots. updated 2 years ago by πŸ’ Lilly (πŸŒΈβ— β€Ώβ— )


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✽ Bundles

icon Serious Sam Bundle ↗︎ Steamgifts icon6193 subID
12 Steam games + 2 DLC
2 of 32022-09-21

$0 Giveaways 1

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