Knights of Pen and Paper 2

Steam 310060 | Store | Windows, macOS, Linux
Knights of Pen and Paper 2 cover art
Trading card icon8Trading Cardsbadge (foil), market (foil), items
thumb up icon88%User Reviews2,254 reviews
5Bundle Count0 active, 2 as packages excludes specials
$7.99Retail PriceSteamDB, ITAD
🏆33AchievementsAStats iconSteam Hunters icon
📅2015-10-20Release Date9 years ago
DeveloperKyy Games
PublisherParadox Interactive

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Tradable 30 (3%)

Wishlist 26 (3%)

📚 Library 378 (40%)

✽ Bundles

icon Storied Strategy and Role-Playing Bundle (Paradox Turn-Based Bundle) ↗︎ Steamgifts iconsub/86742
5 Steam games + 3 DLC
icon Humble Paradox StrataGems Bundle ↗︎ Steamgifts icon🌐
9 Steam games + 2 DLC
1 of 32021-10-22
icon Humble Better Futures Bundle ↗︎ Steamgifts iconsub/86742
6 Steam games + 3 DLC + 3 items
3 of 32020-09-15
icon Humble Fight for Racial Justice Bundle ↗︎ Steamgifts icon
49 Steam games + 1 DLC + 26 items
icon Humble PC and Android Bundle 14 ↗︎ Steamgifts icon💾📱
11 Steam games
3 of 32016-06-28

✽ Specials

icon PDX Mini Legacy Bundle ↗︎ Steamgifts iconsub/99331
Special 5 Steam games + 3 DLC

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