helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar ♔☆EZGitGud♔☆

🕵 Pending Review 8 years ago; 🕵 Pending Review 8 years ago


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

2; 2; 2 Disputes
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW
avatar UgLyPoLio
95; 89; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU

♔☆EZGitGud♔☆ has fewer than 5 unique completed offers and therefore should go first in the exchange. This is to discourage the creation of throwaway accounts that have no intention of completing trades.

< Proposed
UgLyPoLio declined offer from ♔ ☆ LoneWolf Trader
  • < ♔ ☆ LoneWolf Trader proposed offer to UgLyPoLio
  • ♔ ☆ LoneWolf Trader edited offer
  • < ♔ ☆ LoneWolf Trader proposed offer to UgLyPoLio
  • LoneWolf-_-GameTrader edited offer
  • < LoneWolf-_-GameTrader proposed offer to UgLyPoLio
  • LoneWolf-_-GameTrader edited offer
  • < LoneWolf-_-GameTrader proposed offer to UgLyPoLio
  • 🕗 ♔☆EZGitGud♔☆ set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar This conversation is over. Have a good weekend.
  • I said that I purchased AC Syndicate. 1 of the two games I got free from a friend. You make a big deal out of nothing.
  • avatar AC syndicate... no offense but I wont trade with u dude sorry
  • first u said u trade those games because u dislike AC games and they were given to you. Few sentences laters, you're saying that u purchase
  • avatar like it's a forceful game. I can understand why you'd want to hold onto I Am Alive anyways; it's one of the best games out there.
  • What is it, Syndicate? Yes, if you want this, you can have it in exchange for I Am Alive.
  • Well, so much for that. If you want the other Assassin's Creed game, I purchased that.
  • avatar i pass sorry, i wont trade a gift for a key that you didnt purchase by yourself, its too risky to me. Thx for the time anyway
  • avatar But please, just put some thought into it. Let me know if we have an agreement. Add me on Steam.
  • foreceful thing*
  • like it's a forceful game. I can understand why you'd want to hold onto I Am Alive anyways; it's one of the best games out there.
  • I don't have the money for I Am Alive at the moment, and that is why I came to you. If you don't want to trade, i don't want to seem
  • given to me.
  • I came to you thinking maybe you would be able to trade I Am Alive for this game. I hate AC, all of their games, and not to mention this was
  • I Am Alive is a game I've been looking for for ages. No one gives it away. Not on Steam Gifts, not anywhere I know of.
  • A key.
  • avatar btw this is a key or gift ?
  • It's just Assassin's Creed Unity ? It's a 39.99$ game versus a 14.99$ one. I dont expect GTA V but its hard to believe my game is worthy
  • avatar Besides, how is this a big deal? It's just Assassin's Creed Unity. Not like it's GTA V or anything.
  • I hope you understand. Contact me if we have a consensus.
  • Here, I'll take a game away.
  • I can take a game away. But I simply must have at least I Am Alive.
  • Why? Because I'll do anything for I Am Alive. No one gives this game away anymore. This is my childhood game. Take it or leave it.
  • avatar hi, I never saw this kind of offer before, it looks too good to be true. Why you offering that much ?
♔☆EZGitGud♔☆ will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

UgLyPoLio will send 1 of these tradables

♔☆EZGitGud♔☆ has fewer than 5 unique completed offers and therefore should go first in the exchange. This is to discourage the creation of throwaway accounts that have no intention of completing trades.

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