#event 113: Humble Choice #63, and more! in 30 hours
Barter.vg helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.
✉ Offers
⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum
- < Perseus Sokolov proposed offer to mac420
- < Perseus Sokolov proposed offer to mac420
- ⛔ Because this received offer expired, profile was set to unavailable
- < MiaLez proposed offer to mac420
- < DubiousPanic proposed offer to mac420
- < MiaLez proposed offer to mac420
- < Legolas proposed offer to mac420
- < Recu proposed offer to mac420
- < Recu proposed offer to mac420
- < UnmetPlayer proposed offer to mac420
- < 恶魔队楚轩 proposed offer to mac420
- < 恶魔队楚轩 proposed offer to mac420
- < Amano Jacu proposed offer to mac420
- < KTH proposed offer to mac420
- < Revoked proposed offer to mac420
- < Perseus Sokolov proposed offer to mac420
- < Amano Jacu proposed offer to mac420
- < AsChMR proposed offer to mac420
- < MiaLez proposed offer to mac420
- < Lichtheld proposed offer to mac420
- < Bep Bep proposed offer to mac420
- < UKRAINIAN proposed offer to mac420
- < Bonjogen proposed offer to mac420
- ✗ mac420 declined (no longer have) offer from PolyHertz
- ✗ mac420 declined (no longer have) offer from Bonjogen
- ✗ mac420 declined (no longer have) offer from LaMainNoire
- ✗ mac420 declined (not worth it to me) offer from Buying trading cards
- ✗ mac420 declined (no longer have) offer from Rohjin
- < PolyHertz proposed offer to mac420
- < Bonjogen proposed offer to mac420
- < LaMainNoire proposed offer to mac420
- ✗ PrometeheusCZ declined offer from mac420
- < Buying trading cards proposed offer to mac420
Offers are visible to everyone and limited to 1 pending offer to each user.