helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar xoxmodav


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar xoxmodav
865; 608; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌍 CIS
avatar ruedas
2578; 761; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌎 SA MX
< Proposed
> Accepted
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

xoxmodav claimed I sent item, but received an already used key

ruedas claimed what was offered or what I received was not as described

avatar 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate this dispute.

🔄 Mediator 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) set the offer status to completed
  • 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate offer
  • X ruedas failed (not as described) offer with xoxmodav
  • X xoxmodav failed (key already used) offer with ruedas
  • 🕗 xoxmodav extended the expiration by 8 days
  • 🕗 ruedas extended the expiration by 8 days
  • > ruedas accepted offer from xoxmodav
  • < xoxmodav proposed offer to ruedas
  • 🕗 ruedas set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 xoxmodav set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I agree - the problem is solved, the exchange can be considered completed!
  • avatar sent beautiful desolation new key and interstellar space genesis keys. we are good.
  • avatar I have not received the key to the game "The Magister" + I am waiting for the "replacement of the key from the vendor" from the third game, which turned out to be already used on another account.
  • The only game I got in exchange is Tiny Lands.
  • avatar sorry for the long waiting. I'll give you the key as soon as I get it. sorry again.
  • still waiting for the replacement from vendor
  • avatar what happened? I'm still waiting for my keys
  • add me to Steam - we will discuss the exchange
  • - Most of my exchange games are keys, Gift links and Steam gifts are marked separately.
    - If you think that the offer is unequal - make a counter offer of exchange.
    - If you have questions about the exchange - just add me to Steam and ask them. Overview
xoxmodav will send 5 of these tradables

in exchange for

ruedas will send 3 of these tradables

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