#event 113: Humble Choice #63, and more! in 35 hours

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player avatar Stefneh


⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

97; 82; 0
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1656; 712; 0
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AltsTec's Alt Tec's bot | taking any 1:1
< Proposed
Declined (countered)
< Stefneh proposed offer to Tecfan
  • avatar You could have the Loot Rascals Soundtrack, yes, I wouldn't want to add a game in as The Textorcist is currently heavily discounted on Steam. Is that alright?
  • avatar for example Loot Rascals Soundtrack or anything else really
  • that's actually what i'm looking for:) would it possible to add 1 random DLC or 1 random free game from your tradables to sweeten the deal, to make up for H:W ratio and # of bundles? Can be anything that I don't have in blacklist, including in my library
  • avatar the key is from the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016, i'm pretty sure it is just the base game and no extras
  • avatar The best thing to do is to confirm the subid manually by attempting to activate the game on your own account through Chrome with the steamdb extension installed
  • If you go to the game page on Barter you can see that one of the bundles from HB is actually a package containing the soundtrack as well, so it would help with a bundle tag :)
  • avatar Is there a way you can tell? this is the first time someone has asked me this kind of question haha
  • Ah right, I understand now :) well it's a standard humble bundle key, and it doesn't state any extras come with it (soundtrack or anything) so I would guess "25820 Bit Trip Runner 2 Retail CD Key"?
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • avatar Sorry again, I'm unfamiliar with the term subs?
  • avatar Which one of these subs will your key activate?
  • avatar Sorry, what do you mean?
  • avatar what's the subID?
  • avatar Feel free to counter if you are not completely happy :)
  • Feel free to send me an offer, but please try to be reasonable. I am just trying to swap spare bundle keys fairly not make profit or be severely lowballed. If I send an offer you are unhappy with please counter offer. Overview
Stefneh will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Tecfan will send 1 of these tradables

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