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player avatar Drughi14

🚫︎ Blacklist

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Blacklist updated 6 years ago  
+ Add [ Not Interested ] games from Steam to Barter using rgIgnoredApps
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
ZAMBI 2 KIL $01250
PLAYERUNKN4WN: Zombie 11145
FarCraft $0...
dead_file.exe 4979
ISIS Simulator $013465
- Arcane preRaise - $052429
Suicide Simulator $06139
- Arcane RERaise - 53831
Athopiu - The Final Rebirth of Hopeless Incarnate 119
- Occult RERaise - $0...
Why So Evil $0896856
Why So Evil 2: Dystopia $0957149
GooCubelets $0690368
GooCubelets 2 $0957466
GooCubelets: OCD $0918055
GooCubelets: The Algoorithm $0939163
GooCubelets: The Void $0918165
Break Into Zatwor $0651048
Fiends of Imprisonment $0541342
Brilliant Bob $0989552
Wyatt Derp 2: Peacekeeper $055133
Rapid Squirrel 5...
DinoOps $05...
Last Survivor *$07...
Nuclear Shot *$0516744
The Silence Of Darkness ...
Désiré [re-release] 😕 6063
Purple Hills $05...
SmashZombies 12...
Blood Ancestors ⚙️2263
The Safeguard Garrison $093836
Wyatt Derp $0514742
Gnarltoof's Revenge $056732
The Slaughtering Grounds $05213934
Partical City Guardians $0512343
Blood of Old (OLD VERSION) $05118730
Attrition: Nuclear Domination $0584931
Sleengster $097045
Adventures of Hooi 65550
Flight Simulator: VR 52512
Starship: Nova Strike $0514627
Russian Underground: VR 5...
Billiard: VR 5...
MontaSayer 5...
Blood of Old - The Rise To Greatness $051020
Frontline Tactics 108661
Offroad: VR 5119
Trinium Wars [aka M.A.D.] $01036357
Luci:Horror Story 5...
Turn Around *$054744
Bold New World *$054928
Beast Blaster $0926657
Cyborg Detonator $0917250
Zombie Boom $0922249
Zonitron Productions Ten Games Pack combined$0
+ Why So Evil combined8
+ Why So Evil 2: Dystopia combined9
+ Brilliant Bob combined9
+ Absconding Zatwor combined6
+ Break Into Zatwor combined6
+ GooCubelets combined6
+ Fiends of Imprisonment combined5
+ GooCubelets 2 combined9
+ GooCubelets: The Algoorithm combined9
+ They Came From The Moon combined9
Attrition: Nuclear Domination $0584931
Why So Evil 2: Dystopia + Why So Evil + Brilliant Bob combined
+ Why So Evil combined8
+ Why So Evil 2: Dystopia combined9
+ Brilliant Bob combined9
Beast Blaster + Cyborg Detonator + Zombie Boom combined$0
Unlinked Items (cannot filter or match)
GooCubelets + GooCubelets: The Algoorithm + GooCubelets: The Void
GooCubelets + GooCubelets 2 + GooCubelets: The Algoorithm
GooCubelets + GooCubelets: OCD + GooCubelets: The Algoorithm
GooCubelets + GooCubelets 2 + GooCubelets: OCD
Brilliant Bob + They Came FromThe Moon + Why So Evil + Why So Evil 2 : Dystopia
Abscoding Zatwor +Break into Zatwor +Fiends of Imprisonment
They Came FromThe Moon
Abscoding zatwor