#event 113: Humble Choice #63, and more! in 38 hours

Barter.vg helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Heiluri


⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

28; 28; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
148; 123; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
Declined (not worth it to this user)
Heiluri declined (not worth it to me) offer from Chad
  • < Chad proposed offer to Heiluri
  • Chad edited offer
  • < Chad proposed offer to Heiluri
  • Chad edited offer
  • < Chad proposed offer to Heiluri
  • Chad edited offer
  • < Chad proposed offer to Heiluri
  • 🕗 Chad set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Since i was only one to get Spyro + Hardship vs Songs of Conquest, that's what it means in the end. Your English seems fine to me, however offers not so much. Will pass this time, but thanks nonetheless. :)
  • avatar I checked again and you don't have anything else on your wishlist you are interested in that i have in my inventory and can give you
  • Sorry english isn't my first language and I don't understand what you are trying to say with less worthy than other two peoples? If you are trading it with someone else you can do that I just thought you wanted Songs of Conquest
  • avatar Guess my Spyro is less worthy than other two people's, how about just Hardspace: Shipbreaker for your Songs of Conquest, seems fair based on this offer? :)
Chad will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Heiluri will send 1 of these tradables

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