helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Red Hat Chicken


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar Benny
237; 149; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW
avatar Red Hat Chicken
74; 58; 0
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< Proposed
> Accepted
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

Benny claimed ...

Red Hat Chicken claimed ...

avatar ellipsism volunteered to mediate this dispute.

X Benny failed offer with Red Hat Chicken ( countered ✉ )
  • Red Hat Chicken completed offer with Benny
  • > Red Hat Chicken accepted offer from Benny
  • < Benny proposed offer to Red Hat Chicken
  • 🕗 Red Hat Chicken set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Benny set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Yok kapatabilirsiniz.
  • avatar Başka sorun yok mu?
  • avatar Var
  • avatar Oyunu sizde var mı "Broadsword : Age of Chivalry"?
  • avatar Evet
  • avatar Sen Türkçe konuşmayı biliyor musun?
  • avatar My english not good ı can't tell me.You can close this ticket.We agreed with him.
  • avatar Thank you Red Hat Chicken for sending a game to Benny as agreed. Now, you said the key for Broadsword was a duplicate, but it appears in your library. Is it possible that you did activate that key?
  • avatar [ comment removed ]
  • avatar I will investigate the duplicate keys as part of this dispute, but before I do that, you should send Heaven Forest NIGHTS or another agreed upon game to Benny.
  • Based on the chat logs Benny posted, you did not provide any warning about the 2-3 week delay until after Benny sent you the key. That was more than a month ago. Reporting that the keys are duplicate now is dubious given that delay.
  • 1 failed&disputed is this offer. It took some time for the site to update. This is the risk of trading when you don't have access to your keys or ability to activate games.
  • avatar no more comment for me. my key was good.
  • avatar Okay ı am unavailable but why ı see 1 failed&disputed.I am not wrong
  • I can't activate ı only trusted you so ı did complete.And ı have this games.Then this message is auto Turkish message
  • avatar Red Hat Chicken, when you're ready to exchange games instead of sending spam, we can resolve this dispute. Until then, I recommend you keep your Barter profile set to unavailable so you don't waste other traders time.
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • Who are you thinking of cheating? Both of my keys were walid and at the moment you did not have any of the two games.
  • you activated Broadsword and asked me to wait 2-3 weeks. then completed offer on
  • Ignoring the fact that you activated on your account Gaben with the excuse you no longer care about it (after 30 min - look at the image I have sent). Now after a month there is the news that the keys were not valid
  • Who do you think to fool around? Before you ask to wait two or three weeks, and in the meantime you're activating the game that was not there on your profile before. Then after a month you say that the key I gave you, of which I was sure to be valid, had
  • avatar Red Hat Chicken, you're claiming that the keys Benny sent were already used. Why did you mark this offer as completed? Also, if you don't have access to your keys, please set you profile to unavailable to trade.
  • avatar He doing cheat ı don't do this anything about fail
  • I can't use because already ı have Gaben and Broadsword ı want this games for my smurf account and ı tried in smurf account and steam said used keys
  • avatar Red Hat Chicken, did you activate any of the game keys that Benny sent you? If yes, then you're obligated to send an agreed upon game in exchange.
  • avatar I can't login computer still because ı have lessons and I already have Gaben ı don't used Gaben key.And ı Said you ı can't enter pc but you didn't listen me and sent key.If you listen me in trade times we didn't sene this things.You are incorrect.
  • avatar However, you are the only person in the world who receives two game keys in advance, activates them, does not provide anything in return and feels deceived ... compliments
  • I feel cheated
  • You did not have any of the two games at the time of my offer AFTER my keys were used and you did not give me anything in return saying that I should have waited 2/3 weeks
  • Look at the photos of the chat. Initially you asked me for Gaben and since I did not find the key you wrote to me complete the offer,AFTER I countered offer with Broadsword : Age of Chivalry and I sent you two keys because the first was already used
  • I apologize for my English, but the fact is that you have never sent me your game in the 3 or 4 weeks as promised
  • avatar I countered so this mean don't want Gaben and your english is very bad.If ı have Vac this isn't mean ı am untrusted.
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • you never sent me a key.
  • look at the chat with time and date.. Gaben first choice...not find immediatly and countered offer with Chivalry. Both game was sent and you never have these games at the moment.But the problem is not one or two games.2/3 weeks to wait at 10april...
  • you are the only person with I had problem. hundred of trades.. you 1 ban VAC registered 292 days ago...
  • you contered offer with chivalry because I cannot find Gaben at the moment...
  • avatar The first we dealed in this site broadsword and he sent me Gaben game key but we didn't deal for Gaben and ı don't used because ı already have Gaben he tried deceive me.And he didn't ask me anything and sent first deal key "Broadsword".And ı said him ı can't open my computer can you wait and he didn't say anything correctly so his fault.
  • avatar 2-3 weeks are gone from my trade...
  • second key was Gaben as initially required, after he asked for chivalry (counter offer) and a second good key was sent of Chivalry. Both games are now activated on steam profile of Red Hat Chicken. I sent two games and no one for me
  • avatar Benny, the first key you sent had already been used and the second key Red Hat Chicken activated? Why was Red Hat Chicken rushing you to trade and then asking for 2-3 weeks?
  • avatar Sorry for my english
  • 2keys sent no one received...
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • avatar You can post the screenshot to any image hosting site or you can post the text at any site and then include the link in the message.
  • avatar Nothing I would just like to report to other users. I have the screenshot of the chat from my steam app android where I can see also old messages.If you want a copy of these sceenshot I can send you by email or tell me how to do.
  • avatar Benny, you sent both Broadsword : Age of Chivalry and GabeN: The Final Decision and Red Hat Chicken activated both keys? Would you mind posting or sending the chat? What would you like from Red Hat Chicken to settle this dispute?
  • avatar He already used my key, (He also used another one key GabeN: The Final Decision that initially was interested in and after chenged his mind...) I have a copy of the chat
  • avatar Red Hat Chicken, did you activate the key for Broadsword? I assume you didn't since you don't have access to your keys. Benny, if the Broadsword key hasn't been used and you can active or trade it, do you want to wait or switch this offer to abandoned?
  • avatar one moths to send a key in my opinion is a too long time
  • avatar Will you still be able to complete the trade? How long would that take?
  • avatar If he was listen me he didn't send a key he was wrong ı did my warning
  • I am Said ı can't enter pc he didn't listen me and sent key so ı can't do anything.
  • avatar Wait a month to receive Heaven Forest NIGHTS? Why wait so long? Did you already send the key for Broadsword : Age of Chivalry to Red Hat Chicken?
  • avatar He asked me to wait for a month...
  • avatar Hi, I'll be the mediator for this dispute. Please add me on Steam.
  • avatar I Said wait bcs ı don't have access my keys but he didn't listen me.
  • avatar If you don't like my offer, send back a counter offer, thanks ! Overview
Benny will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Red Hat Chicken will send 1 of these tradables

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