helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar PrometeheusCZ

โœ‰ Offers

โš ๏ธ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

4407; 1910; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord๐ŸŒ ROW:EU CZ
avatarโ›” Prize
391; 187; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord๐ŸŒ ROW:NA US
< Proposed
> Accepted
โœ“ Completed
โœ“ Completed
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

PrometeheusCZ claimed ...

Prize claimed I sent item, but received nothing in exchange

avatar ellipsism volunteered to mediate this dispute.

โœ“ PrometeheusCZ completed offer with Prize
  • โœ“ Prize completed offer with PrometeheusCZ
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Mediator ellipsism reset the offer status
  • โœ‹ ellipsism volunteered to mediate offer
  • โœ“ PrometeheusCZ completed offer with Prize
  • X Prize failed (sent item, received nothing) offer with PrometeheusCZ
  • > Prize accepted offer from PrometeheusCZ
  • < PrometeheusCZ proposed offer to Prize
  • ๐Ÿ•— Prize set accepted offer to expire
  • ๐Ÿ•— PrometeheusCZ set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar To moderator: I've received the key from the user and this trade is complete and done.
  • Sorry I got the date mixed up because of a previous trade. I still haven't received a key from you. Once I receive the key I will note that the dispute is closed.
  • avatar ok, I find that the message about vacation wasnt delivered to more users. Sorry
  • Now I don't know what I can do in this situation. If there is any way how we can normaly complete the trade. I have 3809 completed trades without any problem. I just was on vacation without internet and do not see the messages.
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • I am sorry I dont know why you dont got that message as other traders.
  • That is not true. The key was sent 6. September. When I already left to vacation. I was sending to all my accepted offers I will be back 15. September. You can check by yourself. So I am here now ant it is first time I see your messages.
  • avatar Sent key on August 29, 2022. It's now September 13. Haven't heard back from this user.
  • I sent you the Lethal League Blaze key via Steam message on August 29, 2022. It's been 5 days and I haven't heard from you.
  • I sent you the Lethal League Blaze key via Steam message on August 29, 2022. It's been 12 days and I haven't heard from you.
  • avatar I am the owner of one of the leading Czech gaming magazines - Gaming Professors, you can google it. Every year, through the web & socials we give away 1000+ games. Because of the communist manners on Barter, I have to add this: I am also reseller and re-send most of the games, some are for myself.
    Offer me something between x1.8-2 value from for UNBUNDLED games.
    For BUNDLED, don't send me the offers unless you will leave a comment that you are fully aware of the price difference. Overview
PrometeheusCZ will send 1 of these tradables

โ‡… in exchange for

Prize will send 1 of these tradables

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