helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar marco


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar marco
271; 201; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU DE
650; 431; 0
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< Proposed
> Accepted
Offer Failed Dispute unresolved, games or items lost ( about disputes )

marco claimed I agreed to cancel

Archev123 claimed I agreed to cancel

avatar 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate this dispute.

Due to a misunderstanding and language barrier, things got heated and the trade was only one-side completed (Override was sent & redeemed),
Since there's no real resolution to this between the two traders, I decided to cancel the trade in order to remove the dispute flag from both parties. 3 years ago

Mediator 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) edited the failed reasons of offer
  • 🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠) volunteered to mediate offer
  • X Archev123 failed (sent item, received nothing) offer with marco
  • X marco failed (sent item, received nothing) offer with Archev123
  • > Archev123 accepted offer from marco
  • < marco proposed offer to Archev123
  • 🕗 Archev123 set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 marco set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I woke up for a glass of water. What do you care about why me awake. You know I already said I would complete this trade after 5 hours. But you still send you key, were you high?
  • This issue totally is you said you can go first when I was in sleeping You throw key to me when i was sleeping. And give me a dispute when I was sleeping. You really unspeakable.
  • You can see the message carefully I don’t said you can go first. I just said I would give you key after 5 hours ago. You just did yourself when I was sleeping. At last send me a dispute claim I took you key but I sent nothing?
  • avatar Second point that I just read from your confused statements that is factually wrong: You messaged me at 2 am your time. I replied to you. If you send me text at 2 am your time I take it you are indeed awake. Please stay with the facts.
  • Your reply is in line with what I thought of you yesterday and so my decission stands, you keep my key, done. Not interested anymore in any further resolution. BTW: I do however contest your "I sent item" - you sent NOTHING. That is the problem here.
  • I have the chat log, sent it to the maintainers, let's see what they make of it, if you think it wasn't a language problem, so be it.
  • avatar Please pay attention to deal with this impatient and inattentive person who do nothings well. At last I do not redeemed his key and I am not interested cheat his low value game.
  • This impatient and inattentive person who can’t do big things wants to trade with him. Please pay attention to deal with he. At last I do not redeemed his key.
  • But I AM IN SLEEPING why should I must to wake up to send key to he immediately. I already said I would deal five hours later. And now he send me a dispute. Due to he acted impatient, implusive, Selfish.
  • This person only cared about himself in doing things, and didn't figure out the situation at all. He message me at 2:00 am in my region. I said I would give he key five hours later. He said he can go first and throw the key to me.
  • And i did not said you go first. It is you said and did youself. This is not only language problem. You acted so impatient, implusive and without any talk.
  • Of you do not redeemed your key. I can keep going this trade.
  • I were in bed then time. And I already said i would give you key 5 hours later. You can check the message
  • I am awake now, but you already removed me.
  • avatar That's not really what you said but I guess I can mark that one down as language problems. You let me go first then you disappeared, if you can't do the trade then just say so and we have no problems next time. We'll talk when you are awake on steam
  • avatar And i do not redeemed this key. You can check it. Be more careful and patient ok?
  • What's wrong with you?? I say I will going to bed. I will give you key when I get up. If you don't believe others, why go first??????
  • I will get home about 2 hours later
  • avatar I saw you offered this to somebody else, so I just matched it
  • Linux gamer - please take into account when offering things that are not on my wishlist. I prefer strategy and RPGs. Please do counter my offers if you think they're not good for you. I do check market values so please try to keep offers balanced. Overview
marco will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Archev123 will send 1 of these tradables

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