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player avatar Taishi


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

791; 584; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
avatar Taishi
11; 11; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU GB
x Djnemonic cancelled offer
  • < Djnemonic proposed offer to Taishi
  • Djnemonic edited offer
  • < Djnemonic proposed offer to Taishi
  • Djnemonic edited offer
  • < Djnemonic proposed offer to Taishi
  • Djnemonic edited offer
  • < Djnemonic proposed offer to Taishi
  • 🕗 Djnemonic set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Wanting to discuss or trying to entice me is being pushy imo. To be honest I'm not that eager for any of these games, its just a generious offer which is the ONLY reason I'd even consider it.
  • avatar I also added it to 5 games for your 1 game to entice the offer if you do not wish to talk directly through steam. I just would prefer we talk directly to see exactly what you want for this particular game....
  • Its easier for direct communication to come to a mutual agreement not being pushy.
  • avatar Damn donno why it triple posted that comment >_>
  • Lik eI said I'd rather hold onto it a little longer to see what's on offer for it. If you're going to be pushy then I will simply decline.
  • avatar I added you for further discussion.
  • avatar Also I t hink I might hold onto this game a little longer, though your offer is very tempting but truth is there's only 1 or 2 that actually interest me the most, though I'd rather pick 4 as that is your offer.
  • It is maked as Humble there for it is a gift from Humble which activates on Steam, everyone knows how humble works and so should you! However, this game does require Uplay regardless of activation on Steam.
  • avatar If this a steam key I'm definitely interested in this game please feel free to counter offer to make this trade fair. Add me for further discussion as well.
  • Is this steam key? Please feel free to counter
  • Fair trades only. I do check for prices. Most genres especially select VR games are welcome. All my HB leftovers are keys only. No Humble Monthly offers I am already a subscriber. No free to play game offers please. Overview

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