helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Eye



⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar Eye
2106; 1377; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
avatar xoxmodav
865; 608; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌍 CIS
< Proposed
> Accepted
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

Eye claimed ...

xoxmodav claimed I sent item, but received a region locked key

avatar LRiPPER volunteered to mediate this dispute.

Bep Bep completed offer with xoxmodav ( countered ✉ )
  • xoxmodav completed offer with Bep Bep
  • 🔄 Mediator LRiPPER reset the offer status
  • LRiPPER volunteered to mediate offer
  • X xoxmodav failed (region lock) offer with Bep Bep
  • Bep Bep completed offer with xoxmodav
  • > xoxmodav accepted offer from Bep Bep
  • < Bep Bep proposed offer to xoxmodav
  • > Bep Bep countered offer from xoxmodav with offer
  • 🕗 xoxmodav set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 Eye set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar ok, I will reset the offer status so both of you can complete it as usual
  • avatar The issue has been resolved, please close this dispute.
  • alternatively, you transfer money to my card, I close the dispute and buy the game for rubles at the lowest price
  • I clarified - it depends on the seller, some accept only rubles, others accept transfers in dollars and euros without problems.
  • avatar They want VISA RUB
  • I just checked that Plati site and wanted to buy DS with my EUR. I don't understand this site, I don't see a simple payment with european card
  • avatar By the way, according to the link I gave earlier, the price in dollars is only $ 23.74 - this is about 22 euros.
  • Taking into account its cost in the RU-region of 43 euros, then with the current maximum discount of 40%, 25 euros is quite a normal price. It has never been cheaper even on Steam.
  • For the RU-region, it never cost 15 euros even with discounts - now I have to wait forever for the key?
  • avatar yea, there are some sales, but those sales are at 25-30€ now
  • avatar It looks like someone decided to ignore this exchange and not give the game away, continuing to change with other users. :-(
  • avatar the game is currently discounted at most marketplaces and stores. if Bep Bep wanna replace it's time.
  • avatar I bought it in my region, EU, as I said for ~16€ ( which is not that bad price, compared to your region)
  • avatar Perhaps you bought a key with activation lock on GameBillet only in Argentina - have you already asked the store's technical support about this?
  • Although in this case it absolutely does not matter what kind of regional restrictions the key has - I still can't find out, as well as activate the key for myself.
  • No, I'm not accusing you of this - I just want to get my game.
  • avatar As I said, on GameBillet there is no information about region locks. I have no interest in giving region lock games
  • If I good understand, now you try to accuse me, that I gave you specially region locked game? :D
  • avatar In any store, you can request information about the keys you purchase and even personally check the restrictions of the subid on an open database -
  • So you can buy keys with regional restrictions, for example, from Turkey and Argentina and put them up for a profitable exchange for people from more expensive regions, and then pretend that this is an accident and offer a cheaper replacement.
  • And then you are surprised that it does not suit everyone - this is very strange, given the fact that you have been changing keys from games for a very long time and a lot.
  • You buy a game key on some trading platform, without understanding its regional activation restrictions, and put it up for exchange without specifying anything.
  • avatar Then it turns that the game is locked and now I should buy the game second time for more money and you will be happy and I will loose money. So, you have done nothing wrong and I should take 100% of this issue on me. That's very comfortable.
  • I agreed with your offer only because I wanted to spend 16€ for it, not more. You sent the games first just because you thought that I will want x days to sell them (again your guess, not my words).
  • I never said that I am selling those codes, especially on grey markets (it's just your guess). Some of them I am using by myself, some I am exchanging for another games. So I'm not getting 40-55$ as you think.
  • avatar The game is now discounted on Steam and taking into account the commission of the trading platform - its price is 13-14 TF2 keys.
  • 4. I don't need other games, since I initially agreed to a profitable exchange for you, solely for the sake of this, and not some other game.
  • 3. The key for this game (for the RU region) costs $23.74
  • 2. The cost of the keys to the games that I gave you in this exchange on trading platforms ranges from $ 40 to $ 55.
  • One more time: 1. You sell the keys received here on the trading platforms.
  • avatar And trades between me and other users is rather their decision? They can check our dispute and decide if I am scammer or not. I have nothing to hide and I can send the games first.
  • As I said, I wanted to offer other game/games as replacement because Death STranding costs definitely more than what I have paid already. If nothing is fine as replacement then what I have to do?
  • avatar Do I understand correctly that "Bep Bep" decided to simply ignore this exchange and not give me the game, continuing to change with other users as if nothing had happened?
  • The game for the RU region is sold at different sites. For example, here it costs less than 25 euros -
  • avatar In the end, I am unable to buy copy of Death Stranding which will be available in Russia, my region is EU. So because of that I wanted to offer diffrent game/games as replacement, but also they need to be available in RU.
  • I found information about Total War: WARHAMMER III because it is from Fanatical, when Deaths STranding was from GameBillet. One site gave option to check locks, other one not.
  • avatar From what I see, Bep Bep is willing to compensate and send a Death Stranding key that works in Russia. Right?
  • avatar Therefore, the stories that I sent them first, although he allegedly did not want it, as well as about their free of charge, are from the category of fiction.
  • It's not the first time i've changed with him, he usually asks for a few days to sell the keys he received to confirm their operability.
  • This is misleading - when it came to replacing the key, he immediately found information that Total War: WARHAMMER III cannot be activated in my region, but even after that he did not indicate on the site that this key of his has regional restrictions.
  • avatar Also saying that my offer was "extremely unprofitable" is a bit exaggerated. All the games and dlcs about which I asked were given for free.
  • Now I think that it is our both fault to not check everything before trade and I wanted to meet in a half way.
  • I didin't know about region lock, because the only information which I've got was "it is available in your country", not all sites allow to check each allowed country. Also he sent the keys first, but I didin't asked for it.
  • avatar it was an extremely unprofitable deal for me, so I really want to get exactly the game for which it was started
  • And if I could not find out about activation problems in my country in any way, then he could easily find out - most stores give information about the regional organizations of the keys being sold. For example -
  • I didn't know about the regional restrictions of the key until I tried to activate it on my account - the game is still freely sold in my region.
  • I believe that almost twice the price of the offer on my part compensates him for all the inconveniences. Besides, I'm not taking the game for resale, but for myself.
  • It would be strange to get a game for $ 15 instead of games and add-ons for $ 40-55 and far from the one that was originally specified in the exchange. Now discounted DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT costs ~$26.
  • He did not have the key belonging to any region specified, as well as regional restrictions were not specified, as well as he never said about it until the moment the key was sent to me.
  • avatar Sadly, Xoxmodav wanted only Total War: WARHAMMER III (which is aslo region locked to EU) or Dying Light 2, for which I would need to pay atleast 30€ (from steam store).
  • I wanted to offer other game/games which may be not region locked, but +/- with the same price range what Death Stranding costs me (~16-17€).
  • Xoxmodav send the games first, then it turns that DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT wasn't available in CIS. I have tried to find a shop where I can buy a copy available in CIS, but without success.
  • avatar he does not want to compensate for this with TF2 keys so that I can purchase the game at a discount sale, although the cost of the keys that I gave him is much higher
  • I sent my keys - everything was fine with them, in response I received a key with regional restrictions, which I cannot activate in my region (there were no notes that it had any restrictions)
  • avatar explain in detail what happened, please
  • avatar i send key in steam chat
  • avatar I am Re-seller = I can trade ANY unbundled game to you in exchange of your bundled games for 1.8/2x the price you see on (for example: if my game is worth currently 10€, try to offer me your games, worth 18-20€).
    Please don't ask me for bundled games, get them from normal users :) Overview
Eye will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

xoxmodav will send 5 of these tradables

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