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player avatar ProtoReaper

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Blacklist updated 7 years ago  
+ Add [ Not Interested ] games from Steam to Barter using rgIgnoredApps
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
Slavistan $0660390
Candy Smash VR $056576
Fishermurs $0512566
ConflictCraft 764483
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock $07238386
Homeworld Remastered Collection 71123788
SUPERHOT [does not include Mind Control Delete] *$052548591
Dead District 633953
Warriors' Wrath 82560
Bad Rats 5708477
Beat Hazard 7498395
Satellite Repairman $0511068
Victory: The Age of Racing 9133350
Victory: The Age of Racing - Steam Founder Pack (with Racecraft) combined
+ Victory: The Age of Racing combined9
+ Racecraft combined
AirBuccaneers $0567960
Gravi 51553
Magicka 81834786
Super Hydorah 520988
Airport CEO 698183
Aragami 9992090
Dinosaur Fossil Hunter 767076
Dreamfall Chapters 8311582
Encodya 28475
FAR: Lone Sails 51828094
Full Throttle Remastered 6215593
Grotto 18595
Iratus: Lord of the Dead 6656085
Little Big Workshop *8232385
Model Builder: Complete Edition 101175
Not Tonight 9191086
Quern - Undying Thoughts 8317291
Secret Government 24055
Sheltered 5515581
Those Who Remain 851969
Finding Teddy 634682
Starsphere 71888
Brilliant Bob $0989552
Chicken Shoot Gold + Chicken Shoot 2 [activates as Chicken Shoot Gold] combined$0
+ Chicken Shoot Gold combined8
+ Chicken Shoot 2 combined7
Endless Space - Collection combined$0
+ ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition combined8
+ Endless Space - Disharmony combined
+ ENDLESS™ Space - Amplitude Badge + GAMES2GETHER Points combined
Fiends of Imprisonment + Absconding Zatwor + Break Into Zatwor combined
+ Absconding Zatwor combined6
+ Break Into Zatwor combined6
+ Fiends of Imprisonment combined5
GoNNER - BLÜEBERRY Edition [activates as GoNNER, contains free DLC] combined
+ GoNNER combined6
+ GoNNER - BLÜEBERRY Edition combined
Punch Club Deluxe combined
+ Punch Club combined8
+ Soundtrack and Artbook DLC combined
Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass combined
+ Supreme League of Patriots Issue 1: A Patriot Is Born combined10
+ Supreme League of Patriots Issue 3: Ice Cold in Ellis combined10
+ Supreme League of Patriots Issue 2: Patriot Frames combined10
Medieval Kingdom Wars $06221277
Nuclear Dawn 8159478
One Finger Death Punch 2 $06359496
Return NULL - Episode 1 510661
The Renegades of Orion 2.0 $053452
Deadly 30 $07111479
The Hex *6365994
BomberZone 57177
Hentai 3018 $0599080
Mouse (Sneaking) $05108186
Reflex [aka Just another puzzle game, by Easy game_13, 2017] 😕 $0574487
Defence to death $057758
Dino Run DX $0898794
Dark Shadows - Army of Evil $057934
The Slaughtering Grounds $05213934
Wyatt Derp $0514742
Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Osmium Edition combined
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit combined6
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Mind Games combined
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold DLC combined
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Juggernaut combined
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit - The Pilgrim combined
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Necromancer combined
+ Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Healer combined
Phantaruk 69860
Undefeated 😕 1011876
Keyhole Spy: Naughty Witches ...
Keyhole Spy: Lots of Girls ⚙️1353
Journey of a Roach 6140889
Worms Revolution 🌐 5538386
ReignMaker 63574
Blastercell 61060
HyperBrawl Tournament 😕 β$0 124981
2Dark 645781
Dead Age 9427783
Knock-knock 6144088
Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube 658787
SKYHILL 8404977
Chicken Shoot Gold $0818267
Out There: Ω Edition 5131074
Stronghold HD 5790495
Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge 61241
The Deed: Dynasty 650687
Battle vs Chess 😕 1210766
Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief 518768
Mad Digger 521872
Pretty Girls Panic! 1425883
The Agency: Chapter 1 52958
Solitaire Beach Season 58177
Blockwick 2 911795
Demon Hunter 3: Revelation 517889
DreamBreak 54854
DungeonUp 637482
Hentai Arena | Battle Royale 10115475
Eon Altar *656387
Game Corp DX 15270987
Hue Defense ⚙️7...
I Want To Be Human 68247
Mini Thief $0535371
ShadowSide 632764
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD 5246684
Offworld Trading Company 😕 *8345776
Death Goat 934075
Galaxy Admirals $0912579
Labyronia RPG 2 557776
Lion Quest 91090
Munin 973783
Spakoyno: Back To USSR 2.0 712642
Torch Cave 2 $0911954
Barclay: The Marrowdale Murder $09...
Break Into Zatwor $0651048
Fiends of Imprisonment $0541342
GooCubelets $0690368
GooCubelets: OCD $0918055
GooCubelets: The Void $0918165
Sometimes: Success Requires Sacrifice $0558871
Torch Cave $0915046
Good Robot 515189
Runeyana [aka Runeyana - City of Alteos] 94948
SnakEscape *54778
Shadowrun Returns Deluxe combined$0
+ Shadowrun Returns combined8
+ Shadowrun Returns Deluxe DLC combined
+ paradox dummy app sub/27375 "Shadowrun Returns Deluxe" combined
Hacknet - Deluxe Edition combined$0
+ Hacknet combined5
+ Hacknet Official Soundtrack combined
Hold your houses $059338
Kitchen Simulator 2015 $0519841
Operation swat $056544
Silence 8166483
Lethal Brutal Racing $054860
Merchants of Kaidan $0622461
Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan [aka Dead Ivan @groupees] $055358
Chroma Squad 8273295
Infection: Humanity's Last Gasp 51747
Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator $06316591
Rencounter $0622571
Samsa and the Knights of Light 82483
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day $05161676
Blood of Old - The Rise To Greatness $051020
Blood of Old (OLD VERSION) $05118730
Gold Rush! Classic $0106888
Why So Evil $0896856
Why So Evil 2: Dystopia $0957149
Flower Design 56361
Beast Blaster $0926657
Forsaken Uprising $05100130
Sleengster $097045
The Defenders: The Second Wave 81681
Broken Dreams $0521170
The Safeguard Garrison $093836
Apocalypse Hotel - The Post-Apocalyptic Hotel Simulator! 3619
Escape: VR 54755
Offensive Combat: Redux! 🌐 $0912068
Pulut Adventure $01662
Slingshot people $0513432
The Under [aka The Untold Legacy] $0...
To The Capital 63562
Adventures of Abrix 53256
DeepFear 1231657
Finnish Roller 66773
Trapped Souls 51586
No Way Out *610540
Not without my donuts 102045
Super Trench Attack 2 69958
The Construct 57978
Unearthing Colossal *8...
WayOut 2: Hex 534087
Ballistic Protection 513450
Drayt Empire 510253
Magazine Editor 55736
NeverEnd $052373
Nightork Adventures - Beyond the Moons of Shadalee 67550
Puppy Dog: Jigsaw Puzzles 63096
Purgatory 518763
Ultimate Word Search 2: Letter Boxed 61060
Age of Invention $064660
Timberman $05849893
Spoiler Alert $0632277
Town of Night !53961
Disastr_Blastr 91492
Immune 569159
SQR🔲 125756
Time Of Silence 55637
POSTAL 2 89219596
Frederic: Resurrection of Music 673285
On The Path 5...
Puzzles Under The Hill 61080
Screencheat 779491
Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking 560877
Dungetris $0625375
- Arcane preRaise - $052429
- Arcane Raise - 545455
- Arcane RERaise - 53831
Beast Blaster + Cyborg Detonator + Zombie Boom combined$0
+ Beast Blaster combined9
+ Cyborg Detonator combined9
+ Zombie Boom combined9
! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold ! 56755
Zonitron Productions Ten Games Pack combined$0
+ Why So Evil combined8
+ Why So Evil 2: Dystopia combined9
+ Brilliant Bob combined9
+ Absconding Zatwor combined6
+ Break Into Zatwor combined6
+ GooCubelets combined6
+ Fiends of Imprisonment combined5
+ GooCubelets 2 combined9
+ GooCubelets: The Algoorithm combined9
+ They Came From The Moon combined9
$1 Ride 521568
1914: Prelude to Chaos 1010166
A Detective's Novel $058877
Absconding Zatwor *$0690854
Adorables $01216782
Adventure Rage $022555
Adventures of Hooi 65550
Age of Steel: Recharge 74264
Akin $0744786
Alchemyland 511239
Alien Attack: Zero DLC⚙️1580
Alien Hostage $0511763
Alpacapaca Dash 1212290
Altar Guardian 53737
aMAZE 3D $05352
ANIMALITY $0518381
Approaching Blocks 523963
Atonement: Scourge of Time *$0917273
Attrition: Nuclear Domination $0584931
Bacteria $01510459
BattleStorm 52185
Beastiarium 55250
Bibou $053237
BitRay $054868
Bold New World *$054928
Bootombaa 511139
Brain In My Head 53548
Brother Wings 610775
Bunker 58 $0514131
Burst 74153
Call to 10 53036
Case #8 58743
Catch a Falling Star $0624979
Cavern Escape $0511647
Chicken Labyrinth Puzzles $0510376
City of Chains $0715477
Clergy Splode 524851
Clickdraw Clicker $056453
Conclusion $0514534
Cosmic Pioneer 104463
CountDown 😕 5...
Crazy Buggy Racing 55455
Creature Clicker - Capture, Train, Ascend! $0553749
Cucumber Blues 511735
Dark Project [aka Dark Squad] 51250
Data Hacker: Reboot $0611962
Deep Space Dash 514742
Destruction 48 53336
Dungetris - Soundtrack! DLC⚙️...
Dynamic *57444
Eight Mini Racers [aka Drunkhana] 66165
Elements II: Hearts of Light $066659
Elements: Soul of Fire $087145
Elysium: Blood Games $0610153
Escape Machines 539941
Escape The Island 52512
False Shelter 56181
Family cobweb 5345
Fantasy Kingdom Simulator $0510045
Fight or Die 54742
Fight or Die 2 53154
Find Out 510966
Flight Simulator: VR 52512
Flow:The Sliding $011472
Fluffy Creatures VS The World $056867
Galactic Hitman $0532525
Garden Rescue 53485
Gelu *$04580
Go Mission: Space Travel $051533
GooCubelets 2 $0957466
GooCubelets: The Algoorithm $0939163
Greenwood the Last Ritual *62166
Gridberd 54332
Grind Zones 7102346
Gump Runner 51163
hack_me $07146768
HardCube *511081
Head Shot $0713644
Nokori [aka "Heartomics: Nokori"] $052245
Slime & Friends [Heartomics] $051957
Hero Quest: Tower Conflict $0514532
Hiiro $059289
H.I.S.T.O.R.Y T.O.R.C.H.K.A [may activate as Adventures of Kima] 52171
Incitement 3 96071
Infinitum 54055
Insincere 613847
Invasion: Brain Craving 522244
Invisible Mind $055440
Jackal 54517
Jet Racing Extreme 97464
JumpBall $051936
Kabitis $051323
KickHim 59250
Kings under the hill 62982
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun *521150
Krampus 🌐 🌐 59038
Krog Wars $0513732
Laraan 52365
Last Soldier $06445
Let's Draw $071464
Lex Mortis 58641
Locked-in syndrome $051936
Lone Leader $052842
Mad Hunter 86656
Magdalena $0520439
Mars Industries 63542
Masked Shooters 2 *$0660975
Midnight Carnival 520448
Milford Heaven - Luken's Chronicles 51464
Moon Colonization Project $054641
mr.President Prologue Episode 510371
Multimirror 51957
Nash Racing *109948
National Zombie Park 58022
Nuclear Contingency $057371
Numberline $052483
Octave *55977
Odysseus: Long Way Home 61866
Offroad: VR 5119
Omega One 6...
One way to exit 51060
ORBITAL $066779
Organ Biker *53243
Other Tanks 63847
Our Wonderful World 62975
Out for blood 8264
Outrunner 😕 *534583
Particula $0762270
Permute 51952
Pic Guesser 5...
PIGMENTUM !$062864
Plight of the Zombie ...
POPixel 51283
Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again $0524476
Project of the Developer 51827
Project Pulsation 56152
Project: R.E.B.O.O.T $064761
Project: R.E.B.O.O.T 2 55457
Project RPG Remastered $064358
QUBIC 52965
Radical Spectrum: Volume 1 *105147
Rage Parking Simulator 2016 $0947651
Red Death 56678
Remaining in a dream ⚙️59534
Resfort *5...
REVENGE: First Blood 52365
RoboMatch 63669
Rogue Port - Blue Nightmare $0124376
Rogue Port - Red Nightmare $0125280
Run Away 😕 511638
Rush for gold: Alaska 5...
Russian Horror Story 521758
SAMOLIOTIK !$06125989
Shoot Paint [formerly game 'Big City War' occupied this AppID] *⚙️121346
Sisters in hotel *635948
Sleeping Valley *$059241
Smithy 69480
Snake Party 62347
Snik 73354
Snowman [aka SNOWMAN from Russia] 😕 78153
Space Journey 😕 *92114
Spacecraft 😕 3360
Spikit !519884
Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant *$0514360
Star Drifter *511050
Star Merchant 712764
Starship: Nova Strike $0514627
Stellar 2D *574441
Stigmat 514469
Streets of Chaos *52839
Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2 15...
Super Cuber 52684
Super Mega Neo Pug 541989
Survival Driver 65658
Swiftly 57254
Syberia 2 $09148888
Tales of Destruction $055646
Tears of a Dragon *53290
Terra Incognita Chapter One: The Descendant *$0575268
The Astral Hero 55164
The Brave Mouse $04630
The Butterfly Sign 713369
The Butterfly Sign: Human Error [aka THE BUTTERFLY SIGN - Chapter II] 74551
The chronicles of Emerland. Solitaire. $063982
The Decimation of Olarath $056320
The District $06107819
The face of hope: Underground 58831
The Growth Journey 51631
The Housewife 59452
The Lords of the Earth Flame *59257
The Lost Valley 😕 516943
The Orb Chambers II $06...
The Slug *$04533
The Spirit Underneath $052937
The Sun Never Sets 102360
The Tower Of Elements *75773
They Came From The Moon $0946854
Three Digits 66650
TILE ...
Tinboy 522466
Tomato Way 548682
Tompi Jones $01216
Trashville $0512440
Tropical Fish Shop 2 5...
Turbo Pug DX !$0540286
Turn Around *$054744
UltraGoodness 616973
Under Zero $057634
Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade $055673
Unforgiving Trials: The Space Crusade $084877
Universe in Fire 513754
Viewpoints 5080
Village Story 121735
VITATIO 2 $057485
Warriors of Vilvatikta !56465
Whispers *55832
Winged Knights: Penetration $057121
Winter Novel 544782
Withering Kingdom: Arcane War $056923
Woodlands [aka Planet Ice-Box] $02035
Wyatt Derp 2: Peacekeeper $055133
Zen vs Zombie *529055
Z.I.O.N. 510633
ZombieCarz 54850
ZRoll [aka tbs] 513060
Steam Item   Steam Item
Trading Card Steam×0
Gems Steam×0
Sack of Gems Steam×0