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🚫︎ Blacklist

Blacklist updated 7 years ago  
Steam   Steam [ Show Images ]#cards% positive reviews
A Goo Adventure $0...
Achievement printer $05108889
aMAZE Classic $010189
aMAZE Frozen $05373
aMAZE Gears 2 ⚙️$01478
Asset Flip Simulator $0...
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire $015122979
Dead Man's Draw $0942982
Kings of Kung Fu 661866
Beholder 2 6564988
AMPLITUDE: A Visual Novel 3778
The Swindle 47763
Chronology $0646790
Post Mortem $031156
Shadow Blade: Reload 618588
Fortified $0621075
Insanity's Blade 24173
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered 1254574
Lichdom: Battlemage $06205157
The Beginner's Guide 1787688
Interstellar Logistics Inc *91090
Tharsis 9141371
Xotic 7678
Pylow ⚙️$05851
Robot Squad Simulator 2017 $04665
JYDGE 775386
Kraven Manor $069975
Mahluk:Dark demon 58867
Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition $08131584
The Darkness II $0683791
Lucius $06728680
Master Arena 😕 !⚙️$019366
QuestRun $0158836
Rover Rescue *$012933
Simple Golfing 6288
Stealth Inc 2 $0611073
Dreaming Sarah *5220392
GALAK-Z 1024477
Onion Force $052095
Rusty Lake: Roots 10653797
The Mims Beginning 14067
Infectonator : Survivors 693267
Replica 6287185
Spirits 68768
12 is Better Than 6 $05367883
Alter Ego [by bitComposer Games / Viva Media, 2010] 😕 13970
Death by Game Show 62466
Lethal League $05295895
Planet of Mubu 55574
Deep Dungeons of Doom $0624389
Felix Jumpman 56966
Global Ops: Commando Libya $0517847
Guns of Icarus Alliance $058882
Offensive Combat: Redux! 🌐 $0912068
Ampersand *558134
Bold New World *$054928
Cosmic Dust & Rust *$0520159
Lup 59853
Unforgiving Trials: The Darkest Crusade $055673
Unforgiving Trials: The Space Crusade $084877
The Under [aka The Untold Legacy] $0...
Barclay: The Marrowdale Murder $09...
Between Me and The Night $01210967
Bionic Commando Rearmed 69168
Cast of the Seven Godsends - Redux 76864
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink 659790
Lucky Panda *$01947
Psi Project !$06836
Save the Lamb 1338
Antiflux 4686
P-Walker's Simulation $051353
Pulut Adventure $01662
Schein $0510770
Slingshot people $0513432
Super Star 6406277
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide !$051324882
Nash Racing *109948
Run Away 😕 511638
Nokori [aka "Heartomics: Nokori"] $052245
Slime & Friends [Heartomics] $051957
Marble Duel [aka Evy: Magic Spheres] *917258
Super Army of Tentacles 3: The Search for Army of Tentacles 2 15...
Family cobweb 5345
Out for blood 8264