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player avatar Anthony


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

171; 162; 0
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avatar Anthony
39; 31; 0
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< Proposed
> Accepted
makaveddie completed offer with Anthony
  • Anthony completed offer with makaveddie
  • > Anthony accepted offer from makaveddie
  • < makaveddie proposed offer to Anthony
  • 🕗 Anthony set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 makaveddie set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar FYI $6 sale ends tomorrow, after that i'd probably have to pull the offer unless you're still considering
  • LMAO well he's the mod, I'm just a trader. You're welcome to decline if you feel it's unfair or don't like the deal! I tried to make my case, still don't quite get it. GTA IV has gone on sale for $6 a bunch of times this year, I can wait till the next
  • avatar i dont get it neither. GTA IV The Complete Ed. is on sale on steam, who's gonna pay $27, it's just killing this surged price on second market, no?
  • avatar Your facts are straight but I think it's strange to ignore that I could buy the game for $6 regularly on steam. A $27 key doesn't make sense!?!? Too get either of these keys you're likely going to spend at least $5-$6 on a shady web site.
  • avatar If we go by pricing, then yes A Plague Tale and Hi-Fi RUSH are around $7 each, but then GTA IV is $27. The $7 GTA IV is for a Rockstar key, which is not the case here. I'm merely saying: considering a Steam key for GTA IV is $27, Anthony could get substantially more value than a regular Choice game, from a different trader. Besides, some people here still trade A Plague Tale and Hi-Fi RUSH for the price they paid for them (which is unfortunately not how they're supposed to evaluate them).
  • avatar That's some of the craziest math I've ever seen. @anthony, feel free to decline if you don't think it's fair but both of these games are worth $7 and would be very hard to obtain for less.
  • avatar @Anthony: the Complete edition is $6 on Steam now, because it's on sale. However, you have a Steam key worth 23€ / $26. For it you could get a $13 value unbundled game, or other bundled games worth $26 in total. Offered here are games worth 7€. Your key is also rare (only 15 tradables on Barter), while A Plague Tale and Hi-Fi RUSH are Choice games, which essentially means maybe 2€-3€ actual paid value. Please consider this offer carefully, we'd advise holding onto your key for now.
  • avatar Also, I'm just matching up values - the complete edition is $6 on steam so I sent offers I thought we fair.
  • Hi, no problem at all. As long as it's a steam key!
  • avatar FYI, this is not one key but: 2 steam keys Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
  • avatar Tryin' to move my keys before barter shuts down. I use to gauge value and try to get within $1-2 Overview
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