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Steam [ Show Images ]🛒 Coral Island ↗ +1 16215 88 InfraSpace ↗ +1 1337 82 Lost Eidolons ↗ +1 $0 1460 71 Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy ↗ 🌐 +1 10 28544 94 SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake ↗ 🌐 +1 9 2111 92 Stranded: Alien Dawn ↗ 🌐 +1 8 7990 85 You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition ↗ β$0 +1 363 89 Astral Ascent ↗ 🌐 +1 5 4042 94 BLACKTAIL ↗ +1 $0 8 1470 84 Diluvian Ultra ↗ ⌫ +1 $0 94 78 Gotham Knights ↗ 🌐 +1 14067 68 Sifu ↗ 🌐 +1 12966 92 This Means Warp ↗ 🌐 * +1 $0 404 74 Universe For Sale ↗ ⚿ +1 $0 79 96 High On Life ↗ +1 15031 89 Life is Strange: Before the Storm ↗ +1 $0 7 32787 93 HITMAN: Game of the Year Edition ↗ combined $0 13 games included in this package A Plague Tale: Requiem ↗ +1 6 14376 91 Figment 2: Creed Valley ↗ +1 5 675 94 Ghostrunner 2 ↗ 🌐 +1 5 5957 82 Heretic's Fork ↗ +1 $0 9 2662 86 HYPERVIOLENT ↗ +1 $0 59 71 Starship Troopers: Terran Command ↗ 🌐 +1 6 8079 88 Zoeti ↗ +1 $0 7 75 78 Amanda the Adventurer ↗ +1 7 4993 95 Bravery and Greed ↗ +1 $0 6 507 77 Hi-Fi RUSH ↗ ⏰ +1 10 25248 97 Loddlenaut ↗ 🌐 🌐 ! +1 $0 6 2009 98 Mediterranea Inferno ↗ +1 $0 10 142 96 Steelrising ↗ +1 2888 73 Yakuza: Like a Dragon ↗ 🌐 +1 6 23467 94 From Space ↗ +1 9 1384 67 Lawn Mowing Simulator ↗ +1 5 1829 75 Oddworld: Soulstorm Enhanced Edition ↗ +1 7 386 66 R.I.C.O. 2: London ↗ ⚙️ 28 53 UNDETECTED ↗ +1 55 72 Valfaris ↗ 😕 ⌫ ! +1 1484 87 Whispering Willows ↗ ‼ +1 $0 6 1157 81 X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack ↗ combined 5 games included in this package Dr Livingstone, I presume? - Reversed Escape Room ↗ +1 86 73 Just Die Already ↗ ⌫ +1 9 2247 85 The Hong Kong Massacre ↗ +1 1326 75 Time on Frog Island ↗ +1 230 71 Afterimage ↗ +1 10 4852 80 Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter ↗ * +1 $0 5 688 76 Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition ↗ ⚿ +1 15 29578 88 Saints Row ↗ [(2023)] 🌐 🌐 +1 3923 62 Soulstice ↗ * +1 1289 78 Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition ↗ 🌐 combined 4 games included in this package Big Bang West ↗ ⚙️ 10 90 DUSK '82 ↗ +1 5 317 96 Flame Keeper ↗ +1 6 59 71 Metamorphosis ↗ +1 421 83 SAMUDRA ↗ +1 ×2 72 70 Trifox ↗ +1 49 85 1 Million Zombies ↗ ⚙️ $0 39 89 Black Book ↗ ⌫ +1 11 4548 93 Helion ↗ ⚙️ $0 ... Aragami 2 ↗ +1 5 2998 75 Doctor Strange Defenders Skin ↗ DLC 18 72 Hell Pie ↗ +1 7 860 91 Marvel's Midnight Suns Digital+ Edition ↗ 🌐 combined 3 games included in this package The Red Lantern ↗ ⌫ * +1 572 85 Twin Mirror ↗ 🌐 +1 613 75 bit Dungeon III ↗ +1 5 134 78 bit Dungeon II ↗ +1 5 1389 83 bit Dungeon+ ↗ ⚠ ⎚ +1 144 32 A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2 Dual Pack ↗ combined 2 games included in this package Monster Slayers ↗ +1 $0 6 781 80 Monster Slayers - Fire & Steel Expansion ↗ DLC 22 68 The Divine Paradox ↗ ⎚ 7 ... One Hand Clapping ↗ +1 8 695 85 Meadow ↗ ⌫ ⌫ * +1 $0 5 5007 90 Kona ↗ +1 2437 82 HITMAN: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON ↗ combined $0 ×2 10 games included in this package Observer ↗ 😕 ⎚ +1 6 5813 78 Forgotton Anne ↗ +1 15 1410 90 NAIRI: Tower of Shirin ↗ +1 202 87 Tricky Towers ↗ +1 6 11393 90 SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell ↗ +1 9 1983 95 Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons ↗ +1 5 33475 94 Truberbrook ↗ +1 9 1280 73 Kraken Academy!! ↗ +1 5 592 91 Merchant of the Skies ↗ +1 6 1388 87 Ozymandias ↗ 🌐 +1 5 1137 89 Roadwarden ↗ +1 3338 95 The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition ↗ 🌐 ! +1 1276 67 Turok ↗ +1 2860 94 Before We Leave ↗ +1 7 1170 78 Black Book ↗ ⌫ +1 11 4548 93 Borderlands 3 ↗ 🌐 🌐 +1 6 110425 85 Borderlands 3: Director's Cut ↗ DLC 🌐 258 31 Calico ↗ +1 3005 89 Everhood ↗ +1 10 10296 95 Just Die Already ↗ ⌫ +1 9 2247 85 Paradise Lost ↗ 😕 ⏰ ! +1 1386 68 Disciples: Liberation ↗ 🌐 ⚠ * +1 8 2366 74 Epic Chef ↗ 🌐 +1 442 78 Golf Gang ↗ +1 706 85 Monster Train: The Last Divinity ↗ DLC 307 72 Silver Chains ↗ 🌐 +1 5 790 71 A Juggler's Tale ↗ +1 839 94 Lords and Villeins ↗ +1 636 76 Mr. Prepper ↗ +1 5 4151 82 Rebel Inc: Escalation ↗ +1 8 5501 83 Spirit Of The Island ↗ 🌐 ‼ +1 5 1044 70 The Quarry - Deluxe Edition ↗ 🌐 combined 4 games included in this package Eternal Threads ↗ 😕 +1 375 89 GRIME ↗ +1 9 3780 86 Meeple Station ↗ +1 617 58 Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition ↗ combined 4 games included in this package Turbo Golf Racing ↗ +1 570 88 Founders' Fortune ↗ +1 $0 1775 82 Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp ↗ +1 13 4747 97 BIOMUTANT ↗ 🌐 +1 11 12424 67 Demon Turf ↗ +1 7 422 85 Edge Of Eternity ↗ 🌐 +1 5 3093 74 Golden Light ↗ ⌫ +1 5 1835 91 Hero's Hour ↗ 🌐 🌐 ⏰ +1 4172 79 Monster Crown ↗ +1 5 626 68 Rogue Lords ↗ +1 8 1321 72 Serial Cleaner ↗ * +1 $0 6 1172 87 Fallout ↗ ⏰ * +1 13792 95 Five Dates ↗ +1 7 2012 88 Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel ↗ +1 1061 87 reky ↗ +1 47 80 Styx: Master of Shadows ↗ +1 6 8372 83 Blade Assault ↗ +1 6 1770 76 First Class Trouble ↗ ⚿ * +1 5 2765 78 Super Magbot ↗ 🌐 🌐 ⓘ +1 161 90 Crown Trick ↗ 🌐 🌐 😕 ⚿ +1 5 4363 85 Descenders ↗ ⚿ +1 5 14673 95 Just Cause 4 Complete Edition ↗ combined 17 games included in this package shapez ↗ +1 11353 96 shapez - Puzzle DLC ↗ DLC 59 76 This War of Mine ↗ +1 $0 6 60579 94 Lawn Mowing Simulator ↗ +1 5 1829 75 Beat Cop ↗ ♨ +1 $0 5 4223 82 Kingdom Wars 4 ↗ +1 $0 162 70 POLE ↗ ⚙️ $0 ... Syberia 2 ↗ +1 $0 9 1490 88 Syberia 3 ↗ +1 7 2854 51 Tinytopia ↗ +1 6 170 87 Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth ↗ +1 7 5307 92 SKYHILL ↗ +1 8 4049 77 Bartlow's Dread Machine ↗ ⚙️ 30 83 Evan's Remains ↗ * +1 837 90 Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl ↗ +1 4197 76 Plunder Panic ↗ +1 $0 42 95 Awesomenauts All Nauts Pack ↗ DLC ... ChromaGun ↗ +1 5 231 72 Combat Tested ↗ +1 79 63 Cosmonautica ↗ +1 8 918 49 Crash Drive 2 ↗ +1 7 973 89 Explosionade ↗ +1 5 42 85 Fling to the Finish ↗ 🌐 ! +1 $0 10 747 86 Gelly Break Deluxe ↗ ⚙️ ... Hoplegs ↗ ⚙️ 37 94 Lumini ↗ +1 5 84 86 Rayon Riddles - Rise of the Goblin King ↗ +1 ... Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon ↗ ! +1 153 79 Swords and Soldiers HD ↗ +1 348 89 Tales of the Tiny Planet ↗ [old title/may activate as: Tiny Little Planet Saga] ⌫ +1 5 23 91 The Way ↗ +1 8 848 83 Treasure Temples ↗ ⚙️ ... Shing! ↗ 🌐 +1 266 79 Glyph ↗ 😕 +1 85 97 Jetboard Joust ↗ +1 53 81 Deadlight ↗ +1 5 9228 79 Niffelheim ↗ +1 6 1765 73 Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty ↗ +1 10 2744 87 Remothered: Tormented Fathers ↗ * +1 6 1575 75 Tannenberg ↗ +1 8 7264 86 Torchlight ↗ +1 5001 91 Fling to the Finish ↗ 🌐 ! +1 $0 10 747 86 Midnight Protocol ↗ +1 5 207 88 Rebel Cops ↗ 🌐 * +1 5 1363 77 Rustler ↗ * +1 973 79 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure ↗ +1 9 815 79 Beyond The Wire ↗ +1 5142 70 Fling to the Finish ↗ 🌐 ! +1 $0 10 747 86 TOHU ↗ +1 8 295 85 Knock-knock ↗ +1 6 1440 88 Republique ↗ 807 77 SWINE HD Remaster ↗ * +1 870 93 Puzzle Chronicles ↗ +1 24 50 The Orion Suns ↗ ⎚ 18 88 Möbius Front '83 ↗ +1 304 73 Project Wingman ↗ 🌐 * +1 14780 94 Juno: New Origins ↗ [previously titled SimpleRockets2] +1 2606 90 WRATH: Aeon of Ruin ↗ +1 1655 78 Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide ↗ ! +1 $0 ×2 5 13248 82 Beholder 2 ↗ +1 6 5649 88 Between the Stars ↗ +1 $0 1776 76 Kyle is Famous: Complete Edition ↗ combined 3 games included in this package Downfall ↗ 😕 +1 6 1192 94 Monstrum ↗ +1 7 2783 91 Railway Empire ↗ 🌐 😕 * +1 8 6923 82 Rebel Galaxy ↗ +1 6933 85 Fort Triumph ↗ * +1 7 684 78 Heaven's Vault ↗ ‼ +1 1657 87 Swag and Sorcery ↗ +1 6 2256 54 GODS Remastered ↗ ⎚ +1 14 171 81 Pax Romana: Romulus ↗ ⚙️ 47 68 We Are The Dwarves ↗ +1 6 813 74 West of Dead ↗ 😕 +1 ×3 1084 77 Deadly Days ↗ +1 10 1126 87 Marooners ↗ +1 7 288 61 Giana Sisters 2D ↗ +1 217 64 SkyDrift ↗ +1 719 88 Spitlings ↗ +1 23 91 Nowhere Prophet ↗ +1 $0:β 7 684 78 Out of Space ↗ +1 10 1806 79 Dungeon Rushers ↗ +1 $0 10 779 63 Eternity: The Last Unicorn ↗ +1 8 103 38 Shadwen ↗ +1 5 997 77 The Flame in the Flood ↗ +1 $0 5 2590 75 V-Rally 4 ↗ ⌫ +1 456 70 Hue ↗ +1 1374 93 Smoke and Sacrifice ↗ +1 247 79 Moon Hunters ↗ +1 ×2 7 3762 79 Rec Center Tycoon ↗ +1 236 81 Driftland: The Magic Revival ↗ ⏰ +1 $0 5 1363 74 Fun with Ragdolls: The Game ↗ +1 4181 90 Torchlight II ↗ +1 6 31779 92 7 Billion Humans ↗ +1 6 1627 93 Gloomy Eyes VR ↗ +1 150 88 War Remains: Dan Carlin Presents an Immersive Memory ↗ +1 93 73 Last Inua ↗ +1 7 133 59 ADR1FT ↗ +1 $0 1104 57 Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun ↗ +1 $0 8 29291 96 Desolate ↗ ⏰ ⌫ +1 $0 ×2 6 6091 68 Effie ↗ +1 7 103 79 Going Under ↗ 🌐 🌐 +1 8 2344 93 Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star ↗ ⚿ * +1 8 215 86 Paw Paw Paw ↗ ‼ +1 5 149 73 Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse ↗ * +1 5 1427 90 Worms Rumble ↗ 🌐 🌐 β$0 +1 1578 63 Worms Rumble - Legends Pack ↗ DLC 10 90 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! ↗ ⌫ +1 8 1626 93 Darksiders Genesis ↗ 🌐 +1 7 9047 83 Levelhead ↗ +1 15 766 96 Vane ↗ +1 163 73 Morkredd ↗ ‼ +1 $0 9 135 71 Relicta ↗ +1 209 76 Aven Colony ↗ 🌐 🌐 +1 8 1840 72 Colt Canyon ↗ ‼ +1 11 819 91 In Other Waters ↗ +1 1686 89 Main Assembly ↗ 🌐 😕 +1 947 86 Popup Dungeon ↗ 🌐 +1 8 585 80 Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break ↗ 🌐 +1 8 917 76 SIMULACRA ↗ +1 3006 93 Skully ↗ +1 40 75 Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts ↗ 🌐 +1 9787 73 Dungeons 3 ↗ 🌐 +1 5 12271 94 Yoku's Island Express ↗ 🌐 +1 6 2768 96 Beholder 2 ↗ +1 6 5649 88 Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition (Store sub) ↗ [does not include ' An Automaton with a plan' DLC] combined 2 games included in this package Boreal Blade ↗ * 428 73 Cyber Hook ↗ ⚠ +1 2664 95 Hotshot Racing ↗ 🌐 ⏰ +1 $0 1116 78 Peaky Blinders: Mastermind ↗ ⏰ ⎚ +1 $0 948 77 Pesterquest ↗ +1 1208 92 WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS ↗ 🌐 +1 360 68 XCOM: Chimera Squad ↗ 🌐 ! +1 19689 72 RoboSquare ↗ ⚙️ $0 249 79 Iris and the giant ↗ 🌐 +1 15 644 88 Lovecraft's Untold Stories ↗ +1 10 641 78 Train Station Renovation ↗ +1 1850 84 Valfaris ↗ 😕 ⌫ ! +1 1484 87 Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest ↗ 😕 ⚿ β$0 +1 5 680 85 Lovecraft's Untold Stories ↗ +1 10 641 78 The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines ↗ +1 22 86 Anomaly Warzone Earth ↗ +1 $0 6 934 85 Guts and Glory ↗ +1 7 1740 82 Hyperdrive Massacre ↗ +1 ×2 5 20 85 SPACECOM ↗ +1 $0 5 179 64 Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf ↗ ⎚ +1 $0 ×2 6 1343 65 Western 1849 Reloaded ↗ +1 8 69 82 SUPERHOT VR ↗ +1 5 7249 83 Ballpoint Universe: Infinite ↗ +1 11 167 88 Heavy Burger ↗ ⎚ ⚙️ 86 83 Lichdom: Battlemage ↗ +1 $0 6 2051 57 POSTAL 2 ↗ +1 8 92195 96 Rise of Insanity ↗ +1 6 844 79 Sir, You Are Being Hunted ↗ +1 $0 5 2863 79 Layers of Fear 2 ↗ +1 7 1917 71 American Fugitive ↗ +1 9 1789 76 Crying Suns ↗ 🌐 * +1 7 2892 85 Darksiders III ↗ 🌐 ! +1 9 10327 76 Rover Mechanic Simulator ↗ +1 5 343 86 Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt ↗ +1 14 691 79 Youropa ↗ +1 260 94 Lightmatter - Full Game ↗ combined $0 2 games included in this package Original Journey ↗ +1 $0 129 65 A Case of Distrust ↗ ‼ ! +1 5 277 86 American Fugitive ↗ +1 9 1789 76 Automachef ↗ [aka Project Robot] 🌐 +1 9 471 75 Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek ↗ +1 675 89 Wargroove ↗ +1 13 3871 84 Canyon Capers ↗ 😕 +1 $0 6 61 57 GoNNER ↗ +1 6 964 84 Corporate Lifestyle Simulator ↗ ⎚ +1 $0 650 82 Three Dead Zed ↗ +1 $0 7 25 64 The Walking Dead: 400 Days ↗ DLC 1028 77 Aarklash: Legacy ↗ +1 7 593 76 Remnants of Naezith ↗ +1 5 431 95 Overload ↗ +1 7 1491 94 Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack ↗ DLC 114 72 WARSAW ↗ 🌐 10 1287 65 XCOM 2 ↗ 🌐 * +1 9 71478 84 XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack ↗ DLC 🌐 349 59 XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack ↗ DLC 182 33 Four Kings One War - Virtual Reality Addon ↗ DLC ⚙️ $0 ... Four Kings One War ↗ ⚙️ $0 182 54 Super Inefficient Golf ↗ +1 $0 88 76 Mars or Die! ↗ +1 $0 30 40 Carnival Games® VR ↗ +1 207 51 Spec Ops: The Line ↗ ⎚ +1 $0 54353 93 The Darkness II ↗ +1 $0 6837 91 Oh My Godheads ↗ +1 6 18 38 Totally Accurate Battle Simulator ↗ +1 122552 97 AI War 2 ↗ +1 5 1063 88 Etherborn ↗ +1 6 91 76 Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack ↗ DLC 114 72 This Is the Police 2 ↗ 🌐 * +1 5 4830 77 Relow ↗ ⚙️ $0 39 87 The Stillness of the Wind ↗ +1 1151 77 Smashbox Arena ↗ ⎚ +1 451 91 Budget Cuts ↗ +1 1616 81 Frostpunk: The Rifts ↗ DLC 429 57 Ancestors Legacy ↗ 😕 ⓘ * +1 $0 8 5473 79 Bomber Crew - Deluxe Edition (Game + Season Pass) ↗ combined 8 games included in this package DiRT Rally 2.0 - H2 RWD Double Pack ↗ DLC ... DiRT Rally 2.0 - Opel Manta 400 ↗ DLC 19 73 DiRT Rally 2.0 - Porsche 911 RGT Rally Spec ↗ DLC 56 82 GRIP: Combat Racing ↗ +1 15 3296 86 Artifex Car Pack ↗ DLC ... Artifex Car Pack ↗ DLC ... GRIP: Combat Racing ↗ +1 15 3296 86 Rapture Rejects ↗ 😕 * ⎚ +1 1751 39 DiRT Rally 2.0 - H2 RWD Double Pack ↗ DLC ... DiRT Rally 2.0 - Opel Manta 400 ↗ DLC 19 73 DiRT Rally 2.0 - Porsche 911 RGT Rally Spec ↗ DLC 56 82 Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Australian Paint Jobs Pack ↗ DLC 61 83 FRAMED Collection ↗ +1 15 1818 94 The Watchmaker ↗ ‼ ⓘ * +1 43 53 Chasm ↗ 😕 +1 15 1221 74 Fluffy Horde ↗ +1 80 77 Regular Human Basketball ↗ +1 5 202 93 Sword Legacy Omen ↗ +1 8 353 68 Aegis Defenders ↗ +1 $0 151 77 10 Second Ninja X ↗ +1 9 257 84 X-Morph: Defense ↗ +1 6 2839 91 Omensight ↗ +1 9 1133 88 11-11 Memories Retold ↗ ! +1 $0 12 595 89 11-11 Memories Retold ↗ ! +1 $0 12 595 89 Evergarden ↗ +1 6 115 86 State of Mind ↗ +1 9 1440 77 Call of Duty: WWII - Call of Duty Endowment Bravery Pack ↗ DLC 🌐 🚫 50 94 Call of Duty: WWII - Call of Duty Endowment Fear Not Pack ↗ DLC 🌐 🚫 ... HIVESWAP: ACT 1 ↗ +1 8 3029 94 Concrete Jungle ↗ +1 8 310 90 When Ski Lifts Go Wrong ↗ +1 8 492 87 God's Trigger ↗ +1 7 415 71 God's Trigger ↗ +1 7 415 71 Almost There: The Platformer ↗ +1 5 113 78 Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Humble ↗ * combined 5 games included in this package Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon ↗ ! +1 153 79 Death Squared ↗ +1 6 392 92 Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass ↗ combined 3 games included in this package Yoku's Island Express ↗ 🌐 +1 ×2 6 2768 96 Love is Dead ↗ +1 ×2 13 40 90 Unexplored ↗ +1 8 548 89 Unexplored ↗ +1 8 548 89 Road Redemption ↗ +1 5 9626 82 Savage Lands ↗ ⚿ * +1 8 4179 57 Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor ↗ +1 $0 8 582 79 911 Operator ↗ +1 ×3 7 13816 89 911 Operator - Special Resources ↗ DLC ×2 148 77 I’m not a Monster ↗ +1 455 78 The Journey Down: Chapter Three ↗ +1 6 306 92 Goetia ↗ 😕 +1 6 535 77 Octahedron: Transfixed Edition ↗ +1 5 106 94 Warlords Awakening ↗ ⎚ $0 5 535 71 She Remembered Caterpillars ↗ +1 5 157 96 Steel Rats ↗ +1 5 295 64 Shank ↗ +1 2609 90 Killing Room ↗ +1 6 1224 71 Paradigm ↗ +1 8 923 95 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Fencer Weapons: Blood Storm ↗ DLC 10 80 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: BM03 Vegalta Gold ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Depth Crawler Gold Coat ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Gigantus DCC-Gogo. Marking ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Gigantus DCC-Zero Marking ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Gigantus Tank, Bullet Girls Marking ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Gigantus Tank, EDF IFPS Markings ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Gigantus Tank, Natsuiro HS Markings ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Wing Diver Weapons: Gleipnir ↗ DLC 10 70 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Fencer Weapons: Ifrit ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Mission Pack 1: Time of the Mutants ↗ DLC 38 97 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Mission Pack 2: Extreme Battle ↗ DLC 25 96 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Ranger Weapons: Pure Decoy Launcher 5 Pack A [Karia] [Moegi] [Chiri] [Ouka] [Rinrin] ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Air Raider Weapons: Pure Decoy Launcher 5 Pack B [Seira] [Miyabi] [Noko] [Mitsuki] [Anju] ↗ DLC 11 100 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Wing Diver Weapons: Reflectron Laser ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Wing Diver Weapons: Spark Lancer ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Ranger Weapons: Sting Shot ↗ DLC ... EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 - Ranger Weapons: Volatile Napalm ↗ DLC ... Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Collector's Edition ↗ combined 4 games included in this package Bizango Blast ↗ ⚙️ $0 ... Hidden Folks ↗ +1 8 7273 97 Figment ↗ +1 7 1160 87 Aaero ↗ +1 9 309 92 Snake Pass ↗ +1 $0 6 1076 86 GoNNER ↗ +1 6 964 84 Regions Of Ruin ↗ ⌫ +1 $0 8 1913 85 Regions Of Ruin ↗ ⌫ +1 $0 ⇧ 8 1913 85 Mega Man Legacy Collection ↗ 🌐 * +1 8 3288 87 Deep Dungeons of Doom ↗ +1 $0 6 243 89 Dex ↗ +1 ×3 6 2750 86 Deponia: The Complete Journey ↗ +1 $0 8 3183 87 Figment ↗ +1 ⇧ 7 1160 87 Braveland ↗ ⌫ * +1 $0 5 1106 80 Fractured Lands ↗ 🕙 ⎚ +1 $0 419 52 SEGA Bass Fishing + Eastside Hockey Manager ↗ [activates as SEGA Sports Bundle (WW)] combined 2 games included in this package Pathologic Classic HD ↗ +1 ⇧ 7 3287 87 Hammerfight ↗ ×2 1983 72 Hitman GO: Definitive Edition ↗ +1 ⇧ 7 1874 85 Grow Up ↗ +1 ⇧ 6 1593 91 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! ↗ +1 8 2035 90 Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition ↗ +1 ×2 12 507 85 Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident ↗ ⌫ +1 14 24 58 !Dead Pixels Adventure! ↗ ⎚ $0 14 92 Yet Another Zombie Defense ↗ [previously known as Amazing Zombie Defense] $0 5 12357 86 Deponia: The Complete Journey ↗ +1 $0 8 3183 87 Robowars ↗ +1 $0 5 18 27 Jigsaw Puzzle Pack - Pixel Puzzles Ultimate: Da Vinci ↗ DLC $0 ... Pukan Bye Bye ↗ +1 119 68 The Amazing Bernard ↗ +1 ... Amelon ↗ +1 12 50 Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth ↗ +1 ⇧ 7 5307 92 Frozen Synapse Prime ↗ 🌐 * ⎚ +1 $0 5 334 63 The lost joystick ↗ ⎚ 12 100 ReignMaker ↗ +1 6 35 74 Numba Deluxe ↗ +1 $0 51 80 All Guns On Deck ↗ +1 $0 45 17 Lost Civilization ↗ +1 24 45 Millennium - A New Hope ↗ +1 $0 6 162 72 N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure ↗ +1 ⇧ 9 134 64 The Floor is Jelly ↗ +1 293 83 Clockwork ↗ 😕 +1 5 35 62 Crazy Machines 3 ↗ 🌐 +1 9 7251 94 Tribloos 2 ↗ +1 8 78 91 Axiom Verge ↗ +1 ⇧ 11 5164 91 Jack's Gang ↗ [aka Jack] ‼ ⌫ ⎚ $0 5 ... Shut Up And Dig ↗ ⎚ $0 5 37 48 Sleengster ↗ ⌫ ⎚ $0 9 70 45 Hector: Badge of Carnage Full Series ↗ combined 3 games included in this package Stories: The Path of Destinies ↗ +1 ⇧ 6 1881 87 Action Henk ↗ +1 △ 5 280 92 Anomaly 2 ↗ +1 6 392 77 Beat Hazard - Ultra ↗ DLC 86 91 Binary Domain ↗ +1 $0 2990 86 Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition ↗ +1 $0 121 41 GALAK-Z ↗ +1 10 244 77 Girls Like Robots ↗ +1 6 79 81 HackyZack ↗ +1 $0 7 28 100 Infested Planet ↗ +1 △ 5 2371 94 Infested Planet - Trickster's Arsenal ↗ DLC △ ×2 33 96 JumpJet Rex ↗ +1 229 92 Kingdom: New Lands ↗ 😕 +1 8 9391 86 Multimirror ↗ +1 5 19 57 Not The Robots ↗ +1 $0 7 292 80 Okhlos: Omega ↗ +1 11 617 79 Psychonauts ↗ +1 $0 9 10742 95 Puzzle Agent ↗ +1 1480 88 Space Farmers ↗ +1 $0 6 251 78 Splasher ↗ +1 ×2 516 93 SUPERFIGHT - The Joiner Micro Deck ↗ DLC ... Tacoma ↗ +1 △ 8 2853 87 Two Digits ↗ * +1 6 155 75 Void Destroyer ↗ +1 268 65 Warmachine Tactics ↗ 8 1146 44 WARMACHINE: Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle ↗ [corresponding sub package:] DLC ... Yosumin! ↗ +1 81 80 Alien Breed: Impact ↗ +1 $0 933 78 Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 ↗ +1 $0 ×2 3972 82 CAT Interstellar ↗ +1 5 681 70 Chariot ↗ +1 6 283 83 Dungeons 2 ↗ +1 $0 8 2209 78 Millie ↗ +1 $0 6 451 82 Monster Slayers - Advanced Classes Unlocker ↗ DLC 11 63 Encodya ⏰ Need for Speed Heat 🕙 Assassin's Creed Origins 🌐 $0 region locked 🌐 Tom Clancy's The Division - Survival DLC 🌐 ⇧ Tom Clancy's The Division 🌐 ⇧ DC Universe Infinite 1-Month Trial COMIC ⏰ Armoured Warfare E3 Pack ⌫