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player avatar Sasurai087


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar Sasurai087
20; 18; 0
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400; 319; 0
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🗣️ Mediator Advice On: Volunteers may advise on the fairness of this offer (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
offer expired
  • < Sasurai087 proposed offer to Capo
  • 🕗 Sasurai087 set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar In any case - our cards are revealed, I'll create a new offer. Counter offer as you see fit.
  • Huh - you sure? I was thinking Barony + Bounty Train since you'd get more value out of Headlander than Barony, imo. But if we're going with your rules, then my request would be Headlander + Bounty Train for 4 of my games.
  • avatar I'm okay for (One More Dungeon OR Headlander) + (Barony OR Bounty Train).
  • avatar Oh I've definitely been there before - 'cept with restaurant industry where I was a shift leader, severly understaffed, and people pouring in due to holiday season. Btw- would you be open to 4 of my games for Barony + Bounty Train instead?
  • avatar Pacemaker / brain implants design and manufacture, we have too many orders at the moment and too few staff.
  • avatar Good luck at work! What is it that you do? I worked as a sales person at a local internet company so mine gives me lotta free time.
  • avatar Hi, np, 4 of your items for One More Dungeon + Bounty Train still good for me, I'll do my best to have a little bit of free time this WE and try to do the trade. xD I'm literally dying for my work these last months :D
  • avatar Always open for a trade though - If you'd like to do a different trade, let me know.
  • Hey Capo! No worries - I get that you're busy. The time gave me room to think about the deal some more and I decided I would like to pull back my initial offer for now. I was pushing too hard for Bounty Train though I have too many games to complete.
  • avatar Can you extend the duration to 8 days ? :)
  • The offer will expire but I'll do my best to do the trade during this week, sorry about that, I'm very busy at this time.
  • I'm way too busy with work during the week so yeah during this WE I hope. ;) See ya.
  • avatar No worries! As long as we're on the same page - Added you back. I'll keep my Steam on in case you're around (I work at an office), otherwise let's aim to trade during the WE!
  • avatar Added (but most of the time I'm connected on Steam just during the WE). I understood nothing haha, sorry. I'm okay for (Bounty Train OR Headlander) + One More Dungeon for the 4 items listed previously.
  • avatar Oh! Did you mean 4 of my items for One More Dungeon + Bounty Train? Earlier you were saying 3 of my games for One More Dungeon + Barony. If you'd prefer to discuss on steam chat, please feel free to add me. ^_^
  • avatar 4 of your items (Broforce + Jazzpunk + RE Revelations + The Escapists) for my Tier 1 + Tier 2 (One More Dungeon + Barony) sounds good for me.
  • avatar I see that they're high value for you - would you be willing to do 4 of my items for Tier1+Tier2, or all of my offers for Tier2 x2?
  • I see Barony and One More Dungeon as Tier 1, while Bounty Train and Headlander as Tier 2. Ideally, I'd like to get Tier1+Tier2, or even Tier2 x2.
  • avatar Barony (unbundled copy) + One more Dungeon for Broforce + The Escapists + RE Revelations ?
  • No worries, mistake happens sometimes. I'll think about it. =)
  • avatar I'd like to get "One More Dungeon/Barony" + "Headlander/Bounty Train". What would it take for that to happen? Thanks for being open to counter btw. :)
  • Hey - accidentally declined the previous trade. I'm willing to part with Jazz + one of the games you mentioned, but I'd want more than just Barony in exchange. I listed the games on your end that I'm interested in.
  • Hello! I do trades mainly based on Have:Want ratio and bundle count. Roguelikes and games with unique concepts are what I'm looking to get. Overview
Sasurai087 will send 3 of these tradables

in exchange for

Capo will send 2 of these tradables

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