#event 112: Humble Choice #62, SULFUR, Teardown, Wartales and more! in 30 hours

Barter.vg helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Zale


⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

14; 13; 0
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207; 178; 0
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< Proposed
Declined (bug: disregarded preferences)
ShyOn92 declined offer from Zale
  • < Zale proposed offer to ShyOn92
  • 🕗 Zale set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar i'm way educated to counter a -rep to a nobody with his toy NDS games XD go fly a kite boy you might learn a thing or two about lift and drag. Drag a category you fall in life.
  • son you lack education
  • avatar This will be my last comment. Do whatever you want, honestly it's kinda funny reading your shitty replies. Learn to live with a single -rep, it's not that bad. Go ahead and give me a -rep too if you really want. I will counter it but it's only natural.
  • I don't care about trading, I don't care about being unblocked, Go ahead and blacklist me. Also, you publicly defaced my steam profile with 4 comments, 3 just being repetitive which I think is grounds for a report.
  • XD two XD can XD play XD at XD that XD game XD. But for real, you overestimate how much I care about this, especially when you can barely leave a professional reply that dosen't make me cringe
  • avatar no Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown for you and well come to reality of being blocked n blacklisted. so -rep me as much as you want XD lets see who fools who
  • miserable is the word you need in you thick skull boy. XD a -rep from a clown really with a 3ds game lol you are full of pile XD you just don't see it
  • lol really XD goodbye trading life for you boy. Reportand -rep those who blocked you on facebook,twitter or anyother social platform and see how .life turns out for you.
  • avatar It all you did was just say "I don't want 3DS games, no thanks" that would be cool, but to have the audacity to block and blacklist me without even saying anything more is a pretty shit thing to do.
  • 1: Since when the hell did I act like I wanted you to unblock me? So I can get more of your crummy trades? No thanks. 2: Just as you have the right to block me, I have the right to -rep you. I don't really give a shit on how badly it hurts you.
  • avatar lol for your information what is the logo next the discord logo? Once you've answered that reflect on yourself and correct your thinking. People don't have time for such
  • and mind you after the -rep being lifted you will be lifted from the community as well lol XD enjoy the full force of justice
  • and mind you i'm blocking you again so -rep me again if you want. I don't have time to care for such arrogant personalities thinking you can harass me for doing what i want?? lmao welcome to my blacklist for good son
  • ok! now do yourself a favor and screenshot all this and post it on steamtrades.com
  • do you even know what you are doing? it's my right to block you anytime i want. It's my right. Do you know what a right is? NO! you don't i don't want to work with you its that simple.
  • plus my rep talks out for itself i've had no drama like this before. You even go a head to -rep lol
  • you are new here. So i suggest you tread softly and with a reasoning capacity. Don't go throwing tan trams coz you got blocked. Yes you are blocked for such an offer i don't need 3DS games ever on my face as offers.
  • avatar Uuhh, i'm sorry what? I offered you a game on your wishlist, but on the 3DS. Nowhere in you overview is that looked down upon. Excuse me for trying.
  • avatar blacklisted and blocked
  • avatar My wishlist may be big, but I generally like RPGs, Rouge-likes, and some Visual Novels. I'm very open to counter-offers. I'll never outright decline a counter-offer, but instead send back the original offer so don't feel pressured. Overview
Zale will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

ShyOn92 will send 1 of these tradables

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