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player avatar goplayer7


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

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< Proposed
goplayer7 declined offer from Ouch
  • < Ouch proposed offer to goplayer7
  • 🕗 Ouch set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Cool, no rush, and no pressure. I appreciate your time :)
  • (As for prices, first set were current keyshop prices, second set were full price on Steam (where I think the €35 came from) and finally rough historical lows for Steam ("rough" as some of the historic lows are from stores I don't know the legitimacy of
  • avatar I completely understand wanting to stick with game swaps. If I already had the steam wallet, I'd have offered to give a non-inventory gift directly. I'll see if there is a counter offer later.
  • avatar I'll leave the offer open in case you do want to make this trade, or if there are other games you would counter for, but no hard feelings if you just decline. Thank you for your consideration and communication :)
  • Thank you for the counter offer, but I'm only interested in doing game swaps rather than sales at the moment. It may be an odd distinction, but I don't want to deal with money and markets in my trades, sorry.
  • avatar (4/3) Also, just realizing I didn't provide numbers. I'm seeing your offer as $5.51+$3.44 = $8.95 from keyshops which does align with the first "your offer", but I'm not sure how you arrived at the increase for the second.
  • (3/3) but the previous doesn't mean that no trade could be made. Assuming that the 2nd case in my previous message is correct, would you accept 4.5 TF2 to go most of the way towards you to purchasing it yourself?
  • (2/3) I think it would come down to if you specifically want the key I have or if you'd accept it as a non-inventory steam gift for your library directly. I agree that the difference between XBOX vs steam keys is not to be ignored, but that doesn't mean
  • To be fair, the primary reason I was delaying looking at this was a "Christmas in July" secret santa that I'm participating in with the steam sale in case one of these was one my santa wanted to give. But I'll take a look at things as well.
  • avatar To me, it feels like I'm offering over the value, which was my intention, I'm just wondering why you don't agree. Not wanting to be rude, I just genuinely want to understand :)
  • In official Steam key stores, Gears RRP is £29.99 while my offer is £49.99+£15.49=£60.48, and at historic low Steam prices Gears is ~£9 while my offer is ~£9+£3=£12.
  • @Bart-ee hey, I first wanted to thank you for all you do here :) I just wanted to check why you're valuing Gears at €35 so I can improve my offer valuations? For me on gg deals Gears is at £5.87 in keyshops, while my offer is £4.36+£2.76=£7.12.
  • avatar @goplayer7: A Steam key for Gears 5 is worth 35€ (lower than that it's for XBOX), perhaps you prefer keeping it for after the sale ends. You could get a 17€ unbundled game for it, for example.
  • avatar I'm offering keys purchased in the UK from Humble or Fanatical. All offers and counter offers are welcome, each will be considered and I try to counter when appropriate :) Overview
Ouch will send 2 of these tradables

in exchange for

goplayer7 will send 1 of these tradables

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