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player avatar r3ps4J


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

8; 8; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU NL
1493; 862; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
Declined (already own)
Hyosoung declined (already own) offer from r3ps4J
  • < r3ps4J proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • 🕗 r3ps4J set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I can't promise that I will accept it though. As I said, I have plenty of offers to pick from and, to be honest, Doom 2016 is not the easiest tradable to trade for some free gog giveaway codes. Overcooked 2, Tomb raider underworld, Dredge and Quake 2 could be enough if I don't accept other more tempting offers before yours.
  • best offer. Usually the more patient I am, the better the offers become. You can try sending an offer for those 3 remaining games, but tomorrow I expect another round of giveaway from prime gaming, at least Quake 2 for GOG that you could add..
  • Hunter. When those are done I will only need one more code of Dredge, Overcooked 2 and Tomb Raider Underworld. I receive so many offers here already, given that I am one of the very few people interested in GOG codes so I have to be selective and pick the
  • Hi, I usually need 2 copies of each GOG code, to gift to a family member, depending on their interest, in this case I have already traded an entire set of all 5 GOG codes and I'm about to complete 2 other trades for COJ gunslinger and Star Wars Bounty
  • avatar Hi again! I see there are new keys on prime, are there any that you're interested and willing to trade for doom?
  • Okay! Thanks for taking the time!
  • avatar I checked your list of tradables, nothing that is on my wishlist so far unfortunately. Maybe after the next batches of Prime gaming GOG giveaways or when you have other tradables.
  • avatar Oh thats a shame, thanks for responding though. Is there anything else I could offer you for DOOM?
  • avatar Thank you for your generous offer. I have considered it, but I had an agreement with another trader already from a few days ago and we managed to trade earlier today on a different platform. I don't need more copies of those codes right now, sorry
  • avatar Hello! Let me know what you think of this trade!
  • I trade either for personal use or for friends. Please let me know why you decline an offer! And feel free to counter or discuss! Overview
r3ps4J will send 5 of these tradables

in exchange for

Hyosoung will send 1 of these tradables
  • DOOM by id Software / Bethesda Softworks, 2016
    avatar wishlist (extra), library (sync-api) avatartradable, library (sync-api)

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