helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar r3ps4J

โœ‰ Offers

โš ๏ธ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

8; 8; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord๐ŸŒ ROW:EU NL
1493; 862; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord๐ŸŒ ROW:EU
< Proposed
Declined (already own)
โœ— Hyosoung declined (already own) offer from r3ps4J
  • < r3ps4J proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • โœ r3ps4J edited offer
  • < r3ps4J proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • โœ r3ps4J edited offer
  • < r3ps4J proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • โœ r3ps4J edited offer
  • < r3ps4J proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • โœ r3ps4J edited offer
  • < r3ps4J proposed offer to Hyosoung
  • ๐Ÿ•— r3ps4J set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Ah yeah okay
  • avatar Yes, not anymore. I meant steam keys like the ones from the Wholesome Snack Humble bundle Tier 3, for example the Ranch of Rivershine that you traded recently. That's a bundle that I'll probably buy myself now, but I would have considered a trade for Doom
  • avatar Oh okay. I don't have a steam game on your wishlist I think
  • avatar already now for all those 5 games and I don't need more copies of them, sorry! I know you will keep trying with the new GOG giveaways out tomorrow, but it might have been easier to trade Doom for a steam game of similar value from my wishlist, even a 1:1.
  • I understand, thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, the more I wait, the more offers I receive and some of those end up being very good. I find it easier to accept trades for smaller games, as mentioned before, unlike DOOM so I have done other trades
  • avatar Just edited it now to have those 5 games only so I don't get confused Thursday
  • I can add the new ones Thursday (if barter allows me to) if I have some time + the 5 you still need. If I forget just know they're waiting for you haha
  • In the future, I have all the gog games from amazon available so if there is one missing in my offers you can just counter or ask me to add it! I don't really play gog games myself unless I really like them
  • Yeah no worries, I understand. I had dredge available the whole time but only found out recently I could add it. Barter prevents me from adding more than 6 normally but that seems to be higher now (I think because of it closing down)
  • avatar I know you are being very generous with your offers, they are fair, and I appreciate that and your persistence, that's why I'm taking time to explain things here.
  • from the upcoming prime gaming giveaway this Thursday, as I have mentioned to others. But I'll only accept one of the offers for these 5 games as I said before. Apologies for all these messages, I'm just explaining the thought process behind my decisions.
  • there has been a misunderstanding with another trader and so I'm still looking for 5 games. I wouldn't accept a trade for those 5 in exchange with Doom at this point, it would feel wrong, sorry. Maybe for a smaller title or if you add some new GOG codes
  • In hindsight I should have accepted yours from the beginning to save time, maybe after countering to add at least Dredge, you had 7 games at one point, then edited to 6, then went back to 7 but without Dredge. My plan didn't work out too well, because
  • because I feel more comfortable trading smaller games for these giveaway GOG codes. I would feel differently if I didn't own them already, but they are gifts for family members and Dredge was the one they had requested the most. I don't need more copies
  • less offers for it. Unfortunately I had to make a decision and I was getting many good offers, it was between offers like yours, all the GOG codes for one game or choosing smaller trades instead in order to get all of them. I went with the second option,
  • Yes, I have Dredge already, same for Space Hulk and the Outer Worlds, sorry. Had you added Dredge from the start I would have accepted your offer, that game was the deciding factor, probably because it is considered the most valuable and I have received
  • avatar Sorry, wanted to add dredge as well but I think you already have it now.
  • Added quake as well now
  • Hi! Hope you like this trade, following what we've discussed earlier. I've got more in case you want to counter.
  • I trade either for personal use or for friends. Please let me know why you decline an offer! And feel free to counter or discuss! Overview
r3ps4J will send 5 of these tradables

โ‡… in exchange for

Hyosoung will send 1 of these tradables

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