helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar VasoKolbaso

🕵 Pending Review 2 years ago


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

2016; 1246; 1 Dispute
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌍 CIS
avatar idropshot
242; 157; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA
< Proposed
> Accepted
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

VasoKolbaso claimed ...

idropshot claimed I sent item, but received an already used key

avatar LRiPPER volunteered to mediate this dispute.

idropshot completed offer with VasoKolbaso
  • VasoKolbaso completed offer with idropshot
  • 🔄 Mediator LRiPPER reset the offer status
  • LRiPPER volunteered to mediate offer
  • X idropshot failed (key already used) offer with VasoKolbaso
  • VasoKolbaso completed offer with idropshot
  • > idropshot accepted offer from VasoKolbaso
  • < VasoKolbaso proposed offer to idropshot
  • 🕗 idropshot set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 VasoKolbaso set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar thank you
  • avatar ok, I will reset the offer status so both of you can complete it as usual
  • avatar awaiting moderator to close this dispute
  • grow: song of the evertree key received (whether it works or not, i won't know until i trade it), but i obviously won't have the same confidence in trading it as i did before with the key i had just revealed through humble. either way, closing this disput
  • avatar Im send to him another key for GROW: SONG OF THE EVERTREE
  • im talk to him near 10 times and says again: let he select something another [not x10 times higher price] there is all what im can made for he - im try be kind and fair with he but he wast my time and want too overpriced game for replaced...
  • avatar if you had even a shred of doubt your key is potentially unredeemable, why would you allow the other party to go first, knowing i'm also offering you the option of gifting the key/giving you the key itself?
  • barter's rules that new users go first...), but after accepting this trade on the site (they proposed it in the first place), they accepted a trade unsure of if their own key is even redeemable? who does that and why would you do that? if you
  • from the bundle, and wanted to trade it for something i'd play. long story, short: i traded the key, after revealing it from the first time through the humble site, while this trader suggests not only do i go first because i'm a new user (and its barter's
  • avatar [Im think pretty IMPORTANT thing - there - he not have There Is No Light in his wish list and its game with highest walue in my list and he select exacly this key - so i sure he know about prices \ bundles \ grey markets etc ]
  • avatar english speaker, which is fine, but then proceeds to tell me over and over to pick a game that is within ''fair value'', which to him is the grey market value of the game i had traded. now all of this is unbeknownst to me as i simply got the game from
  • highly discounted 2 games that match on my wishlist, which could be had at 2 total for both games. i tell him, just because the price is priced w/e on a grey market does not mean that is the value of the game itself. he claims to not be a native english s
  • maybe lower. and so, i suggest adding a game to the game i had already traded to balance out the trade in both of our favors, he immediately declines saying that my game is worth 1 to 2 euros on a grey market site and suggests i take the low valued, highl
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • avatar nothing that i want, nor that is on my wishlist (other than some 1 dollar, heavily discounted games). i then find a potential trade-worthy game (something something light). the value shows 17.99 or so, steamdb shows its lowest value at 14.99 or so, maybe
  • stating there is an issue or potential issue with the developer and ''remaking'' of keys. i have no idea what that means. they suggest i pick another game from their list since all 3 of their codes do not work. looking through their list, i find nothing
  • i tell him yes, i tried through the steam website and through the steam client. he sends me another key, same issue. he tells me to hold on, logs off for a bit, and comes back online with a 3rd key, which also fails. he then apologies afterwards stating
  • and asked if he wanted the key gifted or just the key itself, as i had no viewed it through humble yet. after i send the key, other party sends a key, i attempt to activate it, it fails due to ''duplicate product key'' error. he asks am i sure, i tell him
  • both parties accepted offers, i asked the other party if they could send their key first as i was worried about region activation issues, other party stated his key is region free and that rules of barter are that new users go first, so i went first and
VasoKolbaso will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

idropshot will send 1 of these tradables

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