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player avatar permanently suspended


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatarpermanently suspended
163; 120; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW CN
avatar Dante
126; 97; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
> Accepted
X permanently suspended failed (agreed to cancel) offer with Dante
  • X Dante failed (requested to cancel) offer with permanently suspended
  • > Dante accepted offer from permanently suspended
  • 👋 Dante joined offer
  • < permanently suspended proposed offer to
  • 🕗 Dante set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 permanently suspended set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar @Bart-ee
  • Therefore, Dante will not be profitable (if he can really provide a key to restrict CN).But obviously, he couldn't - he clearly didn't read my comment carefully
  • Due to SE's regional strategy, the pricing of True Color in the CN region is very high and it is limited to SUB that can only be used in CN, with a price of approximately $15 when sold in stores.two games only have one HB record added.
  • As for the price difference, due to regional restrictions, the highest available price for this key is in the United Arab Emirates. When the store is on sale, the price in the UAE region is slightly over $6.
  • Yes. Sub/304000 won't be able to redeem on CN.I have already mentioned this in the message (if purchasing from HB, you can obtain CN available keys only you in the CN region)
  • avatar To avoid any issues, permanently suspended should try the key for Life is Strange: True Colors first.
  • @permanently suspended: Your offer was not declined because of region locks, but because of the price difference. Your DIRT 5 is perhaps worth more than x2 the value of Life is Strange: True Colors (although with this key's region locks it's difficult to estimate). Dante is a reseller, they will only resell your key for profit. But indeed, if it's sub/304000 then you won't be able to redeem it.
  • avatar Desperate. Do you want DIRT 5? But it seems that your account is not located in the Asian Also, do you know the sub of your True Colors? I guess it is
  • Please note that my account is located in CN. If your Life is Strange: True Colors comes from HB, then only when your HB account purchases CN, HB will give you a True Colors key that can be activated in CN (other regions cannot be activated in CN)
  • To Mediator: Please do not reject an offer again because someone did not pay attention to regional restrictions and applied for mediation after accepting the offer. I am desperate, it has been five times in just one month.
  • please pay attention to the game tags. I have marked all regional restrictions/sub!
  • 垃圾STEAM,心灰意冷。所有物品支持支付宝/微信,不接受CSGO/TF2钥匙。有DLC的游戏更倾向完整包。不会将鉴赏家副本视为正常价格。 Overview

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