helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar astarr


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar SweetDalilah
404; 299; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU BA
avatar astarr
180; 137; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA CA

🗣️ Mediator Advice On: Volunteers may advise on the fairness of this offer (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
> Accepted
SweetDalilah completed offer with astarr ( countered ✉ )
  • astarr completed offer with SweetDalilah
  • > astarr accepted offer from SweetDalilah
  • < SweetDalilah proposed offer to astarr
  • SweetDalilah edited offer
  • < SweetDalilah proposed offer to astarr
  • 🕗 astarr set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 SweetDalilah set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Thank you very much for trade and wishes. I am still interested in Deathgarden too :)
  • avatar We talked and I mentioned that I have more copies of Star Trek for friends, and I will keep you in mind for any extra Lego Worlds I find. Thanks for the trade and feel better!
  • avatar Either way, sorry that you waited for 2 days, I cannot stop a sudden hard flu that I still didn't completely get over, but since you insist I will go look for the games and trade in about half an hour.
  • Hi! You couldn't have added me before Thursday (it was either Thursday/Friday that offer was accepted) as you only wrote 3 days ago that you added me. I tried to catch you online that day but you weren't online till I needed to go to sleep.
  • avatar I added before Thursday and haven't been accepted yet.
  • Sounds good!
  • avatar Ok, we'll do the trade tommorow. I'll chat you up when I'm on
  • avatar Added on Steam and have limited connection today. I will be on tomorrow all day.
  • Only Star Trek is a key. I'm good with keys I'll activate right away.
  • avatar Lmk if you have giftlinks or download links especially for Surviving Mars, as I am still not sure if I will be keeping it for myself or not. I have a giftlink for Northgard and download link for Silence.
  • avatar Sounds good
  • avatar Lego Harry Potter as the 4th game, since that's recent tier 1 game and less wanted. I can do it without it to just 3:1 for Northgard
  • Can only do it for something like this
SweetDalilah will send 2 of these tradables

in exchange for

astarr will send 4 of these tradables

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