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player avatar Ascate


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

1231; 548; 0
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113; 92; 0
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< Proposed
Ascate declined offer from MYKILL! ( countered ✉ )
  • < MYKILL! proposed offer to Ascate
  • > MYKILL! countered offer from Ascate with offer
  • 🕗 MYKILL! set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar anyways thanks for the offer as well and I hope you get the games somewhere :) Have a wonderful day!
  • Also since you are using GOG vs Steam I would like to point out that Baldur is 35 cents for GOG version. Steam keys are 2 euro and up for it (unless we count Gamivo Smart, which is hard to evaluate)
  • Each bundle has a frontrunner or two and then games that are there to hit the quota for a minimal number of titles in the bundle.
  • I honestly think that 'sensibly and logically' logic is faulty as you give games in the bundle equal value. That would also mean Unpacking had the same value as Dark Souls III because they were both in HB choice.
  • avatar Just wanted you to see where I was coming from. Thanks for the offer.
  • And, not that it's some highly valuable item (and of course it's a DLC), but I'm the only one on Barter with Nightfall and it's unbundled.
  • So even if I had gone strictly by gray market prices, from my point of view, I was the one that was being more than fair.
  • So, to me, that means your original offer was $2.66 (your games) for $3.82 (my games). Then my counter was $3.01 (your games) for $3.82 (my games).
  • Nightfall is about $1.96 (unless you want a GOG copy). Chorus is about $1.86 (and is no longer in a bundle). $1.96 + $1.86 = $3.82.
  • Also, sensibly and logically (if we do the math) Bomb Rush and Moonstone are two of nine games in a bundle that costs $12 at the most. $12 divided by nine gives you about $1.33 in value each. Baldur is about 35 cents. $1.33 + $1.33 + $0.35 = $3.01.
  • I get it. Every trader has their own value system and point of view. You're right about the gray market prices, but I don't just look at those values. I lay it all out in my overview message, but I can be more specific.
  • avatar I think my offer was more than fair honestly :)
  • 4.81 x 3.21 with BG (allkeys) My offer was 4.09 x 3.21 Your original offer was 4.09 x 3.19
  • avatar I am not a reseller. I sometimes need additional copies of games for my kids. I consider all of these factors: ratings/popularity, H:W ratio, gray market pricing, current bundle pricing, future bundle possibility, if I want to play a game right away and how many games I already own. Overview
MYKILL! will send 2 of these tradables

in exchange for

Ascate will send 3 of these tradables

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