#event 113: Humble Choice #63, Ender Magnolia, Ixion, Roots of Pacha, and more! in 21 hours

Barter.vg helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar nateraade


⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

794; 376; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA US
avatarno fun
16; 14; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA CA

⚖️ Mediator Action On: Volunteers may decline this offer based upon fairness (on due to receiver's offer preferences).

< Proposed
> Accepted
nateraade completed offer with no fun
  • no fun completed offer with nateraade
  • > no fun accepted offer from nateraade
  • < nateraade proposed offer to no fun
  • nateraade edited offer
  • < nateraade proposed offer to no fun
  • nateraade edited offer
  • < nateraade proposed offer to no fun
  • nateraade edited offer
  • < nateraade proposed offer to no fun
  • nateraade edited offer
  • < nateraade proposed offer to no fun
  • nateraade edited offer
  • < nateraade proposed offer to no fun
  • 🕗 no fun set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 nateraade set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar Okay, that I can see now. I've accepted!
  • avatar I edited it with some options: the original two, and pick another you want. If the options aren't a fit, let me know.
  • Of course, we don't have to trade. It was just a solution to the problem.
  • Don't accept this, but you have Supraland which I can give to my friend, but what I have for your side isn't quite fair. What do I have that you'd like for it? You can keep Beholder and TAB here. Feel free to use the Counter option.
  • Huh, I can see why now from your screenshot. Barter doesn't allow one side to be empty. I didn't think of that. There's an item called "Nothing!" that someone can add to their wishlist or tradables, but I think the other side needs to have it added too.
  • avatar Yeah no, no confirmation options: imgur dot com/tLjPW0l.png Maybe it's because I was just in a trade that was rejected by a mediator (they thought I was being ripped off)? But it's okay. I appreciate the feedback, I don't need the games.
  • avatar Below the offer, do you see a checkbox to Confirm and an Accept Offer button? I agree that there's a learning curve with the UX and UI. But it's not too bad once you get used to it. Took me a few days to get most of it.
  • avatar I'll be honest, either I can't accept this trade, or I haven't a clue how... At the bottom is only Counter Offer and Decline Offer. I'll be real, the biggest learning curve is just this site's wild UX/UI.
  • avatar With that being said, you're welcome to accept this offer. I guarantee I'll never trade them away normally; Beholder's H:W is abysmal and it's not worth much, and TAB is a free game haha. Or if you just want Beholder, I'll modify this.
  • Oh, and I recommend adding the the browser plugins Augmented Steam and SteamDB; they're very handy for extra info on Steam's website, namely a product's Store Page.
  • Haha I can see how it throws someone off, since oldest comments are at the bottom. Did that guide link not go through? Join the Barter Discord if you'd like and ask for it there. Did everything I mention make sense?
  • avatar Sounds silly probably, but if there's anything I can do for you, don't be a stranger.
  • Hey friend, just woke up to this. I'm not sure what to say, thanks so much for the guidance! I'll check out Enhanced Barter, and the guide you [almost] linked! I also can't tell you how difficult that was to read chopped up and backwards, ha.
  • avatar Anyway, I know you said you're "not sweaty about getting the best deal" but you can still achieve actually fair offers, even if there's a slight value difference. Knowledge is power. Let me know if you understood all of that, k?
  • Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • Anyway, don't feel overwhelmed! Just take it slow at first if you need to, and perhaps join the Barter.vg Discord. Lots of helpful people there. And this community guide may help:
  • Not all resellers are announcing themselves as such, and some regular traders are just greedy anyway. Don't let the excitement of an offer keep you from knowing the values and asking for a more balanced offer, or sending a counter-offer.
  • may use to get unbundled keys that they'd otherwise just have to buy with money, so instead leverage their bundled keys for it. But, now that you know to understand your key's value, please be careful to not let them or other users take advantage of you.
  • 5th tip: Resellers exist on this site, and they've been asked to put in their Overview message that they resell, and what their rate is (which I believe isn't supposed to exceed 2x the value of the other person's keys). They offer a service, which some
  • exclusive or limited giveaway and therefore very few could have gotten a free key, traders tend to trade with other given away keys. Up to you. Just be aware.
  • And TAB went free-to-play, but beforehand it was bundled once. You may notice that H:W is often worse the more a game is bundled, which makes sense. 4th: Giveaway count. That's the green $number. Generally, unless it was only in some kind of very
  • whereas a poor H:W like these keys I'm offering for free have a terrible H:W. 3rd: Bundle count. That number with the asterisk symbol ✽ is the bundle count; Beholder has been bundled a whopping 14 times, which can severely devalue it further.
  • 2nd: check those blue and red numbers. Blue is how many Barter users have it in their tradables; red is how many have it wishlisted. It's called the H:W (have:want) ratio. A good ratio like 5:300 can make a key more "valuable" in a trade,
  • The reason keyshops are used is because these prices scale equally for all regions and currencies, and aren't subject to regional pricing and sales. It's like "eBay" for game keys. I had a hard time accepting this system, but it's the reality.
  • keys. Manually checking is easy enough to do on the site, but there's a browser plugin for this site called Enhanced Barter that makes it way easier (I can help you with it if you'd like, but google for the github and follow directions).
  • These are very low-value keys anyway, though, so you're actually more than welcome to accept this offer (I'm not joking), but the real intent here is to provide information. 1st: USE GG.DEALS, a price info site, to see the keyshop values of your and their
  • Hi, I know it's odd that I'm sending an offer and not asking anything in return. I figured this was a good way to contact you really quickly to inform you on some things. You're very new, and I want to make sure you're treated well.
  • Trading for myself and sometimes friends. I expect fairly equal keyshop value (via gg.deals) trades for bundled keys; rarely will go above 1.5x for unbundled. How I value: Personal preference/quality > keyshops > H:W (mainly if few have it). No gift links.

    I reserve my TF2 keys only for *unbundled keys from my WL* that will very likely never be bundled, such as most games made by Square-Enix (like Final Fantasy) or PlayStation-published games, but if you have a great deal, you can still ask! Overview
nateraade will send 3 of these tradables

in exchange for

no fun will send 1 of these tradables

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