helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar C4nn1b4l


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

175; 140; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU HU
2016; 1246; 1 Dispute
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌍 CIS
< Proposed
> Accepted
X Failed
Offer Failed Dispute resolved ( about disputes )

C4nn1b4l claimed ...

VasoKolbaso claimed ...

avatar LRiPPER volunteered to mediate this dispute.

A brief summary of this dispute. VasoKolbaso sent his key to C4nn1b4l first. C4nn1b4l sent his 3 keys to VasoKolbaso and after that he informed that VasoKolbaso's key didn't work. VasoKolbaso informed that he had not used his keys yet and gave the option to cancel the trade or replace it with another game. C4nn1b4l showed no willingness to resolve the dispute by declining both options. VasoKolbaso a few weeks later when trying to use the keys, 2 of them had region restriction. He activated them on other accounts or gave to someone else, whatever. C4nn1b4l was contacted to look for a solution to the situation and resolve the dispute, all he need to do was talk to choose another game and receive it, however, he didn't wanna bother with it and stated clear I could resolve it at my own discretion. 2 years ago

Mediator LRiPPER edited the failed reasons of offer
  • LRiPPER volunteered to mediate offer
  • X C4nn1b4l failed (key already used) offer with VasoKolbaso
  • VasoKolbaso completed offer with C4nn1b4l
  • > VasoKolbaso accepted offer from C4nn1b4l
  • 👋 VasoKolbaso joined offer
  • < C4nn1b4l proposed offer to
  • 🕗 VasoKolbaso set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 C4nn1b4l set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar its a realy stupid and dump crap im want just finish it... im send my key ferst and why he not check it before he send his not my problem
  • if its fine to him - ok let he add me from account for what i must buy Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun or just he can select another my game key but then he must buy in steam games what i cant activate in my steam regin by his sended keys
  • he must buy for me in steam Railroad Corporation and Epic Chef becorse he send to me keys with region locks and i cant use his keys [im try just his Railroad Corporation key]
  • LRiPPER Im can buy to him Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun in steam... but he not allow my steam friends request and he have this game on his account and if i will buy it for another his account it will be mean what he nust buy for me in steam this..
  • and wherem Im carying about "crying of the -rep"? you a complete idiot im think... you even cant understand what I CANT USE YOUR KEYS BECORSE THEY NOT WORKS IN MY REGION
  • he can activate his JUNK keys on his JUNK account and he can be 100% sure what im not use it
  • 1 he not want another key or keys 2 he have Shadow Tactics in his library 2 im cant use his keys becorse they not works for my TY region. so what i can do there? he lose nothing... im think he completely junk trader
  • avatar VasoKolbaso must send a Shadow Tactics working key, or come to an agreement with C4nn1b4l to choose another game.
  • Sorry! my mistake. was misleading this dispute with another one. C4nn1b4l has the rights.
  • avatar XD you sent the offer, scam me with your the used key, doing nothing about it, crying of the -rep and then i'm became the badguy? this site is a joke.
  • avatar Since C4nn1b4l did not set the correct region lock of his tradables I'll decide this dispute in VasoKolbaso favour. I'll keep it open until C4nn1b4l trade his keys just to check that they was not used. you have a week to make it.
  • avatar Im just try it and they not works... you realy realy bad trader
  • C4nn1b4l... for example just simple question... my region is TY... do you sure what your keys worked for TY???
  • at least you can activate thit 3 keys on your own account - and you can be sure what im not use his keys [as i understand you not have this games in library]
  • IS KEYS YOU SEND ME - USED? i not use it! so what is your problem? what you want? just retrade your keys... or what you want? we can even discuss about "what you want?"
  • my friend I do not mad eme as victim - my key not works but i not use your key... you wait 2 days? but you dont made / dont ask any solutions - but i made... even now you just delet eme from syeam and we cant discuss about? i have one question - IS KEYS
  • avatar and now you make yourself a victim because i dont want to trade my showed keys exactly for the same reason. i CAN'T garantee that not used anymore.
  • i take the lose and move over. i i'm not gonna trade for hours for days for a 2$ game. we traded your key was used. it's not my fault that you dont have any other game from my 1000+ whislist to change it any another one. i waited 2 days and closed .
  • i wait 2 days. all i did was telling the truth. you had 5x more reputation than me, so I sent my keys aswell. you just put you keys in never told a word about "i'm not sure this still working please try first" you can go to moderators if you want
  • avatar Comment Hidden to Avoid Losing Game: Link detected
  • some realy autistic action this trades do - he select realy bad solution in this case
  • he delete me in steam and made this - all proffs in our steam dialog - he can post it - i not have this games in no one of my accounts
  • for moderators: - im send my key ferst - then he sand his - then he says my key not works - im not use his keys and say to hin what i can offer something other or he can trade his keys [keys what he send me] and then finish our trade - but he delete me in
  • my friend wtf? give screenshot from our chat! why you delete me from friends? lets discuss
C4nn1b4l will send 3 of these tradables

in exchange for

VasoKolbaso will send 1 of these tradables

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