auth('verify', 0, $sid, $skey); $Auth->reload(); } $output = array(); // error handling $steam_url = isset($_POST['steam_url']) ? $_POST['steam_url']:''; // user provided Steam profile URL $section = (isset($_GET['section']) ? $_GET['section'] : ''); $selected_offer_id = (isset($_GET['section_var']) ? (int)$_GET['section_var'] : 0); $section_var = (isset($_GET['section_var']) ? $_GET['section_var'] : ''); $section_icon = $section_border = $section_color = ''; $section_matching_border = 'dborder'; if(isset($_GET['section_long'])) { if($_GET['section_long'] == 'library'){ $section = 'l'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'tradeable'){ $section = 't'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'wishlist'){ $section = 'w'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'blacklist'){ $section = 'b'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'offers'){ $section = 'o'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'activity'){ $section = 'a'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'fulfilled'){ $section = 'f'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'traded'){ $section = 'd'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'removed'){ $section = 'r'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'revoked'){ $section = 'v'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'watchlist'){ $section = 'i'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'reserve'){ $section = 'h'; } elseif($_GET['section_long'] == 'notification'){ $section = 'n'; } } // translation if($Auth->id > 0) { $language_id = $Auth->language_id; if(isset($_POST['language_id']) && $_POST['language_id'] > 0){ $language_id = (int)$_POST['language_id']; } $stmt = $GLOBALS['mysqli']->prepare("SELECT phrase_id, phrase FROM `languages_phrases` WHERE language_id = ?"); $stmt->bind_param("i", $language_id); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($phrase_id, $phrase); $result = array(); while($stmt->fetch()) { $translation[$phrase_id]['phrase'] = $phrase; } $stmt->close(); } else{ // header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. Site availabe to signed in users only at this time.", true, 503); // die('Server overloaded. Available to signed in users only.'); } if($section == 'l') { $section_name = 'Library'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[11]['phrase']) ? $translation[11]['phrase'] : 'Library'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '📚︎'; // '⌸'; $section_border = 'gborder'; $section_color = 'libr'; } elseif($section == 't') { $section_name = 'Tradeable'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[9]['phrase']) ? $translation[9]['phrase'] : 'Tradable'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '⇄'; $section_border = 'bborder'; $section_color = 'trad'; } elseif($section == 'h') { $section_name = 'Reserve'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[0]['phrase']) ? $translation[0]['phrase'] : 'Reserve'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '▣'; $section_border = 'bborder'; $section_color = 'trad'; } elseif($section == 'w') { $section_name = 'Wishlist'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[10]['phrase']) ? $translation[10]['phrase'] : 'Wishlist'); $section_name_matching = 'tradeable'; $section_name_matching_letter = 't'; $section_matching_border = 'bborder'; $section_icon = '★'; $section_border = 'oborder'; $section_color = 'wish'; } elseif($section == 'i') { $section_name = 'Watchlist'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[0]['phrase']) ? $translation[0]['phrase'] : 'Watchlist'); $section_name_matching = 'tradeable'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'bborder'; $section_icon = '👁'; $section_border = 'oborder'; $section_color = 'wish'; } elseif($section == 'b') { $section_name = 'Blacklist'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[26]['phrase']) ? $translation[26]['phrase'] : 'Blacklist'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '🚫︎'; $section_border = 'sborder'; $section_color = ''; } elseif($section == 'o') { $section_name = 'Offers'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[12]['phrase']) ? $translation[12]['phrase'] : 'Offers'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '✉'; $section_border = 'pborder'; $section_color = 'offer'; } elseif($section == 'a') { $section_name = 'Activity'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Activity'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '☷'; $section_border = 'border'; } elseif($section == 'f') { $section_name = 'Fulfilled'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[27]['phrase']) ? $translation[27]['phrase'] : 'Fulfilled'); $section_name_matching = 'tradeable'; $section_name_matching_letter = 't'; $section_matching_border = 'bborder'; $section_icon = '✓'; $section_border = 'oborder'; } elseif($section == 'd') { $section_name = 'Traded'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[28]['phrase']) ? $translation[28]['phrase'] : 'Traded'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_matching_border = 'oborder'; $section_icon = '⇌'; $section_border = 'bborder'; } elseif($section == 'c') { $section_name = 'Scratchpad'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Scratchpad'); $section_name_matching = 'scratchpad'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'c'; $section_icon = '📋︎'; $section_border = 'sborder'; } elseif($section == 'r') { $section_name = 'Removed'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Removed'); $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_icon = '🗑'; $section_border = 'sborder'; } elseif($section == 's') { $User = $Auth; $_GET['user_id'] = dechex($Auth->id); $section_name_translation = $section_name = 'Start'; $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_icon = '⏵'; $section_border = 'border'; } elseif($section == 'z') { $User = $Auth; $_GET['user_id'] = dechex($Auth->id); $section_name_translation = $section_name = 'Start'; $section_name_matching = 'wishlist'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'w'; $section_icon = '⏵'; $section_border = 'border'; } elseif($section == 'v') { $section_name = 'Revoked'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Revoked'); $section_name_matching = 'revoked'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'v'; $section_icon = '⌫'; $section_border = 'sborder'; } elseif($section == 'x') { $section_name = 'Unowned'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Unowned'); $section_name_matching = 'unowned'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'x'; $section_icon = '▢'; $section_border = 'sborder'; } elseif($section == 'n') { $section_name = 'Notification'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Notification'); $section_name_matching = 'notification'; $section_name_matching_letter = 'n'; $section_icon = '🔔'; $section_border = 'oborder'; } else { $section = 'p'; $section_name = 'Profile'; $section_name_translation = (isset($translation[-1]['phrase']) ? $translation[-1]['phrase'] : 'Profile'); $section_name_matching = 'tradeable'; $section_name_matching_letter = 't'; $section_border = 'sborder'; } $section_name_lc = strtolower($section_name); include('includes/manage/actions.php'); if(isset($User) && $User->id > 0) { $CollectionIDs = new Collection(); $wishlist_collection_id = $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'wishlist'); $library_collection_id = $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'library'); $blacklist_collection_id = $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'blacklist'); $tradeable_collection_id = $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'tradeable'); $scratchpad_collection_id = $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'scratchpad'); $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'traded'); $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'revoked'); $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'fulfilled'); $watchlist_collection_id = $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'watchlist'); $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'reserve'); $CollectionIDs->create($User->id, 'notification'); $offers_to_act = $User->offers_to_act(); $matching_collection_id = $tradeable_collection_id; if($section == 't' || $section == 'h'){ $matching_collection_id = $wishlist_collection_id; } $collections_counts = $Collection->userCounts($User->id); } if($section == 'o') { include('includes/manage/actions_offers.php'); if($section_var == 0){ $users_offers = $User->offers($tradeable_collection_id, $wishlist_collection_id, $library_collection_id, $blacklist_collection_id); } } $Output = new Item(); $sources = $Output->sources(); if($User->id == 0) { $collection_owner = ' Users'; $noindex = 1; } else { $collection_owner = $User->steam_persona; } ?> <?php print $collection_owner.' : '.$section_name_translation; if($section == 'o' && $section_var > 0 && isset($users_offers[$section_var])) { print ' : #'.$section_var; if($users_offers[$section_var]['to_username'] == $User->steam_persona){ print ' from '.$users_offers[$section_var]['from_username']; } else{ print ' to '.$users_offers[$section_var]['to_username']; } } ?> noindex) && $User->noindex == 1){ print ''; } if($section == 'o') { print ''; if($selected_offer_id > 0) { print ''; } } if($Auth->theme == 2){ print ''; } elseif($Auth->id > 0){ print ''; } else{ print ''; } ?>
id == 0) { if($Auth->id == 160){ //print_r($_GET); } if(isset($_GET['user_id']) && strlen($_GET['user_id']) > 0) { print '

User Not Found

'; } include('includes/manage/users.php'); } else { if($section == 't' || $section == 'w' || $section == 'l' || $section == 'b' || $section == 'o' || $section == 'p'){ $nav_arrangement = 1; } elseif($section == 'd' || $section == 'f' || $section == 'n' || $section == 'x' || $section == 'a'){ $nav_arrangement = 3; } else{ $nav_arrangement = 2; } // main navigation links: tradeable, wishlist, library, blacklist $nav_ul = ''; $nav2_ul = ''; $nav3_ul = ''; if($nav_arrangement == 1){ $nav_main = $nav_ul; $nav_extended = $nav2_ul.$nav3_ul; } elseif($nav_arrangement == 3){ $nav_main = $nav3_ul; $nav_extended = $nav_ul.$nav2_ul; } else{ $nav_main = $nav2_ul; $nav_extended = $nav_ul.$nav3_ul; } if($section_var !== 'x') { print '
'; } if(($Auth->offers_completed <= 1 && $Auth->id == $User->id) || $Auth->id == 160 || $Auth->id == 907){ print '

Welcome to Barter! Start trading by following these steps:

'; } if($section != 'z'){ //$event_time = time_format(1593104400); //print '

'; //print 'Steam sale started '.$event_time['text']; //print 'Server Update Database had 0% free space due to a temp file, restarting DB fixed it. Sorry for downtime.'; //print 'Humble Humble Choice #1 reveal'; //print 'Phishing Warning Steam users are losing their accounts and sending the phishing site to friends'; //print 'Steaming Saturday (impromptu event) Graveyard Keeper'; //print 'Event 51 Humble Monthly + Choice, CODE VEIN, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 in '.$event_time['text']; //print '

'; //$expiringGame = $Auth->item(78917, 1); //$expiringItem = $Auth->item(95627, 1); //$uplayVersion = $Auth->item(57922, 1); //if(isset($expiringGame['tradeable']) || isset($expiringItem['tradeable'])){ // print '

Black Ops 4 and additional content have a December 31 activation deadline

'; // print '

You wishlisted AC:Origins on Steam, would you like to wishlist the Uplay version?  

'; //} //$superhot = $Auth->item(19539, 1); //$superhotMCD = $Auth->item(58451, 1); //$release_time = time_format(1594918800); //if(isset($superhot['tradeable']) || isset($superhot['wishlist']) || isset($superhotMCD['wishlist'])){ // print '

⏰ SUPERHOT owners will receive SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE; release in '.$release_time['text'].'; FAQ

'; //} //if(isset($userOnlists['tradeable'])){ print '

⏰ Activation Deadline for The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians '.$event_time['text'].'

'; } //$event_time2 = time_format(1529600400); // // $event_time2 = time_format(1608660000); $event_time_unix = 1717869600; $event_time = time_format($event_time_unix); $display_after = $event_time_unix - (60 * 60 * 48); // display event link 30 hours before event start $display_until = $event_time_unix + (60 * 105); // remove event link 105 minutes after event start if($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] < $display_until && $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] > $display_after){ print '

#event Humble Choice, Another Crab\'s Treasure, Life is Strange Remastered Collection, Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood in '.$event_time['text'].'

'; } else{ // print '

Groupees may shutdown (their domain expires 21 August).

'; } //print '

🚧 Scheduled Maintenance in '.$event_time['text'].' - the site will be down during this maintenance. see #ontopic for updates

'; //print '

🚧 Scheduled Maintenance completed for now.

'; //$depressionGame = $Auth->item(73171, 1); //if(isset($depressionGame['revoked'])){ //print '

Depression The Game: list of replacement options contact DG on Discord or Steam to select'; // developer update; contact updates; DG may contact you

'; //} if($Auth->id == 0 || $Auth->offers_completed <= 1){ print ' helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone\'s identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site\'s dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

'; } elseif($Auth->allow_ga == 1){ //print '

Your Javascript preference is set to On (without third-party). This preference was mistakenly merged with Off. Everyone with Off was changed to On (without third-party). Unless you wanted this set to Off, you do no need to change it.

'; } print '

'; print (isset($User->steam_img) && strlen($User->steam_img) > 1 ? 'player avatar ':'no avatar '); $user_name_changes = $User->viewNameChanges(); $user_name_changes_count = count($user_name_changes); if(isset($user_name_changes) && $user_name_changes_count > 0) { $user_name_change_ago = time_format($user_name_changes[1]['added']); print '🕵 '; } if(strlen($collection_owner) > 0) { print 'claimed == 0 || $User->is_active == -1 ? ' class="lowlight"' : ($User->is_active == -1 ? ' style="color:red;"':'')).'>'.$collection_owner.''; } elseif($User->claimed > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 60 * 60 * 10){ print '[ Adding Profile... ]'; } else{ print '[ Missing Profile ]'; } if($Auth->id == $User->id && $section_name == 'Profile') { //print 'OpenID Problems'; print ' [x] Sign out'; } print '

'; if($User->id > 0) { if($User->claimed == 0) { print ''; } elseif(isset($User->close_requested) && $User->close_requested > 0){ $close_requested_at = time_format($User->close_requested); print ''; if($Auth->id == 160 || $Auth->id == 907 || $Auth->id == 1063){ if(isset($_POST['open_profile'])){ $closed = $Auth->closeProfile($User->id, 0); if($closed >= 1){ $Feed = new Feed(); $feed_data = array(); $feed_data[1] = array('type' => 1, 'var1' => dechex($Auth->id), 'text' => $User->steam_persona); $feed_data[2] = array('type' => 4, 'var1' => dechex($Auth->id), 'var2' => $section, 'text' => $User->hexid); $Feed->activity(63, $feed_data); $Feed->connect('user', $User->id, 63); print '
Profile Re-Opened The profile will be visible again.'; } } print '
'; } } else { $last_active = time_format($User->active); //$offer_stats = $User->offer_stats_cached(); print ''; if($User->offers_failed > 0) { $disputed_offers_reasons = $User->failed_offers(); if(isset($disputed_offers_reasons) && count($disputed_offers_reasons) > 0) { print '
'; $semicolon = ''; foreach($disputed_offers_reasons as $dispute_id => $dispute) { $dispute_time = time_format($dispute['updated']); if($dispute['status'] == -1) { print $semicolon.'X Dispute ('.$dispute['reason'].') '.$dispute_time['text'].''; } else { print $semicolon.'🕵 Pending Review '.$dispute_time['text'].''; } $semicolon = '; '; } print '
'; } } } } } if($User->disable_signin == 1){ print '


'; } if(isset($User->close_requested) && $User->close_requested > 0 && $Auth->id != 160){ print ''; } elseif($section == 't' || $section == 'i' || $section == 'w' || $section == 'h' || $section == 'l' || $section == 'b' || $section == 'f' || $section == 'd' || $section == 'r' || $section == 'v' || $section == 'c' || $section == 'n' || $section == 'x') { flush(); include('includes/manage/sections.php'); } elseif($section == 'o') { include('includes/manage/offers.php'); } elseif($section == 'a') { include('includes/manage/activity.php'); } elseif($section == 's') { include('includes/manage/start.php'); } elseif($section == 'z') { include('includes/manage/newstart.php'); } else { include('includes/manage/profile.php'); } } ?>