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1058; 547; 0
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96; 72; 0
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< Proposed
> Accepted
luckz completed offer with ☮ ( countered ✉ )
  • ☮ completed offer with luckz
  • > ☮ accepted offer from luckz
  • < luckz proposed offer to ☮
  • 🕗 set accepted offer to expire
  • 🕗 luckz set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar yeah; you're spot on for the DMC5 pricing; that's the only non-HB I've got practically. hmm I'll take the offer anyway cause this offer is super fair to me (last offer was kinda wack; apologies for it!)
  • avatar unfortunately your other Steam tradables are Humble Monthly/Choice games mostly, and I'm subscribed to that myself. I assume your Devil May Cry 5 you spent in the $15-$20 region on - that's the only non-HB key I see.
  • avatar if you're not willing to take any more items from me in exchange for both games ; I'm happy enough with this trade.
  • cause to me I would like the both of them and I am willing to add (like add on my side) for both of them.
  • If you want; you could add and equalise if you want to trade for two; I haven't a breeze what else you'd like; if you don't want to add anything (to my side to give to you); I'm okay with this 2:1 offer
  • avatar (3/3) you might want to revisit completed trades and remove what you do not need additional copies of.
  • (2/3) for your past trades, note that Barter does not automatically remove the games you added to your wishlist on the site when you complete a trade for them. "custom" wishlist is more like manual wishlisting....
  • sorry for taking forever to get back to you! I sadly can't part with both here; I could throw in something like an IndieGala game (but you don't have much wishlisted and I'm not sure what you would like).
  • A few games have gem prices. I don't send gift links – I only offer games for immediate activation on your own account. Some old IG/Gogo/Otaku/HB I didn't activate yet, otherwise I want non-WL too, including DIG. Overview
luckz will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for will send 2 of these tradables

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