#event 113: Humble Choice #63, Ender Magnolia, Ixion, Roots of Pacha, and more! in 101 minutes ago

Barter.vg helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar Jarlaxe



⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatarno fun
16; 14; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA CA
ViaEnhanced Barter GitHub icon (not associated with Barter.vg)
avatar Jarlaxe
1538; 943; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU
< Proposed
Jarlaxe declined offer from no fun
  • < no fun proposed offer to Jarlaxe
  • 🕗 no fun set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I see that your knowledge of gray market trading is somewhat shallow and lacks experience =)
  • avatar There's no doubt that you undercut listings in the third party store(s) where you sell your keys, but there's a big difference between selling your keys at lowest gg.deals market (KSP on G2A and Metro on Gameseal) and selling them on Kinguin for example, whose lowest is 1.30€ / 0.60€ ABOVE the lowest gg.deals pricing. It's highly unlikely that you're selling these keys on G2A / Gameseal, so technically you're not selling them "at the current minimum price"...
  • avatar It is not fair to call a person who tells the truth a liar. I sell all keys from exchanges at the current minimum price in order to quickly implement them and not worry about their validity.
  • avatar @Jarlaxe: The rules are rules. For bundled games, similar value. For unbundled games, you can do x2. We don't care about what kind of fees you have from reselling. And you have a final warning, yet you already completed several trades that violate these rules during the past days. Also, don lie about these prices, you're not selling these keys at their minimum grey market value.
  • avatar fyi Metro Exodus - 3.44 + Kerbal Space Program 4.38 right now, so - 25% fee&tax = I could get not more than 5.86 eu. If you calculate someone's money - calculate them right.
  • Hey rhere, I did nothing wrong, offered 2x2 and some 3rd game (idk which because he mess up his library & whishlist) to balance trade so we both will be satisfied.
  • avatar @no fun (cont). The games you offer are around 4-5€ each, but for example Mind Scanners is 0.80€. An ill-intended person will quickly accept this kind of offer, making you lose a lot of value. Jarlaxe here wants both of your games to make a profit off them, that's around 10€. He's offering both Gord 2.60€ + Mind Scanners 0.80€ + probably some 1€ low value game. That's not even half of what your games are worth. This is why we always recommend checking and trading based on gg.deals pricing.
  • @no fun: The danger of using Enhanced Barter without checking your outgoing offers is that there's a high chance of sending out unbalanced ones, either ones that are heavy in your favor (and which then might be declined by Bart-ee mediators, leading you one step closer to a temporary suspension), or on the contrary ones in which you lose a lot of value. There are a lot of resellers and profiteers around, they will jump right into accepting a trade highly favorable for them.
  • @Jarlaxe: reminder that you have a final warning.
  • avatar btw, I wish to do 2x2 and will add some 3rd bonus game ;)
  • Hi, you marked, that you have both those game in your library, so I can't choose any or accept))
  • avatar Pretty flexible trader, not sweaty about getting the best deal. :)
    VERY NEW to all of this, so patience is appreciated. Overview
no fun will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Jarlaxe will send 1 of these tradables

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