helps to organize game collections and manage trades. This profile page belongs to a user, but it does not prove anyone's identity or credibility. Be wary of anyone that proposes trades off-site or through private messages. To use this site's dispute process, you must use the on-site offer system to propose or accept trades.

player avatar ThreeSon


⚠️ No new offers on after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatar ThreeSon
816; 506; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA
1603; 944; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU HU
< Proposed
x ThreeSon cancelled offer ( countered ✉ )
  • ThreeSon edited offer
  • ThreeSon paused offer
  • ThreeSon resumed offer
  • ThreeSon paused offer
  • < ThreeSon proposed offer to Hallak65
  • > ThreeSon countered offer from Hallak65 with offer
  • 🕗 ThreeSon set proposed offer to expire
  • Hallak65 unpause it - edit - cancel there
  • avatar Okay let's hold off for a while then. Weird bug though: I can't manually cancel the offer; I can only pause it (message says it will be automatically cancelled in 3 days).
  • Hallak65 To be frank, I'm hesitant too because EL is on almost every month on 75-80% sale on steam, and I'm thinking about waiting for the winter sale.
  • avatar Ah sorry I didn't see that you changed the OG offer. I'm sort of hesitant on it now, even though it's a good offer. Let me take a day on it if that's okay.
  • Hallak65 are you countered with the same offer? Or am I too sleepy to see the difference? :D
  • avatar I own all Humble Choice games.
    Offers for TF2 keys need a number (not "negotiable").
    I only want Steam games.

    Main factors I care about:
    Steam price,
    Recent sale prices, price & stock,
    Barter wishlist number (H:W ratio doesn't matter) Overview
ThreeSon will send 1 of these tradables

in exchange for

Hallak65 will send 1 of these tradables

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