#event 114: Humble Choice #64, Copycat, Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, Bloomtown: A Different Story in 38 hours

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player avatar StDrakes Trades


⚠️ No new offers on Barter.vg after 25 December 2024. Read announcement on Steam Forum

avatarStDrakes Trades
8; 8; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:EU PL
avatar MacerV
465; 329; 0
Steam iconSteam Trades iconDiscord🌐 ROW:NA CA
< Proposed
Declined (not worth it to this user)
MacerV declined (not worth it to me) offer from StDrakes Trades
  • < StDrakes Trades proposed offer to MacerV
  • 🕗 StDrakes Trades set proposed offer to expire
  • avatar I may never end up adding them to my library and I'm fine with that. I can do 3-1. or if something like 2 for 4 (with Talisman: Digital Edition) is more agreeable I'd do that.
  • I doubt anyone is buying Tomb raider from the grey market given it is the same as historical lows on steam. Personally I'm waiting for a bundle as I'm not paying $1/game for titles from the 90s that I likely won't end up playing.
  • avatar Armello and Sanctus would obviously be my picks for the reasons below, but what woul you propose?
  • in short succession, armello and sanctus reach a little below 1 euro. Strangely some of the early TR parts are a little above 1euro there..selling, but does anyone buy is another question. Could I convince you do a 3-2 perhaps?
  • Allkey? seems i have a new source to look at, thanks. I was comparing to a local online bazaar where it's mostly people selling singles from bundles for slight profit. MKW dropped to some 0,25 at some point, still a few offers for 0,3, been in 2-3 bundl
  • avatar So to answer your question. I'd do a 3-1, but not a 1-1.
  • Medieval Kingdom Wars has a similar price "anomaly". Armello is the only reasonable price but it was just in a big bundle that a lot of people purchased and it's grey market price will equalize I'm guessing back towards 2-3 Euro.
  • Warhammer 40K Sanctus Reach at $0.2 euro for example (plus fees) is ridiculous. Historical low is 5.59 euro. It's best bundle was 0.55 euro/game. You can be pretty sure there's keys in there from stolen credit cards.
  • If you're going off Allkey prices then sure. Personally I try and understand why the prices there are what they are. If a game's price is below the historical low and the best bundle price ($/game) the only logical conclusion is the keys are stolen.
  • avatar Actually I do want them, they're just not high worth at my sources, and I felt it would be better to trade off the whole TR collection to one person rather than split it and seek different traders for each part. What would you consider worth one of those?
  • avatar As for the deal, it doesn't look like you really want my games, and tomb raider games from the 90s are a pretty low priority of mine.
  • On the occasion that I've checked the region locks on fanatical keys they've always been global.
  • avatar 3 for 3, humble giftlinks should work anywhre, but I'm worried about fanatical codes, any idea if those will work outside of CA?
  • The "unidentified" source is the CdAction games mag from Poland. Checked to activate in different countries around Europe(BG, PL, TK), but does NOT activate in RU. Counteroffers welcome, best just contact me on steam to negotiate Overview
StDrakes Trades will send 3 of these tradables

in exchange for

MacerV will send 3 of these tradables

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